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I then returned to my ship quarters to think about their offer, Arc continued to try and convince me, but I continued to deny it.
"Look. This is the perfect opportunity to find out more on the Scattered." Arc insisted, I decided to finally respond.
"Okay, I get it, I know you want me to help them." I said. "But this isn't my issue to deal with."
"Why is it you won't listen." She said angered.
"Because I don't want anything more to do with this war." I said. "It's hard enough as it is."
I then went to the cockpit to relax, Arc stopped me before I left.
"Just do the job, for them at least."
I left without responding. As I continued to think about their offer in the cockpit, I eventually began to think about what the New Brotherhood was trying to gain, a means of stopping the Scattered before I went back to Arc.
"I'll do it." I said as I found her.
"Finally reconsidered." She said with some annoyance towards me.
"Yep." I explained. "So what are we doing anyway?"
"Hanes told me everything. They want us to head for an old mining colony on Imperium, they said the Scattered activity there spiked up real high." Arc said briefing me on the job.
"Okay then. Let's get going." I said as I got in the cockpit and took off for Imperium...

September 11, 2859. We arrived near the planet a few weeks later, Imperium was once a colony solely created to simulate the small towns of Earth on a planetary scale, but unfortunately, the planet was one of the first to get destroyed when the Scattered first appeared.
"There it is." Arc said seeing the planet's scorched surface.
"Looks like Scattered have been here awhile." I said.
"Then let's get going and see what there up to." She said as I landed on the planet near an abandoned military outpost, luckily there were no Scattered for miles. We eventually left my ship and looked around just to be safe.
"How far?" I asked.
"Scattered are this way." Arc replied. We then went towards the Scattered's main operations, it took a while, but we eventually made it before Arc scoped out the area, there were thousands of Scattered all over the place, we eventually saw a scattered decked out in heavy armor plating and he was talking to a beaten up mercenary. Arc activated her audio scope to listen in. The spoke in some ancient dialect that was impossible to translate.
"For the last time! I don't understand!" The man yelled before the scattered knocked him on the ground.
"Relic." The thing said before two Void Warriors grabbed the man.
"I won't say anything." The man said as he was dragged off.
"We have to find out what there both trying to dig up." I explained.
"We could, but their drills are too heavily guarded." Arc said. "We have to try something else."
I then saw the man and both warriors headed for an open area to probably torture him.
"I have an idea. Wait here."
I then went towards them without getting spotted and killing both warriors quickly and keeping the man at gunpoint, just in case he planned to run or fight.
"Tell me what I want, and you maybe won't die." I told him.
"Are you crazy! You shouldn't be here! This place is a death trap!" The man yelled.
"As if that's stopped me. Talk!" I yelled.
"Okay! Okay! What do you want?!" He yelled annoyed.
"What was you drilling for?" I asked.
"A relic, some treasure every blasted faction is paying millions of credits for. They keep saying it will bring salvation for humanity. That's all I know." He replied, I got distracted by his response until he was shot by a small group of Scattered Grunts that apparently spotted us. I took a grenade and threw it before running, the explosion killed the grunts, but it alerted the rest of the Scattered in the area. I ran back to Arc and we both ran before they could kill us...

We ran for hours away from the Scattered dig sight after seeing that they sent Siege Crawlers to hunt us down. We had to hide before they found us, we luckily found a small colony house to hide in as the Siege Crawlers passed by and completely missed us. "So what are they drilling for?" Arc asked me.
"There after a relic of some sort." I said before we heard footsteps came into the house, we hid and waited to strike.
"Look for supplies quickly." A voice said before we jumped out and had them at gunpoint, they pointed their guns back at us in response.
"Who are you?" Arc asked.
"That's what we want to know." The leader replied. "We're mercenaries. That good enough." I said.
"Still doesn't explain why your here." He said. "Seize them now."
Two more of his men then jumped from behind and quickly disarmed and tied us up.
"Let's go." Their leader ordered as we were being dragged behind them as they took us to their homebase to be questioned...

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