Relics Part 2

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October 2, 2859. I was returning to Olympia to get the payment for completing my task, but as I entered the system, a massive NHR carrier jumped behind me entering the system as well. I instantly contacted Captain Hanes.
"Hanes, come in!" I yelled on the intercom, there was nothing but static.
"Jammed." I said to myself. "Got to warn them."
I then piloted my ship full speed towards the surface to warn the Hanes and the New Brotherhood before the NHR carrier was right on them, several of their warship's were already taking off when I landed, with Hanes also waiting for me when I landed. "Norway, good to see you." Hanes said.
"Guess you already know." I replied.
"Yep, get your ship in the air, I'm coming with you." She explained.
I nodded as we got back in my ship and took off, and waited with the rest of the fleet for the carrier. The carrier arrived shortly later and opened fire
"All ship's, return fire!" Hanes ordered the fleet.
The Brotherhoods ships instantly returned fire, but the enemy ship had prepared something as it tanked several flak rounds. As the brotherhood continued to fire on the enemy, a massive lightning bolt fired from the carrier, instantly destroying two of the brotherhoods cruisers and sending them crashing towards the surface.
"What was that!?" I yelled in shock as an unknown transmission then came on my ships intercom as well as the brotherhood fleets.
"This is the General Malek of the NHR." He broadcasted. "Our fleet has obtained the means of destroying the Scattered, and our enemies. Surrender and we will see that you die quickly."
The transmission ended as the brotherhood continued to open fire on the carrier as it prepared a second shot.
"Captain, our weapons aren't crippling this thing, we need a new plan of attack." One of the ship captains explained on the intercom.
"Understood, standby for now." Hanes replied as I focused my gaze towards the carriers massive cannon that was still charging.
"I got an idea, take control." I replied before leaving the cockpit and grabbing a jetpack and a couple thermal charges.
"What are you planning?" Hanes asked with concern.
I quickly smirked. "A bit of danger close." I replied jumping out of the ship and activated the jet pack, sending me flying towards the carrier as flak rounds travelled around me. My plan was to damage the ships cannon using the charges I was now carrying. I eventually got near the ship's new weapon and planted the charges directly on the cannons mouth. Once I planted both charges, I flew back to my ship, but the carrier had noticed me and turned a few of its heavy cannons on me. I luckily dodged the incoming flak rounds and quickly boarded my ship.
"We set?" Hanes asked as I returned to the cockpit and took control.
"We're set." I replied detonating the charges. A large explosion instantly followed and not only decimated the cannon, but disabled all the carriers weapons and shielding.
"All ship's. Fire!" Hanes yelled on the intercom.
The fleet took the advantage and began to decimate the carrier, but it quickly rushed into space and fled, escaping the system with their lives intact.

After the battle was won, I landed with the remaining cruisers to figure out what that weapon was, considered I had never seen or heard of a weapon of that power on any warship. As we landed, Douglas met up with us once we got off my ship.
"You came back?" Douglas asked me surprised.
"Got a job to finish, but you have two things to explain." I replied annoyed. "One, what was I really sent to Imperium for? And two, what was that weapon I saw?"
Douglas and Hanes froze up for a bit, but eventually answered my questions.
"Okay, here's the truth." Hanes explained. "You were sent to Imperium to find an ancient relic of some kind, and that weapon was apparently the relic."
I instantly went from annoyed to full on enraged.
"I should have realized, you people are always hiding some god forsaken secret!" I yelled before walking towards my ship.
"Wait Norway." Douglas said stopping me. "We didn't care what happened to it." I was surprised by his response. "We hire mercenaries for those task, because we don't want or need to use those relics." Hanes explained more. "You could have kept, destroyed, even sold it for al, we know."
"So you want me to just find these relics?" I asked.
"If you wish to, we know of more relics across the universe, we can provide the locations if you wish to find them. All we want is protect our people here." Douglas replied.
I thought about my recent predicament, I had the opportunity to gather a means of possibly destroying the Scattered, becoming the richest man in the galaxy, or anything I could think of. I just needed those relics.
"Give me those coordinates, I'm getting those relics." I said.
They nodded and gave me the coordinates, I nodded back and boarded my ship to find the closest coordinates, Primordial, was the closest planet with a relic. I felt determination and driven to find those relics, I then piloted my ship off Olympia and towards Primordial, towards the first relic...

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