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"Maybe he'll give up sooner or later."

I looked at Landon, chewing on my bottom lip. "Or maybe he has something meaningful to say. Would he really be trying that hard to get in contact with me if he didn't?"

"No," Brenna said, shaking her head, "nope. We're not doing this again, I'm not allowing it."

My chin fell in my palm. "I just don't know what to do."

"You ignore his rich ass," Brenna said, "that's what you do."

I looked at her, tilting my head over.

"If I had a better answer, I'd give it to you," Landon said, "but I really don't."

Brenna looked down at her phone. "Hey, I have to go. I'll be back around ten probably?"

I knitted my brows together. "Where are you going?"

"Out with Zee," she casually stated, slipping into her jacket.

I smiled. Before I could say anything, she opened the door and closed it behind her. I lifted an eyebrow and looked up at Landon.

"Since when are they such great friends?" I asked, grinning as I slipped out of my stool.

He chuckled, gripping his hips. "Well, when you and I started spending longer days at work, she and Zayn became attached at the hip."

I nodded, retaining the information.

"Is someone jealous?" He asked.

"Oh, no, I'm not jealous. I mean, yes, he was my friend first-"

He cut me off. "I think you're just fine in the friend department. I think they want more from each other than to be friends."

I smiled. "You didn't let me finish."

"You see it too."

"I'd have to be blind not to," I said, "they're cute, it works. You know what also works? You and I being single and miserable."

"Speak for yourself, I'm not miserable," he grinned, winking. "I have a shift tonight. Gonna make it without me?"

"I'll be just fine," I said, smiling as he walked into his bedroom.

I leaned over the counter and checked my charging phone. No notifications, nothing for the first time in what felt like forever.

I took a few minutes to clean up dishes, anything to make the time pass. Landon walked out of his room, pressing a kiss to my cheek. "I'm gone. I'll be back at eleven. Do something proactive, my love!"

I smiled. "I'll make the night count."

He winked before leaving. I grabbed my phone and scrolled through my contacts to get to Santiago's name, but froze when I got to it.

Did I actually want to call him? Did I actually want to make it right?

I bit down on my bottom lip as I tried to decipher. I went through pros and cons in my head, and had nearly talked myself out of it before my phone began to vibrate.

Incoming call:
Santiago King

I panicked and dropped my phone on the counter. I let out a sigh, calming myself down before answering the call.


The line was silent for a second. "Hey, Adora."

"What do you want, Santiago?" I asked, fighting the undeniable butterflies in my stomach. I wasn't quite sure if it was butterflies, or if it was pure anxiety.

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