Chapter 48

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I hold onto Dakota tightly as I blink us home. The bed seems so much more softer than the one at Joel's. Maybe just has to do with it not being ours anymore.
It feels safe here. Nothing can follow and it's home. Though I hate that hell called Valerie for aid. Nothing I can do about it though.
With short time she's here. Her laying in bed with Dakota between us feels nice. I'm held as close as possible.
Dakota goes from my neck to Valerie's. I don't blame her, Valerie is rather comfy as a pillow. I mean, perfectly.
I feel myself give into sleep again. The day has been rather sleepy. Well weekend has.

Dragged into a familiar place once again. A place I use to know so well. Heaven.
"I have to thank you. And thank Valerie."
"I am back but I cannot take over heaven again."
"How and why?"
"I had been killed. And sent into the empty. Without Valerie, I would have been permanently dead. I have a battle I need to get back to. I just needed to say thank you."
"Do you not care you have grandchildren? Do you not want to be in their lives?"
"That child and the one you carry are far too loved to ever need me. Trust that what I'm doing is the best way to keep this world in existence."
"I thought you were the first of existence?"
"I am. But in my younger years, I created something. Something that was too powerful and I had it locked away. When it broke free, I had to leave heaven behind."
"And this beast, what is or where is?"
"Me. It's me. My darkside. I had felt so sick in the beginning with darkness within. I had to rid. The darkness keeps bouncing from realm to realm. If he enters the mortal realm, only Valerie can defeat him."
"You created Satan before you created Satan."
"You married Satan. Don't judge me if I do not judge you." He smiles.
I shrug. "Dakota would have enjoyed seeing you."
"Maybe when this is done, my child. Maybe when this is done."
He hugs me, which I find slightly weird because he never really had before. Not that I remember anyway. I hug him back.

Dakota's arm hits me in the face as she stretches in her sleep. I pull her closer to me, though she's pretty much already on me. I just hope she didn't hurt Valerie or anything.
"She wake you." Valerie speaks to me through our connection.
"She'll have a mean punch in a fight."
"I stopped time so we could all rest."
"So many reasons I love you."
Her hand lightly presses to my stomach. I hear a soft sigh from her, I know she can now hear the beats. I listen to them, soft and tiny but strong.
"You strained yourself far too much. Your ass is bedridden other than school."
"I'm fine though."
"I don't want to risk. I don't want to lose you. Or our child. So much stress. My only wish is that you didn't have to had gone through that. And I'll be sorry forever."
"It's alright, Val. I'm okay."
"Let's sleep for a few more hours. The day will start soon and we both need our strength restored to full."
"Did you save God?" I ask abruptly, curious.
"A story for another time, love."
I almost fall asleep. So close to doing so, actually. And I'm dead tired.
My mind continues racing for a moment. Searching for my reason of thought but I have totally forgotten on what I wished to say. Maybe it was nothing and I'm just too tired to care. Either way..
I fall asleep again. To my family here. The catkids on the floor on the side of the hed, Dakota half in my arms, half in Valerie's. Valerie's hand presses against my stomach, the warmth feels so soothing. I fall asleep to my perfect family.

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