Chapter 13

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This day scares me most for reasons pass my birth. And now. Now she's in labor. She's in labor.
"It's okay, Nin..."
I'm not sure what to actually say. I tried to take this pain away but I could not. Nor the human drugs.
I compelled this hospital. This floor is ours. And it's of a small town, so no real big human threat.
I put a barrier on the hospital. Protect it and its beings. Protect from any demons or monsters. I've done everything possible.
She crushes my hand but I'm lucky I can't feel it. She's so much stronger than she looks. If I were human, I would be screwed to ever use this hand again. It's got to be broken completely. 3very time she would stop squeezung, I can faintly hear the bones trying to replace themselves to heal
The contractions are heavy. They are so close together. And it was all really sudden. She said her father visited her, warned her of things. Things that worry me but at least I have a bigger hope that she will make it out of this.
I'm scared. Scared of all the things that could go wrong. I have a right to be scared.
The doctors around us do what they can, do what they're told to do, obey my command. They give her medication but it doesn't help her one bit. I hate how I can't take her pain away.
"Val.." She breathes out heavily.
"Yes, love? What do you need? I can get you an.."
"Stop worrying."
I bring her hand to my lips. "Don't ask me such things."
I try to calm my worry but it's no help. I just want to comfort her. I want to take her pain away. I hate seeing her in pain.
"Would you like to see?" The doctor asks me.
Ninfa lets go of my hand and I walk over to see. I didn't think I would see Ninfa this way but I also am glad I am. The baby, she's beautiful. She has a halo glow that shines and it's interesting.
I walk back to her side and she takes my hand again. She rebreaks my bones as she pushes. It seems like forever but the baby is finally out. The room glows with the baby and she cries. It makes me smile and somehow cry to the beauty of it.
Ninfa seems to grow better with each passing second. Of course she would heal quickly, she's an angel after all. I'm more than thankful for that in this moment.
The baby is brought over to Ninfa and she takes her in her arms.
"She's so beautiful."
Dakota opens her eyes. The.. they're so beautiful. An amethyst color.
"She's so beautiful, love. She's so beautiful."
She's got Ninfa's nose. And her ridiculously adorable dimples. Her hair a deep brown is color, like her mom's. I've never been more happy to see our daughter look more of Ninfa than me. Makes her more of an angel than she already is.
I lightly brush over her cheek with my finger. An image is sent through me. An image of me... of me smiling.
I feel tears fall. I lean over and kiss Ninfa's forehead. I give her the image Dakota had given me.
"She did that?"
"Let's get you two out of here?"
Ninfa looks as if she had never been through pain. I'm glad for her healing. I hate when she is in pain. I really, really, really hate it. But it doesn't mean I won't make her take it easy.
I slow time around us and make the doctors forget. Make the mess disappear. Make it seem as if a magical baby didn't just get born in a small town hospital.
Once done, I resume time and teleport Ninfa and Dakota home. I lay her down in the bed as she holds Dakota close.
"Do you need anything?"
"Not now. Maybe a bottle or two premade."
"On it. You stay in bed."
"I'm okay, Valerie. Healed. No pain. I even got my belly back. I don't feel fat anymore."
I laugh lightly. She was never fat. But I'm glad she's healed. But like I said, she doesn't get off easy.
"Stay in bed. Rest. Rest with Dakota. Even if you're healed, you need to take it easy. I won't have you draining your energy."
"You're going to keep me on bedrest order, aren't you?"
"Damn straight. Now, you stay, I'll be back in a few minutes."
"Fiiiine." She groans.
I quickly run out. Put together several bottles. Grab a few for the mini fridge and microwave in our room. I grab the cradle I made and a few blankets, a few other things she will need, diapers and more.
Sort of packed a little bit. Just sleep with us for a night or two. The tiger runs pass me and almost trips me in the door way. She makes instant friends with the baby.
"I shall guard you forever."
Ninfa laughs lightly. As I set everything up, I can see sleep grow in Ninfa's eyes. The baby is already asleep. I take her from Ninfa's arms.
She's so beautiful. Has Ninfa's features. Some of mine. And has an off halo glow. Perfect little angel.
I'm proud. I'm proud to look at my babygirl. She might have been born on the worse day of my life, but she made it the best day of my life. She's the best birthday gift I have had.
"She loves you."
"She loves you too."
"Will she love me?"
"I have no doubt, Misty." Ninfa scratches behind her ears.
I place Dakota in the cradle. Misty rocks it slowly with her tail. I climb in bed and hold Ninfa close to me.
It's like the day had catch up to her and she starts to fall asleep. 41 weeks and 12 hours of labor. I'm sure she's more than tired, even though she's healed.
She kisses my hand and sighs. Though so close to sleep, she tries to hang on.
"I'm sorry for your hand."
"It's okay. I'm alright. How are you feeling? Are you in pain?"
"No. Tired."
I kiss her cheek. "Sleep, love. I promise, I will wake and take care of her if she cries. And if I need help, I will wake you."
To my words she falls asleep. I begin to fall asleep too. And as I fall, I make it to where it's light but still gather rest.
I fall asleep. At the ready to take care of Dakota. At the ready.

