Chapter 31

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    Nothing brings me more joy than to look into Ninfa or Dakota's eyes. The teal from Ninfa give Dakota small shards of the teal in her purple. All bring me joy just to wake up and see either pair of eyes gaze at me with love.
     Stuck in a small trance, I pull out of it.
"What was your idea?"
"I want to build a school. Like for the supernatural. There are very few demons that have love and they have children that only learn what they can from their parents. And though angels aren't so lucky, there are still the elves. Or even giants. A supernatural place."
     The idea sounds amazing. I know the demons that have loved because I had to approve their breeding as a new law to stop over breeding. Breeding without a cause other than to build numbers.
     I know of other creatures that are the same.
"I could learn online. You know how fast my memory is. I could learn to teach. I could."
"I think it's a great idea, love."
     I stop the time to just have this moment.
"I would need help. I don't think I can do it on my own."
"I know demons that could help, monsters too. We can find a small town, abandoned maybe. And then we can build. I could cloak it and everything for protection of the humans. This is an amazing idea. They can learn about each supernatural being, learn their heritages. Learn human things too."
    Her eyes shine bright. Like I just gave her the world or something.
"So you'd help?"
"Of course I would. Will."
"Is this happening?"
"I'd give you everything you could ever what. Literally."
     I think of.. of.. Joel's morph. I summon a kitten of it and it lands between us.
"Oh my fuuuck. It's so cute."
    It takes a few moments and Misty runs in.
"YOU ALREADY HAVE A KITTY." She growls loudly.
"Ninfa wanted it."
"Come on, Misty. Look at it. Look. It's fucking adorable."
"IF you keep it. IF. Maybe I'll accept it in time. Like I did with Valerie. Maybe. But I only protect Dakota."
    Misty storms off. Back to Dakota's room.
    The kitten cuddles between Ninfa and I, though we are rather close.
"Grant me one thing?"
"Just a kiss."
    I lean in and she closes the gap. I love her soft lips. I love the knowledge that they're mine and mine alone.
    I'll help her do this. I think it's a great idea. No one else has done this and being a leader, I can help. I will.
"You would be a great teacher. Teach the damned to be good." I lean in and kiss her forehead. "My love is so amazing."
     She laughs lightly. "I'm excited now. I didn't think you'd go for it."
"Mm. Think being spanked by the principal to get an A+ would be fun."
"What? Being honest. It would be rather sexy."
"Val.." Her voice turns to the whisper that drives me crazy.
"Too bad there's a pussy... cat.. between us."
"Why do you do this to me?"
"I'm not doing anything."
    I roll over and lay on my back, staring at the ceiling. Sexual frustration building and my throbs are starting. Seconds pass before she climbs on top of me.
    I'm confused. There someone else in our bed... I won't while animals are.
"It's on the floor. Probably best to stop time again because honestly, I don't think I want to stop once we start."
    I stop time and give her exactly what she asked for. Even in female form, I will give everything she wants and more. And I do.

    Of course.
"At least you're female."
"You still managed to knee me in the fucking crotch."
"I'm soooorrryy. Love me. Forgive me. Need me. I sorry." She talks in her sleepy voice.
"You're an asshole."
"Baaaabe. Love me."
"I do." I sigh through the fading pain.
    She climbs on top of me and keeps me down, though I know she is only doing it so I don't leave.
"I have to, babe. You know this."
"You don't. You really don't. You are leader. You can demand days off."
    I lightly kiss her cheek. "I cannot, my love. You'd think you'd be use to it."
"I am. But I also want your warmth."
    She nuzzles closer. And manages to slide her arms under me and hold me. I sigh to it.
"You know I love this, Nin. But I do have to get up."
"We could use one, yes."
    I get up and she holds on to me tightly. Each morning it's like this, since I've been back at least. Except the mornings I'm male, then we just make use of the situation given.
    She doesn't climb off of me for a good 5 minutes of the hot water soaking in.
