one-shot rules/prizes, etc!

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so the feedback on the one-shot idea chapter was really good, which really brought a big ole smile to my face. :) SO much love for you guys and your support. seriously, it means the entire world.

so i'm just going to jump right into the rules since i blabbed on and on about how much i love you & how appreciative i am... even tho i can't even start to say it enough :) you rlly are the best.

okay, okay. anyways.

1) the one-shot contest begins November 15, 2017

2) the one-shot contest ends on December 10, 2017. (the end date might be extended. thoughts?)

3) the chapter must not exceed 4000 words. this contest is solely run by me (jay) because rhee is super busy, and i just really want to give back to you guys/let you write things in YOUR perspective. i don't mean to sound rude or anything when i say it must not exceed 4000 words, the only reason i say this is because i want to have time to read them FULLY & every single one that comes in.

4) the one-shot can be written in any of these POV's:

5) you can really write about whatever you'd like. i want to see your creativity and imagination!
6) the one-shot can be sent to be over Private Messaging on Wattpad, or to my email which will be below:

6) don't hesitate to make it your own story and post it to your page! you can even make your own cover & banners, and just post the link on my message board when you're done!

7) HAVE FUN! i don't want you to feel like you're limited to anything. i want to see your imagination (as i stated before) and your guys' creativity! i LOVE seeing your comments, there's probably going to be no words to describe my excitement when i see your one-shots!

8) PLEASE do not get intimidated by other writers. everyone has a different writing style and everyone is a great writer in my eyes. please remember that. everyone is equal in my eyes <3

9) (last one I promise!) please do not email me repeatedly asking when the winner will be announced. i don't mean to sound rude, but it will take me a few days after the end date to pick my winner. please be respectful & patient (even though being patient is THE HARDEST THING EVER.)

1) will get their one-shot published in this book as an actual chapter.
2) will receive a follow from me (not much of a prize HA)
3) will receive a shoutout on my page
4) will also receive their books' (if they have any written) link(s) in a chapter
5) will get to help me write a chapter that will be dedicated to you! :)
6) will also get to help me pick the winner for the NEXT one shot contest (if there ever is one!)

1) will receive a follow from me
2) will receive shoutout on my page
3) will help me write (yet another) chapter & will get it dedicated to them!
4) will get the link to their one-shot posted on my page

1) will receive a follow from me
2)will receive shoutout on my page
3) will help me write a chapter & get it dedicated to them!

do you guys have any more ideas for good prizes? leave some comments if you do. i'd love to hear some!

anyways, thanks so much to those of you who are going to participate! i am looking forward to seeing your work 😚

if you have any questions that weren't answered in this chapter, please comment or message me and I'll be happy to answer your questions!

happy writing!

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