Chapter 37

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    Directing this shit is so easy.. When they listen to you properly.
"Sorry, my lord." The giant bows.
"Just help me out, would you?"
    The giant nods and begins grabbing things to do the ceiling. As I start on it, the others and a few demons are gathering supplies and bringing them to me. I'm getting this done fast. They offer to build but I don't need the help. I just need everyone to stay out of my way but bring me the stuff I need to in order to do this.
    Half the roof goes up before the sun peaks the skyline. The time here from our house is very different. While nearly 6am, there it's around 6pm there. And meaning I'm a little late home.
"Go home. Regroup when midnight here is."
"Yes, Sire."
    I teleport home. The house smells good. And filled with screams.
    I walk into the kitchen and she's on the counter. Dakota is on the floor holding a spider. Even I'm creeped out.
"Mommy look."
"We don't play with those, babygirl they can hu.."
    Before finishing the word Dakota screams and starts crying. The spider drops from her hand and Ninfa grabs her quickly. I sigh and take care of the spider.
     I wrap my arms around Ninfa, holding the crying Dakota between us. Ninfa kisses the top of Dakota's head and she stops crying. At least she won't turn into Spider-Man or some human shit.
"What a wonderful way to be welcomed home."
    Ninfa starts laughing at me. Her laughs make me smile. Her laughs make Dakota start laughing.
    I pull back and take Dakota from her. "You shouldn't play with those. Don't do that anymore okay?"
    I kiss her cheek. "Let's eat babygirl, momma worked hard to cook us dinner."
    Ninfa gets things set out as I prepare Dakota for dinner. And as usual she eats it greedily. Like a pig but impressive.
   After we finish we all cuddle on the couch together. Becoming our nightly thing.
    I don't even get to hold Ninfa anymore, honestly. Dakota always holds my hand. It's sweet, cute, adorable and I absolutely love it.
"What's up, babygirl?"
    She climbs in my lap fully and curls close to me.
"Have a long day, Dakota?"
"Can you tell me about it?"
"Momma. T..Tv?"
    I nod to her pronounce. She continues with a smile.
    I nod again. Her smile grows as she continues speaking to me.
"Buggy. Food."
"And do we mess with those bugs?"
"No." Her face turns into an angered face.
    She curls into my stomach and begins to suck her thumb. We tried so hard for her not to but it doesn't matter. She's too cute for her own good.
    I let her sleep in my arms for a little while before taking her up to her crib. I love holding my babygirl as much as I can. As much as she will allow me to.
    Climbing into bed I'm grateful. Ninfa climbs on top of me and straddles my hips.
"How was your day, Nin?"
"Turn my back 5 seconds and she brings spider from the outside. She explained the rest."
"You healed her?"
"Thank you."
"What? For what?"
"Being an angel. Literally."
"Though it's strange she managed to get hurt. I put most protections on her before taking hell. I should reprotect her."
     She leans down and kisses my cheek. "How was your day?"
"Working with smelly giants to build. Got half the roof done. Going to do the inside tomorrow after the roof."
"I finished the schooling today."
"While she took a nap I took my chance."
"Oh, you must be tired. I'm sorry."
    She tilts her head to the side. Confusion fills her eyes. "Why sorry?"
"You had to work yourself. And you made dinner. And screamed like a little bitch over a spider."
"Screamed like a little bitch."
"Too much? I don't mean it so offensively."
    She laughs loudly to me. Or at me. But I feel bad now. Maybe I should have rephrased it.
"You're fine. You're right, I did scream."
"I mean, you scream for me. But not like that. Anyway, forgive my wording."
"You didn't say anything wrong if it was right. Don't worry. You're alright."
    I lean up and kiss her lips lightly. She falls into the kiss and I feel her love for me. I'm in smiles to the kiss and so is she by the time it parts.
"I'm proud of you."
"Proud of me? Cause I kissed you? What?"
"No, Val." She laughs out.
"You confuse me, love."
"Proud of the way you got all this done. That you lead but don't let power consume you. A good leader. And you're doing good for Dakota."
"I'm just doing my best, love."
"And your best is more than enough."
     I lean up and take her lips in another kiss. Claiming them for my own for the rest of forever. Starting something I will always give more than all she and I can handle.
    Dakota clings to me. Angry. Angry that I have to leave.
     I sigh. I'm glad I put protections back on her or I wouldn't offer...
"Care to join me as I do the school? I'll cloak both of you and you have to watch her but.. She can.."
"I guess. Up to you."
"How about we get you ready to go out? You can come to work with me but you can't leave Momma's side."
"Promise you won't leave her side."
"Fly." She says to Ninfa.
"I'll hold you and we will fly over mommy."
"Okay." She yells and runs. She runs fast.
    I kiss Ninfa's cheek quickly. "I'll see you soon."
    I teleport to the school. The giants show as the sun goes down.
"I have a guest coming today. You do not see anything but the task that is at hand. Do you understand?"
"Yes, my lord." They say as one.
     I notice a light in the sky and I instantly cloak so only I can see. Along with protection of many. And now to begin my work of the day.
    With in barely any time I finish the roof. I have to freeze the world so many times to gather supplies again. But begin the inside.
    I fly up to my loves and resume time.
"Hey, babygirl. Pick a color." I hold up a few colors for the inside.
    She points to a rather beautiful blue, almost the color of Ninfa's eyes. I laugh lightly to her choice.
"You got it, babygirl."
"Yay." She says in a giggle.
    I lean in and kiss her cheek. As I start to fly off, she speaks to me again.
"Wings. Boo..Bootiful."
    I laugh lightly to her. "Thank you, babygirl." I love her and her trying.
    Flying off, I begin the inside. It doesn't really take long with the help. Though I'm sure I could manage faster with frozen time and on my own.
     Ninfa and Dakota go home before I am given the chance to really say bye to them but I understand.
"The desks, Sire." I'm pulled from my working trance by a giant.
"30 to each class."
"What of the nursery?" A demon asks.
"Leave it to me. I'll take care of that once the rest of the building is up and running."
    I turn the the demon butler. "The other demons get the building lighting and plumbing working?"
"Yes, my lord."
     I wipe my hands on my paint covered pants. Just another ruined. Luckily I don't have to work too hard to get more.
    The sun rises. "I won't need help tomorrow. Go home, the giants whom asked to teach, learn your grade over the weekend."
"Yes, Sire." They all scatter off in their own directions. I watch them leave before taking my own leave.
    The noises of running feet don't catch my attention. Her snacking into my leg like a ton of brick does though. She falls to the floor with a thud.
"Hey babygirl."
"What's up?"
"Nothing." I correct her.
"Close enough."
    I pick her up and we walk into the kitchen. Ninfa about to start cooking.
"I can cook, babe."
"You worked. I'll cook."
"Dakota thinks I should cook."
     Ninfa sighs and nods. She takes Dakota from my arms and I begin cooking.
"How much did you manage to get done?"
"Well, the outside is done. Nice and pretty. The inside still need a some work. The desks have been brought in and other things that the classes will need. Needs to be painted. Then I have to set up the nursery. Other than that, though, it's going well."
"You're awesome, babe."
"A..ah.. ahwsome."
"Close enough, babygirl." I laugh lightly.
    She's so young but yet mind is growing quicker than her body is aging. Not a bad thing for it to be like this but can either call for genius or just slow growth compared to brain strength.
"You want to tell mommy what you learned today, Dakota?"
     It takes everything in me not to laugh. Or die of the cuteness.
"I loph mommy."
    Her vocabulary is skyrocketing. Has been since she hit one. Now coming on two, I think she's a fast learner but slow grower.. That's my logic of it.
"I love you too, Babygirl."
    I set the food down for everyone and we all begin eating. Dakota done after Misty, cause no one eats faster than Misty, she's like a fucking hoover.
     And the night routine begins again. Though this night, Ninfa lays on my lap and Dakota lays on top of Ninfa. Basically I'm smashed between Ninfa, Dakota and the couch.
     I'm not complaining. I'm cozy. Too cozy even. And I'm so tired. Feel like I haven't slept in so long. Maybe because of all work I'm doing. Maybe, maybe not.

