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"Good morning."

I turned around as I grabbed my shirt from my bed, smiling at Adora. She smiled and pushed herself off of the threshold, walking into my bedroom.

I wasn't sure how to react around her. Definitely now.

She lifted her eyebrows, her hands in her back pockets as I slipped into my shirt.

"Everything okay?" She asked, shooting me a warm smile.

"Yeah," I answered, "why do you ask?"

She shook her head. "Just making sure there's no trouble in paradise."

I smiled, brushing past her. "Nope."

She grabbed my wrist before I could walk away, pulling me into her. I looked down at her, clenching my jaw.

I couldn't help myself as I leaned my head down to hers, resting my forehead against hers before pressing a kiss to her intoxicating lips.

I stepped back before I could get too carried away, letting go of her. I gripped my hips and walked away from her, earning her eyes.

I exited my bedroom and she followed. I jogged downstairs and into the kitchen, watching her cautiously brace her elbows on the counter from the corner of my eye.

I opened the fridge, grabbing out the orange juice. I opened the carton and pulled it up to my lips.

"Okay, did I do something?" She blurted, earning my eyes from over the fridge door.

I shook my head. "Why do you ask?"

"Because you've been acting a lot weirder than you typically would."

I chuckled, placing the orange juice back in the fridge. "I'm not acting weird."

I knew I was. I was acting as weird as I possibly could, and it wasn't intentional. But I had absolutely no clue how to handle feelings. At thirty-five, catching feelings should be nonexistent.

"You are," she said, closing the fridge door, "and I wish it would stop."

She gently wrapped her arms around my middle from underneath my shirt, resting her chin on my chest.

"You're so beautiful," I muttered.

She lifted her eyebrows, backing away from me.

"Sorry," I said, shaking my head, "I-"

"No," she said, "d-don't be sorry. It was just surprising, you usually pay me put-downs before put-ups."

I couldn't help but to crack a smile.

"And for the record," she said, gently patting the counter, "I think you're beautiful too, even though you already knew that."

I smiled.

"Thank you," she said, looking confused, "that means a lot."

I lifted an eyebrow, waiting on an explanation as to why she was so confused.

"Learning to take compliments," she quietly muttered, nodding with a crooked smile.

I nodded, shooting her a smile. We stood in an awkward silence for a few seconds, staring at eachother, before the boys came barreling in the kitchen.

Homewrecker (BOOK 1) Where stories live. Discover now