Chapter 43

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I don't mind this. I mean, we have intimacy because we love each other. But now it has more meaning than love. More purpose than giving pleasure.
I kiss her forehead. She sighs.
"Can you stop time so we can sleep more? I don't want to get up in a few hours."
Channeling power for a set timer. Setting for a few hours from now, the time will resume then and so we have extra time to rest. I kiss her cheek when it's set.
"You're awesome."
"Babe. I'm tired. I'm overpleasured, like always. And about to fall asleep. You honestly think I have a brain to speak from right now?"
"With the way your words are worded, no."
"It's cute though. I understood."
"Sleep, love."
"How do you not get tired after?"
"I do. Just hold myself until I know you're asleep. I like the way it calms me."
"I love you.." She says in a soft whisper and I know she's now falling out of it.
"I love you too."
She holds on to me tightly and I her just as. As she sleeps, her soft breaths and warmth and light weight all balances me in peace.
If I'm all magical, could I not be able to hear her heartbeat if I tried? If I focused, I should be able to.
I focus on the empty noises. I just want to hear her heart beat. I just want to fall asleep to her heartbeats.
Catching a sound. It makes me smile to hear. Her heartbeats, I feel it against my chest as she lays skin to skin but to hear it now. It makes me even more happy.
To the peace. The warmth. The love shared. I fall asleep.

