Occupation of Olympia

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"I'm sorry, infiltrate the Impenetrable?" Arc said, confused after hearing Nerium's plan. "As in the Brotherhood's maximum security base?"
"Yep." Nerium replied smiling.
"The New Brotherhood actually have a maximum security base?" I asked, unaware of this.
"Well, they found it abandoned on Olympia's eastern hemisphere, far from the city. The place was probably built during the Grand War years ago." Nerium explained. "Second, it was built to house factories, prisons, mines, everything to support an empire. However, the NHR recently started building more of its army out there, mostly those robots."
"Verdi's is expanding his whole entire army, enough to conquer every planet in the universe, even beyond if we don't stop him." I said, annoyed knowing this. "So what's our plan, капитан?" Hanzo asked.
"I think we'll leave Nerium to that." I replied.
Nerium grinned already having one.
"We can use the power tunnels that connect the city to the Impenetrable, follow that right inside." Nerium explained her plans. "Once inside, we free all the prisoners and have them to raid all the NHR's weapons and assault the fleet above. We can signal your allies when we deploy and secure the place, sounds easy right?"
"I suppose, lead the way." I replied.
Nerium instantly led us to the nearest power tunnel, we walked into it and followed it all the way to the Impenetrable.
"So Nerium, by any chance do any of these prisoners said dangerous?" I asked, now rethinking her plans. "As in?" Nerium said, confused.
"Hate the New Brotherhood and Ironwood." I replied. "A few, but I'm sure they'll listen to me, promise." Nerium replied,
I trusted her a bit, but I figured she knew what she was doing.

We eventually got inside the Impenetrable, taking cover to avoid getting caught by the legions of robots ahead.
"That's not a good sight." I said worried.
"We're gonna need a bigger gun, капитан." Hanzo commented.
"Yeah, let's hope we can free enough people." Arc said firing a grapple up to the walkways above.
We climbed up and saw the army Verdi had ready, millions of NHR robots, Crimson Guards, and Tanks armed and ready for battle.
"Nerium, by any chance does the facility house an EMP?" I asked, coming up with an idea.
"Maybe, why?" Nerium replied grinning.
"Because I'm about to give Verdi a big wake up call." I said smiling.
"Okay then, let's get the prisoners first. Then the EMP." She said.
"No problem." I replied following her.
We followed her to the prisoners control room. I was immediately suspicious afterseeing no guards the whole way there, either we got lucky or it was a trap. We soon made it into the controls only to see the prisoners lined up below us in the prison, the controls were busted as well.
"What did they do?" I said worried.
Nerium gritted her teeth in anger seeing the prisoners below us.
"My people. My allies are down there!" She yelled in anger. "What is that fool up to!"
Ravus’ AI then appeared behind us.
"Welcome, to their execution Nerium and Norway." He said smiling. "Do it!"
We then saw all the prisoners get killed right in front of us by NHR troopers. Nerium lost it and shot the transmitter showing Ravus.
"You stupid! Son of a…! AUGHHHH!" Nerium yelled as several troopers soon opened fire on us.
Nerium gave me a device of some sort.
"Use it, it will stop the facility. Go!" She yelled, rushing the troopers.
We ran back towards the room where we saw the NHR legions, destroying any troopers that saw us. I realized it was a hard drive and turned towards the facilities command terminal. After fighting through several squads of NHR forces, I arrived at the command terminal and plugged it in.
"Kill codes initialized in 2 minutes." The terminal announced.
NHR tanks soon arrived and opened fire on me. I kept trying to distract them until the codes activated, one of them soon rushed me and had me pinned to the ground, with Ravus appearing to try and stop the codes.
"No no no! My army, this can't be, Norway you fool!" He yelled.
"Kill codes loaded. Commencing systems destruction and reset." The terminal announced.
"No.#$_(;[<>~." Ravus’ AI collapsed and deleted in front of me, along with the NHR robots on Olympia beginning to shut down. After I freed myself from the disabled droids grasp, I relayed Arthur to send the reinforcements as I left the facility.

We returned to the Abnormal and took off to join the combined NEK and New Brotherhood fleets arriving above Olympia. They were already decimating the enemy. Just as I thought we won, Verdi transmitted to our forces.
"Foolish imbeciles! You think I've lost just because you stopped one occupation, I still have an army capable of occupying hundreds of world’s Norway." Another fleet of NHR carriers arrived near our fleet, launching every last fighter it had on us.
"Abnormal to fleet, prepare for attack." I ordered joining the battle. "We're not out of this yet."

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