Battle over Aurora

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I evaded NHR destroyers and fighters while the New Brotherhood tried to get us out of Aurora. Me and Sauna continued to keep the ship's on us, crippling their numbers until the shield broke.
"Abnormal, where gonna attempt to disable the Exodus long enough to get you out." Hanes relayed. "Got it, give it all you got." I replied.
"Alpha team, target the exposed generators." Hanes ordered her fighters.
A squad of Brotherhood fighters began attacking the Exodus, but their attacks barely did any damage, so I decided to attempt an attack run on the Exodus, but had no luck.
"Daniel, we're running out of ideas." Sauna told me as more destroyers showed up.
"I know, Hanes will pull through." I replied confidently. "I'm sure she will."

The Brotherhood fleets kept its assault going on their end, probably thinking of a new plan to break it's shielding over Aurora.
"Norway, our fleets are holding positions, but we can't find any openings yet." Hanes explained. "We need more time."
"Well I would hurry." I replied annoyed. "We can't keep this up."
The NHR destroyers were starting to close in on us, we needed a plan now. We eventually flew near the Exodus' lower engines and generators. I shot at it with the MAC guns, causing the generators to overheat and shut down the main engines.
"Hanes, we brought the Exodus into emergency power mode. Light it up!" I yelled.
Several Brotherhood ship's focused fire on the Exodus, eventually the shields flickered off. I put the Abnormal into full speed and joined the battle in orbit before the shields flickered on again. "Abnormal to Spyglass, we're clear." I relayed.
"Good, let's get moving." Hanes replied. "All ship's prepare for a tactical retreat."
The intercom instantly came on. "Not so fast, you think you can escape us." Verdi transmitted. "Deploy the anchorship's and surround them."
Two modified NHR destroyers appeared over Aurora near the Exodus as we attempted to flee, but our warp drives didn't work.
"Norway, they got us trapped, all ship's destroy those reinforcements." Hanes explained. “This battle isn't over yet."

The NHR began to open fire again, I flew with the Brotherhood fighters towards the remaining enemy warship's.
"Norway, we need those anchorship's destroyed." Hanes ordered.
"I'm on it." I replied. "All squads, focus your attack on the anchorship's."
"You got it, Abnormal." One of the fighters responded.
We then began several attack runs on the NHR's new ship's, we damaged them, but they continued to hold up. The ship's eventually fired on the Brotherhood warship's, taking out one of their destroyers.
"This battle is getting out of hand, we need to get out of here." Hanes relayed.
"I got an idea. Sauna, take the helm." I ordered as I grabbed an oxygen mask, jetpack, and a couple of explosives.
"Norway, don’t get yourself killed." Sauna said knowing my plans.
"I'll be okay, promise." I replied, shooting myself out of the Abnormal into space.
I flung towards one of the anchorship's exposed catalyst drive, a device that jammed warp drive systems preventing any ships escape, the reason we couldn't use our warp drives, Several Crimson Guards came towards me as I planted the explosives, I shot a few down before escaping towards the second warship, but the remaining elites shot my jetpack, causing it to shutdown and make me drift in space.
I was stuck directly in the middle of the space battle, I eventually saw an NHR fighter coming towards me. I grabbed onto it as it flew past and hijacked it, putting on a collision course for the second anchorship. Before it collided, I jumped out as the anchorship’s catalyst drive exploded, destroying it as the explosion damaged the other one seconds later.
Sauna flew past and I boarded the Abnormal as she did.
"Hanes, it's clear." I said retaking the cockpit.
"Good, let's get out of here, now!" Hanes ordered.
The Exodus opened fire on the Brotherhood with everything it had, destroying several destroyers and carriers before we activated warp speed and escaped.

June 16th, 2860. We arrived at Olympia with Hanes and the remaining Brotherhood ship's. I landed the Abnormal inside the Spyglass' hangar to talk with Hanes.
"Norway, been a while." Hanes said seeing me.
"Yeah, guess you got Verdi's deceleration." I said. "The whole universe did, Verdi has every fleet, faction, and government scrambling into war. The New Human Regime will put us into chaos." Hanes explained. "We need to go all out on Verdi, we need allies."
"I know a few people, they may help us." I said. "I'm certain of it."
Once we reached the surface, I instantly contacted Da Vinci, to see if the Mercenaries Network could help, but no reply. He probably hid out somewhere to avoid getting in the crossfires of war. I then tried Arc and the Redeemed, nothing, I guess they had their own problems to deal with, meaning the New Earth Knights were our only choice left. I contacted Arthur.
"Norway, good to hear you." He said. "Please tell me you got the relic."
"No, I'm with the New Brotherhood right now. Verdi is on a warpath."
"We heard, I'm sending your team to pick up Ironwood, set up a possible alliance here. Maintain your position." Arthur ordered.
"Got it." I replied.
Hanes arrived as I finished up. "Any luck?"
"Da Vinci and Arc are out, I did get Arthur." I replied. "He wants Ironwood to meet him on New Earth." "Okay, will just have to wait." Hanes said. "Let's inform him immediately."
I followed Hanes to where Ironwood was currently positioned to inform him of everything. The uneasy crisis has finally boiled over. The next Grand War had just begun…

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