After a few minutes, I finally get it. Finally. Fuck, I never thought it would be so damn hard.
"Get it?"
I groan. I hate when she watches me because it makes me so nervous. I nod to her anyway.
"How come I got it first try and you didn't?"
"I'm not perfect, love. I try though."
She laughs at me. She kisses my cheek and then picks up Dakota. "How about we take her out? Joel doesn't know yet."
"Oh. Right."
The first week slipped by fast. I'm still learning diaper shit. We haven't even told Joel yet. He probably thinks Ninfa is still pregnant.
"So yes?"
"I guess so."
I head feels fuzzy for a moment. And an image appears in my mind. Of Ninfa kissing my cheek. I didn't even touch Dakota and yet she sent that to me?
"She's very powerful. To send an image without contact."
"She's like you in so many ways."
Which scares me. Ninfa knows it does. I know I possess love and love may be light but I also hold dark. I am a creature of the dark. I do not wish her to be like me.
"Get her swaddled and stuff and then we can head out. I'll teleport, I don't want you to lose your energy."
"I said so, Ninfa."
"Okay, okay.." She walks off to take care of Dakota.
I get up and make a bag for Dakota, to go bag. And as I finish she emerges with a swaddled and covered in a few blankets Dakota. My loves.
I wrap my arms around Ninfa, Dakota wrapped between us. I teleport to Joel's place. I gave him the penthouse and he was greatful to take.
Instantly he is circling.
"Oh my gosh."
Ninfa offers Dakota to Joel. Joel takes her and sits down with her. He rocks her and she falls asleep.
"She's so beautiful, guys."
"She is." I agree.
Luke walks in and an instant smile is gained. They love her. It's wonderful.
I watch Dakota closely, though I've already guarded her on spells in all ways possible. I did that before she was born.
Dakota is like a battery that is fully charged and possibly could overspill. Her power is strong. Almost like a beacon. I've hidden her as much as I can but it's hard to contain her vibrant power source.
I hold Ninfa close to me. She kisses my cheek and I sigh to it.
"I'm so glad you two are back together." Joel smiles to us.
"When did this happen?" Luke asks.
"My birthday."
Joel chokes to my words. I feel tense to the subject. I admit, the day is forever changed.
"Are you alright, Valerie?" Joel speaks, though fearful of my answer.
"She turned the worse day of my life into the best. I'm more than alright."
"Must have been one hell of a birthday present." Luke says, he has no idea how perfect his words fit with my pass and present.
"It was."
"How are you feeling, Ninfa?"
"I'm good. I'm not fat anymore."
"You were never fat." Joel and Luke both say.
"I would strongly agree. You were just carrying our child. That doesn't make you fat. End even if you were hefty, I would have no problem loving you the same."
"Cute." Joel smirks at me. I roll my eyes to his remark.
"I'm healed. Just on a 'take it easy' sentence from Valerie."
"She would have good reasons, Ninfa. Though an angel who heals almost instantly, you did just have a baby. And you should be taking it easy, resting, regaining any energy you had lost and haven't regained yet." Joel says.
"I agree. Valerie has her reasons to worry." Luke says in a concerned voice.
She curls closer to me and I hold her. They would be right. I worry a lot about Ninfa.
Though she is way over protected, I still worry that there might be a small chance. I have rights to worry. Rights to protect.
They're mine and so shall be protected as such. No harm will ever come to Ninfa or Dakota. Or Joel.. maybe even Luke.. ever.
I get a really odd feeling... The building starts shaking. I'm up quickly and grab Dakota. She sleeps though... so.. it's not her? It's not her power breaking through my hiding.
I walk over and look out over the balcony. A sight. A bad sight. I slow time.

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