    A kiss to the cheek wakes me. It's Dakota. Standing in front of me with Ninfa behind her.
"Yeah, babygirl?"
     I sit up and she climbs into my lap. I'm so tired, I could fall asleep again. I feel bad I can't even stay awake enough to offer my wife a pleasing she deserves. But it doesn't matter much.
    I get up and take Dakota to her room as she falls asleep. This kid has got the right idea. Sleep is golden.
    Finally climbing into bed after stripping, it's one of the best ways to end the day. And when your wife climbs on top of you and her warmth is like a blanket, it's all the more better. Or when her bare skin touches mine and the warmth between us is perfect.
"You alright, Val?"
"Just tired, my love."
"You've worked too hard."
"Tomorrow I'm going to just paint and organize things in the school. Then Monday, we will worry about opening it."
"The school will be at night time for that area, right?"
"So the monsters can safely go, yes."
"That's good. I like how we chose the timezones. It works out well."
"Indeed it does, love. My brilliant wife."
    She turns a red and laughs lightly to the compliment. Embarrassed or maybe shy. A sight I love from her.
    After a moment, her lips claim mine. I hum to the beauty of it all. The love that flows between us. The passion. The happiness. It's all so precious to me.
"Let's rest, baby. I know you need the energy."
    I resume the frozen time and start drifting to sleep. Though we weren't sexual, I just hate having such short time to be with her alone. Freezing time seems to be the best option for just a couple more seconds. Or hours...
    The further I fall, the harder it is to speak but I finally manage to give out my treasured words.
"I love you, Ninfa."
"I love you too, Val." She says softly.
    I fall asleep to this. My wife. My warmth. My world and everything.

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