New Regime

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We watched as Aurora's surface was destroyed before our eyes, it was completely scorched to ashes, it was far worse than the damage the Scattered did years ago.
"Oh. My. God." Sauna said, stunned in fear.
Verdi's transmission continued. "This is our new power, a power unrivaled by any. Surrender, or we will destroy your cities, your people, and we will show you the power we hold. We will show you the empire that can end humanity’s struggle! Even if we must do so by force."
Verdi had finally lost it, he no longer protected Humanity, he wanted to enslave them for his twisted regime. Another object eventually shot down towards Aurora, this time the surface slowly changed to grass.
It shot a terraforming seed, a piece of tech used since the first colony that adapted a planet's atmosphere and surface when shot into the ground. "Verdi needs to be stopped." I said "We can't let him leave Aurora alive."
Sauna agreed with me and we followed the Anubis and some of his fleet down to Aurora's surface. The Exodus once again reshielded the planet as we entered the system and flew far away from the NHR fleets to safely land.
"Brings back memories don't it?" Sauna asked as we flew over Aurora’s rejuvenated grasslands.
"Yeah, it's been ten years since we've been here." I replied.
Aurora was our home, and we saw it be destroyed, and now rebuilt within the span of ten years. Once we landed, we immediately went towards where the NHR fleets were on foot. Before long, we eventually saw the ships unloading pieces of a building one by one, and attaching them quickly. They were setting up their capital on Aurora. We both looked around the area for Verdi, but we only saw Crimson Guard and engineers everywhere.
"He's not here." I said annoyed.
"I think I know where he is." Sauna said pointing at the Anubis, guess it made sense.
We quickly went back to the Abnormal and flew towards the Anubis, cloaking before we got into range to avoid getting shot before eventually landing within the warship.
"Okay, find Verdi." I ordered. "Then kill him."
"If he surrenders, we will capture him right?" Sauna asked.
I was surprised she said that, but it made sense if he did, given their history together.
"I guess, but no promises." I said entering the Anubis, only to instantly get attacked by Crimson Guard.
I took cover to avoid getting killed, Sauna eventually joined me and took one down before taking cover with me.
"This isn't good." Sauna said.
"I know, we need a way through." I said, as I started looking around before seeing an exposed missile near the elites.
I shot it, causing the missile to launch forward and explode, killing or stunning the elites long enough for us to move past them.

We soon reached the ship's power supply before Verdi and two elites with shields found us. The shielded elites were quick to get in front of us and prepare to fire.
"If it ain't Daniel Norway, and Sauna Fox." Verdi said holding his 1911 at us.
"Leave her out of this, I'll finish what you started." I said defending Sauna.
"Please, you both are a pain in my plans." Verdi explained. "Do you remember what my favorite event in history is?"
"How could I forget, you're about to cause something similar." I replied.
"Say it." Verdi said, smirking.
"World War II. You were always a sucker for ancient conflicts." I replied, unintentionally reminiscing for a moment.
"The NHR is no longer some simple military defense force. The New Human Regime now stands ready to bring a large-scale war to anyone that stands in the way of peace in the universe!" Verdi yelled. "Kill them."
The elites opened fire on us. We fired back, but their shields absorbed the shots easily. Sauna took cover while I kept deflecting their shots away.
"Daniel, we can't break them." Sauna said.
"They can't hold up forever, come on." I said, rushing into them.
As I attacked one of them, I grabbed their shield and pushed him off the walkway, making him fall into a reactor below us. The other elite attempted to shoot me, but Sauna distracted it long enough for me to cut him down.
"That was close." Sauna said tired out.
"Let's finish Verdi off." I said following where Verdi went.
Eventually arriving at the ship's main reactor.
He shot his pistol at us as we entered the reactor. "You think you've won, it's only the beginning." Verdi explained. "It's the end for you."
Verdi fled as more shielded Crimson Guard entered the room and fired on us. We quickly took cover and returned fire before getting overwhelmed.
"We're outnumbered, we can't take them." Sauna explained. "We have to go."
I looked and instantly knew she was right.
"Okay, but this ship ain't gonna be standing." I said throwing a grenade into the reactor before we ran, evading any troopers in our path.
We quickly entered the Abnormal and took off just as the Anubis caught fire and exploded in a flurry of lightning, fire, and debris.
"Let's get out of here." I said attempting to flee the planet.
I eventually remembered the Exodus had shielded the planet as new NHR fighters deployed when they saw us. Sauna luckily shot them down as I fled. Eventually more fighters began to attack us as we were surrounded by several destroyers.
"Crap!" I yelled as the destroyers prepared to open fire.
Eventually though, another fleet appeared on the other side of the shield, it was the New Brotherhood. "Abnormal, this is the Spyglass." The intercom relayed.
"Hanes, glad to hear your voice, care to help us out of this." I replied.
"Roger, all ship's engage the enemy." Hanes ordered.
New Brotherhood and NHR fighters eventually swarmed Aurora's outer orbit, as we continued battling the NHR destroyers on our end. Holding out until Hanes broke the shields above us…

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