"When do you want to get this school thing started? I can get you classes online quickly if you wish."
"That would be great."
"And we can build and everything during."
"I can't believe you actually want this too."
"I would give the world to you if I knew how to shrink it."
    She laughs at me, though I'm being completely serious. I would do everything for her.
"I do have to leave though." I say and pull on my shirt.
    Just as Ninfa was about to kiss me, Dakota cries. She causes my chest to hurt instantly. I slightly wince to it.
    Heading into her room, I pick her up and hold her for just a moment.
"I have to work, babygirl. I'll be back later. I promise."
    I hand her to Ninfa and sigh to my beautiful angels. "I hate leaving."
"You're reversing the situation. Get the hell out before I make you."
"Mommymommy.." the way she looks at me makes me instantly sad.
"I'll be home soon, babygirl." I lean down and kiss her forehead. "I promise you. I promise your mother."
     I teleport out before I don't want to. More than I already do. I feel like shit having to leave, but it will be okay.
    I stand before the troops.
"My wife has an idea that I believe would benefit most. I would like volunteers to help out with it."
"Yes, Sire."
"We are going to build a place where children of the supernatural can be taught. Children of the damned can be taught a better way of living other than through fire and destruction."
"How? No one can leave this please once here." The giggler asks.
"Do I not have a way for Joel to come in and out of hell as he pleases?"
"Yes, Sire." They all say again.
"I need all demon names whom asked for breeding approvals. All known demons that possess feelings too. Another set of lists with the same information for each monster and being known."
"No human?" A soldier from the back calls out.
"No humans. Humans do not belong in this life. Leave them alone."
"Yes, Sire."
      Almost forgetting. "First trained soldiers stay behind. Train the newest."
"Yes, Sire."
      I turn arouns and head inside as they go off and do my orders. Joel follows me inside.
"This idea, this plan. Ninfa is a genius."
"Yeah. I love her."
     He makes a gagging noise and it makes me laugh.
"What will you have me do in this?"
"Well, for one when it's all done, I'm getting you out of here. I do not wish to condemn my best friend to hell for all time."
"How is this all happening though?"
"I'll need to set a portal in the mortal realm."
"Or you can do individual like you did with us."
"I could, yes. It would drain a bit out of me."
    I'm not sure of my words. It's possible. But also possible not. My power only grows the more I use it. I could gift the power to teleport to each being, the ones who can feel humanity. Maybe.
"I thought your power didn't have a meter anymore."
"It doesn't. It's weird. When I had done the spell to go home in the first place, I had gotten a bloody nose and a headache."
"But you broke through 5 realms, Valerie. It would make sense. Plus you hadn't trained on your power yet."
"True, very true."
"Where is this all going down?"
"Not sure yet. I need you to do some work from above. Need you to make the order known, in case the army doesn't get to signal the above."
"On it. Will do."
     He hugs me and I.. I accept it. Love is such a beautiful thing, honestly. I've learned so much from being with Ninfa.
"Has Dakota said anything else?"
"Nope. Poopy, Momma and Mommy."
    He laughs to poopy. As I do too. I sit on the throne and him beside me.
    And here I was the immature one just what seems like months ago.
"She chanted fucking poopy the other night. I was dying. It was like I was watching her in a cheerleader practice and all they know was the word poopy."
    He holds his sides in laughter. Struggling to keep his laptop in his lap. After a good minute he sighs.
"Any ideas for adoption, Joel? Have you even asked him?"
"No. I don't think he would want to."
"You've been with him how long?"
"7 years I think."
"Do you want me to turn your dick into a puss.."
"NO, SHUT UP." He nearly screams at me in horror.
     I burst out laughing. His face all kinds of red. So flustered.
"Anyway. Sent email to everyone above on the monster list that you're looking for the help."
"I believe in Ninfa so highly. Just have a low belief in myself. Like what if I fuck it up? She goes down in a sinking ship because I ruined it?"
