Chapter 33

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    The sadness hurts as I take my leave for the day. At least I can talk to her whenever she's awake for me to do so. She loves her naps as much as she loves me and cheese pizza.
    I kiss both of their cheeks before teleporting to work. Landing in front of the army like a superhero would after jumping off a building to be a dumbass. I enjoy their faces while landing this way though, it's funny.
"Do you have the lists I had asked for?"
"Yes, Sire. Mostly." The general appointed for the day walks forward with a usb.
"Thank you." I take it and pocket it.
"Yesterday a few of your brethren had fallen. A few of the new ones did as well. I need guards at the hounds gates at all times. Even if I spell the cages, it seems a few enjoy going crazy and find ways to slip through anything. A few top tier soldiers take guard there. The rest will be training the new."
"Yes, Sire." They say all at once.
    I turn to leave. Joel follows closely. As we get in the castle, I hand him the usb drive. He goes to work.
"I'm going to go check on the wounded."
"I'll look at what they have and what I have. Gather a list for you."
"Can you find a reliable online school for Ninfa? If you don't mind."
"I'll see what I can get you."
     I walk off to the hospital wing of the castle. Built by me because an empty room should be used. Plus, the soldiers use to cut themselves with the blades easily and most definitely needed help.
     The mess I walk into. No one awake, all down. My mind seems to return to the giggler asking for me to end her suffering...
    I go over to her side. She's not stitched or anything.
    The nurse walks in and I feel slight rage. "Do you not know how to stitch the wounded?"
"N..No, Sire."
     I sigh. "Bring me the proper things to stitch and I will show you."
    She runs off and does as asked. I think I scared her but these demons will not heal unless they are stitched. Each time the bandages are replaced, they would only bleed more... so really, it's logical to do this.
    She comes back with what I asked for. I begin stitching the giggler's wounds. The nurse wipes the blood off from around the sutures.
"Think you can manage?"
"Yes, my lord. Thank you. You're very kind and helpful."
"I'm not my father. I am in this job because I needed to protect my daughter. Now I know she will be protected, at least I can help defend humans better down here. And prevent any dangers elsewhere."
"I do not see you as your father, my lord. I never saw you as him. Your mother and I knew one day you would be everything to save us all."
"You knew my mother?"
"I could not save her. She just didn't heal fast enough."
"No blame. Finish stitching these soldiers. Then you can rest until time for changing dressing and bathing. I'll have you assistance for that."
"Thank you, my lord."
     I nod to her and walks back off to Joel. See how he's doing. What he's doing.
"The nurse thingy knew my mother."
"Valerie, my friend, my sister, my gay lover.."
"Scratch the last one."
     He groans. He will always keep that up I'll shoot him down though.
"Anyway. Almost everyone who works in the castle knows of your mother."
     I shrug and sit on the throne. "What you got for me?"
"The list is large. Surprisingly there is a lot more demons with love than we had ever thought before."
"Hm." I would imagine that some could feel and when they find true love, they do. Like me, I suppose.
"I've got a monster above list as well. There are giants willing to help build if you desire."
"Have you seen my house, bro?"
"How long did it take you to make that anyway?"
"3 days. The world was in slow motion the whole time. No one would have noticed anything out of usual. And I was also using speed to get around. I could build the school within no time, because now, I can fully stop time."
    Maybe I won't do that though. A school is a much larger project than my house was. It could be helpful to have others working with me.
"That is so cool."
     I sigh. I miss my love. The connection is there in our minds, I try.
"You should be napping? Like normal."
"Hey. I don't nap all the time."
"Ever since you were pregnant, you get a nap a day."
"However that may be, I don't nap all the time."
"So what are you doing? I'm bored. Watching Joel go through a list of a ton of beings willing to help, along with a long list of kids names."
"Dakota kind of spit up on me. I healed her, in case she was sick but other than that, I'm trying to find clothes."
"In the dryer. Didn't get to folding yet. Been a little preoccupied."
"I'll take care of it. I should be doing these things anyway because you're working and I'm the stay at home ma."
    The way.. I just hate the way she sees herself sometime.
    I think back to our wedding and give her the image I see of her. Her eyes shine so brightly. Her smile so beautiful.
"Do not see yourself as anything less than you are. I hate when you do that. If you could actually see the woman I see when I look at you, you would be amazed. I don't mind working here and coming home to work. You know my OCD would act up anyway. Don't fret."
"I love you."
"I love you too, babe."
    Joel looks up to me. I look through the list of names on his screen. All kinda of creatures, friendly and foe.
"This is the best plan I have ever seen. Valerie, Ninfa is amazing."
"Fully aware."
"This is the beginning of something new."
"I want you and Luke to be teachers. Well, you teacher and Luke in the daycare because he seems to love babies as much as you. But I don't know his skill pass combat."
"Understandable. Will be awesome."
     The day grows slow but finally comes to an end. "See you tomorrow?"
"Indeed." I give to Joel before he leaves.
    I get up and the butler bows.
"Emergency only." He speaks before I even have to say.
"Thank you."
     I teleport home. My land is a little wonky and I fall against the bed. I'm late, and she's already in bed. But it took me soooo long to get the nurse the training. I could have left but felt wring leaving Joel working overtime while I had left.
"I'm sorry I'm late."
"I know it's for good reason."
"It is. There are so many ready to help. And even beings that would teach."
    I feel terrible as I wrap my arms around her. Undressing and just cuddling. I just feel horrible.
"Val, are you okay?"
"No. I'm not. I'm late and I've never been this late."
    She rolls over and on top of me. "What did keep you so long?"
"I was teaching a nurse how to stitch the wounded soldiers. She.. She knew my mother and we talked for a little while about that. After that Joel and I took care of a few other things, your plans and yeah."
"See, helping. Leader. Your job. You didn't come home late on purpose."
"Soon you'll be working too and I just don't want to lose time with you."
"Do we have time right now?"
"I always stop time while we're alone. Until we sleep, you know this."
"Then we have all the time in the existence."
    Her lips softly kiss mine. "For anything we want to do." She kisses me again and I know by this kiss, I know what she's asking for.
    And as always, I will give as she wishes. Not that I don't want it, cause I do, always do. And will. Will never leave her unsatisfied.
    And on the moments before we both give on to severe exhaustion, the moments we barely hang on. Well, her... but.. All just to say that we love each other. Before we sleep, all to just say we love one another.
    I love this woman with all my being. I will give her everything I'm able to and more, sexually and everything else. To this woman I fall asleep to every night and wouldn't wish for anything else ever.

"I have to."
"Damn it, Val. I said no."
"Love, I have to go."
"You don't. It's Sunday. You said even today was a day off for the devil or whatever. Please."
"But we're working on your project."
    At least this morning she didn't knee me. Or kick. Instead.. she's doing something more deadly than a pain.
"I can't."
"But you want to."
"Of course I want to."
"Then stay."
"No. I can't."
"Yes. Please." She rubs herself against me and I hold the moan. The damn tease.

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