I sit crisscross in front of Dakota and her class. Waiting for Luke to come back. All asleep but babygirl.
"I was in a meeting, babygirl. Why did you call mommy?"
"Miss you."
"I miss you too, Dakota. But ma has to work and so do I. You are suppose to nap and then play."
She wraps her arms around me tightly. I hold her close to me.
"What's the matter, babygirl?"
It takes a second and she's actually asleep. Luke takes her from me and lays her down. He sighs.
"I'm glad you let me have this job."
"You and Joel love with all your hearts. I couldn't let him stay where he was with me. He's safe here. He helps here. And if I'm not mistaken, it did give him the courage to ask if you wanted a baby and now look."
He smiles widely. "She's beautiful. Though she likes her sleep like Joel."
I laugh lightly. "See you later, Luke."
I teleport back into the circle of counclers. "Continue."
"The east coven can no longer be trusted. They're unregistered. Breeding for an army. They'll make an uproar."
"They'll make the world know of our existence, My lord. They must be stopped."
"Where's the inside man? I want proof before I go cutting off heads."
"Inside man was slaughtered, Sire."
"Do they hold followers?"
"A coven as large as theirs, no. They just want enough power to take you down."
I laugh to it and they all freeze. Fear shaken now in them. The first week, they didn't fear me but now I am feared.
"Were they able to kill Lucifer with these numbers?"
"No, Sire."
"So do you think they could kill me if I was the one who strikes Lucifer down? Alone."
"No, Sire. They might blow our cover."
"So we blow theirs."
"Forgive me, my lord. What are you implying?"
"They don't know I have this information."
"No, my lord, they don't."
"Drain their powers as shown before. Make them live as true humans."
"Yes, Sire."
"Anything else this meeting was called for?"
"Protection of the royal family."
"What do you mean?"
"We think you need protection from the guard."
"The army that I trained. And I haven't even taught my best moves. Not to mention you can't find my family when they're at home, I think we're good. Do as asked and guard the school."
"Yes, my lord." They bow and I turn around to leave.
"I want a report and location on the Zodiac. I'll go to the above to drag his ass back down here if I have to."
"Couldn't you use Sekia?"
"And allow his misery to end? His soul is bound to hell for the things he had done. I want him back to pay his eternal price."
"Yes, my lord."
I walk out and bump into my guard. I hate this door. I hate this castle. Who the fuck puts a door right here?
"Sorry, my lord." The giggler says.
"It's alright. What's the progress with hounds?"
"Any rogue ones on the above we cannot track, Sire. But down here they are chained and in their cages ready for you."
I start walking and the butler runs up to me.
"Are you ready to handle the.."
"No. No human is allowed to sell their soul to me. Just because I'm the devil, it doesn't mean I take souls like he did."
"I'm sorry, my lord."
"No demons take the deals offered by humans. If I find out any has, I want them executed."
"By you or guard?"
"Guard. If it's a really bad case, you know to call."
"Yes, my lord. Are you off for the eve?"
"Mhm. I'll be back tomorrow, of course."
"What shall you have me do?" The giggler asks.
"Take rest. Maybe get those idiots a new room with a better fucking door placement?"
She nods slowly and then bows. I take my leave back to the school. I want to have some fun.
I go invisible and walk into Joel's classroom. These kids hanging onto every word of his geekness. I whisper inaudible whispers into his ear.
His leg kicks out and I catch it.
"Hey Valerie."
I make myself seen. All the kids make gasps.
"Do you always have to kick there? You know we're trying for another, Joel."
"But I missed."
I raise his leg in the air and he hops. "I think I caught your leg and missing would be wrong."
"Be reasonable. Give me my dignity in front of my class."
I release his leg and laugh loudly. "Sure, sure."
"What gives us the honor of seeing you, my lord?" An older demon says.
"Just saying my hellos."
I walk out. Once out of view of the kids I flip off Joel. He smirks at me.
I turn invisible again and walk into Ninfa's class. Her back to the door and to the class, I slip into the seat in the back. My wife and all her damn beauty.
She turns and sees me but continues the lesson. I watch her teach and she does well. It seems these kids are like Joel's class. All very eager to learn.
I'm proud of this all. Her teaching. Her idea becoming a thing that these kids wake up and smile for. I'm proud of Dakota for making friends.
Though I'm worried that she can get me come with just mere missing. She wasn't crying when I got there. She just wanted me to hold her before she fell asleep.
The school bell rings. A sound that is fucking cringeworthy. At least to me.
I watch as each student says their byes and vanishes. Until it's my turn. I get up and walk over.
"What are you doing here?" She says in a graceful smile.
"Come to see my love and all her perfections, of course."
"And mess with Joel, right?"
"Yes, I did that."
"Didn't work out?"
"Well. He tried to kick me in my lowers, as usual. It's fascinating, honestly. He use to want it, now he tries to kick it."
She stands on her tippy toes and kisses my cheek. "All mine."
"Luke said she made you come to her today."
I take her hand and we begin our walk to the daycare. "She said she missed me. Nothing was wrong. She fell asleep in my arms and that's it."
"You were suppose to be in a meeting, right?"
"I was. But it's me. I have all command. Just it doesn't exactly look good. I don't care if I was interrupted, I just needed to make sure she was okay."
"What was the meeting about?"
"Another spirit got free. Famous asshole. Then the witches are joining and breeding to try and take me down."
Her eyes fill with worry but I can only grin to it.
"They couldn't take Lucifer with a coven of 30. I took him alone, I'm good. Anyway, they'll be stripped of power and remain with the true humans."
We walk into the daycare and almost all are gone. Tyler and Destiny and another remain. We allow Dakota to play with them until they're picked up.
"Have you heard any news?" Joel asks Ninfa.
"I would hear if." She sighs.
"Did you know the heartbeat of a fetus doesn't start until it's 3rd or 4th week?" Luke says and hands Joel their baby.
Dakota yawns heavily as I pick her up. "You tried, babygirl?"
"Well, I suppose we better get you home and fed then, hm?"
She pulls her thumb in her mouth and closes her eyes. Or you could fall asleep on me, right here, right now. That's good. That's cool.
"At least you know she loves you, Valerie." Luke says.
I notice a nice and wonderful amount of drool come down the side of her mouth.
"Oh yeah. That's love for you."
Ninfa giggles. The rare sound, one I love way too much. I'd tickle her if I could but I can't cause I'm always in male form and well.. She threatens.
"Alright, let's go."
Misty headbutts me and I teleport us all home. Dakota stays unchanged. Drool soaking through my shirt.
"At least it's drool and not something more gross."
"Would have no doubt I'll be getting that a lot once we make our addition."
Ninfa smiles widely. Gross topic but yet it brings happiness to think of a world where I have more that love me. I have Dakota, she loves me and she's amazing. But I want to have a big family because I know I have more than enough love to go around.
I still thank Ninfa for teaching me how to love. Now I just am so use to giving my love. I could do everything for Ninfa and Dakota and will. All of the love because they are my life but I have more love to give.
"I'm just going to summon. She seems to be too out of it to really wait to eat."
"Yeah. Good idea."
My favorite, chicken nuggets and fries. Ninfa's favorite, pizza. Dakota's favorite, CHICKEN NUGGETS AND FRIES. Cause I did right.
"You're ridiculous."
"I didn't say that out loud."
"You did." Leo headbutts my knee in a hello.
"Oh." I feel my cheeks heat up. "Sorry."
"It was a cute outburst."
"Hey. You made a few in the same manner."
"How so?"
"Her favorite color. You went over the moon cause she loves blue too."
"Blue is your favorite color too, smartass." That and red.
"Damn." I mumble.
"Come on, babygirl. We got to eat." Ninfa tickles the sides of Dakota. She wakes in giggles and falls off of me into Ninfa's arms.
"Nuggets." She says as she's set down.
"Mhm. Then bed." She just looks at Ninfa like she had said her damn dreams of life.
This is my family and all their ways. My love and her work. Me and my annoying job. But yet my perfect life.

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