"It's going to work. Just have to get this set up."
"I also have to get her in classes. I know my tech because of you but I don't really know what she's going for. Then I have to build the school. I'm in a clusterfuck."
"Because you love her."
"With every bit of my being." I sigh heavily. The connection isn't strong enough to speak to her by mind, meaning she's taking the nap she always does about this time.
"I want to adopt. I do. But would a couple be willing to give their child?"
"Joel, this is a great chance. Your baby could go to school with Dakota. Be taken care of. I'm sure we will build a daycare until they can really start learning. And all being age differently, so it would be perfect."
"You're putting a lot of thought to this."
     I actually think I'm doing more than Ninfa. I'm excited. My angel is going to teach the damned how to be fucking angels. How to be pure. How to avoid being.. Like me..
"Yeah. It's a good idea."
"Already gathering list online from the mortal realm."
"Awesome. I think Ninfa will be excited."
    He nods. The butler demon dude runs in.
"My lord, rogue crossbreed has escaped."
    I rub my chest to the memories. I still hate the thought. The feeling of its teeth that dug deeper when you tried to take them out... I still feel sometimes.
"Armor up, Joel."
"I don.."
"Fine. Fine. I will."
    I quickly summon Sekia and take her out. The demons that guard me and the butler all bow to her, to me, in fear. But they also fear the blade I had created for Joel. I enjoy the fear.
    I take run outside. The hound has already been here and gone. The army and new trainees all downed. All...
      A few with their heads off.. I can try to heal them? But I shouldn't feel so bad for sating at least it was not the already trained ones.
    If Ninfa can do it. If. Maybe I can. Maybe I can heal them.
     I try my best to summon a strength. But all I can do is speed their heal time. Bites go from months to weeks which is good enough for me.
    Following the bloodtrail with Joel on heel. Wonderful it leads to the tower to only regrow the memories more. It's Joel that takes the first swing, the heart is struck but as it dies, two more appear.
"What the fuck?" Joel yells.
"Fun, aren't they?"
    I take the head off one and Joel does the other. His hounds head snaps it's jaws on the floor for a few seconds before dying. I managed a smile to it.
"My lord. Show mercy." The voice makes me roll my eyes.
"Hey, buddy. How you doing?"
    I walk over to him and put Sekia away.
"Give me a thousand or two in years. I'll be sure then that you have a quick death."
    I look over. Joel is laughing to it.
"He's got a really tiny dick."
"Is this the time or place to be talking of size?"
"Grower. Not shower." The blacksmith says with a red face.
"Valerie would be both."
"Joel. I'm not. We don't need to talk about this right now."
"Just making sure he knows who the man is. Who the boss is. Who owns who."
    How my dick has anything to do with this, I don't really know. Is it really a proof who's boss? Either way...
    I lift for a highfive and he takes it. My best friend and all the weird things we do.
"Alright, Valerie. I'll be back tomorrow with report and such."
     He waves off. I teleport down to the disaster area.
"My lord.." the giggler cries in pain. She was one of my best men.
"You'll be alright. You will survive. I've ensured it."
"Hurts. Please." She.. She pleas for mercy..
     What she's asking. I cannot. I just can't, it would seem wrong to treat her or any of my soldiers with such disrespect I had given the monsters when they deserved it.
"You will be alright."
     I take a moment and do a spell to put the demons alive into a sleep.
    The butler dude stands by me in an instant, shock terrorizing his face.
"Have the breathing taken to the hospital wing of the castle. They won't need much care other than bathing and new bandages. Have the rest of the soldiers take the day except a few to guard the cages."
"Yes, my lord. Right away."
    He runs off. I holler to him before he leaves sight. "Going home."
"Only if emergency." He bows quickly and starts running again.
     I teleport home. Right where I think she would be, asleep on the couch with Dakota between her and the cushions. My loves.
    My babys.

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