Chapter 15

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   This is beyond annoying. Beyond a waste of time. Stupid, even.
"What did I just say?"
"I'm sorry Mistress."
    I press the blade to his throat and he whimpers in fear. It burns his skin as I add pressure.
"Your Highness, your ceremony is to begin." Someone runs from the closed doors and hollers for me to stop.
    I put Sekia away. Fear in the eyes of the demons whom surround me, all bowing their heads. I don't know how to rule a kingdom, I wouldn't know how to rule fucking hell. I have no choice, they could hurt Dakota and I won't allow it.
    I follow the demon whom summoned me and am lead to the throne. It's not my taste of a chair... but I have no choice. I mean, I do. This or Dakota. And doing this is for Dakota, so technically I'm back to no choice.
     The crown isn't bad looking though. It's heavy but I most likely won't have to wear it everywhere I go. If I go anywhere.
    I have to find a way out of here. The job comes with an upgrade, sort of. It's like a energy shot in a way, I wouldn't be confined to my powers at all as they are so lightly connected now to begin with.
    Basically, I'll be more powerful than Lucifer ever was and no one would be able to stop me. I'm not really going for the rule the world by taking over. I do this for Dakota. For her, for her and Ninfa.
"Are you ready to begin?" A demon with some weird robe asks.
     I nod...but I'm not, no. I want to go home. I want to go back home. I just have to remind myself why I'm here.
    The demon steps forward and places the crown on my head. Once his words are spoken and I agree to be the lord of hell. Lord of all dark... I feel this power. It disconnects me from the gauge I use to have to keep my humanity.
    I still feel like me. I still feel like I want to go home. Now I have power, more than I know, I just need to find a way out of here.
    I sit on the throne and people applaud me. Applaud my initiation. A happiness for them, a depression for me.
    I dismiss all of them. They go back to whatever the fuck they were doing. This is lame, I've already grown bored.
     At least I can call Ninfa my Queen. And Dakota my Princess. Who knows, one day we could have a Prince too.
    I shouldn't be thinking about that when Dakota is barely a week. And now I'm trapped in hell. I can't even see her. Hear her cries. I can't continue my learning to change her damn diaper.
     I get up and begin walking off. Being followed. I have guards now? I promise you I do not need them. I almost laugh to it.
    I head down into the dungeon. Memories flood back. But they don't hurt like they use to. They still haunt me, not as much though.
     I take a moment of focus. Making the dungeon impossible for capturing me again. Destroying every bond of power that ties to me. Me specifically.
    I just make it seem as if I was staring off. To make the guards believe I was having a moment. If they decide to strike me down, I won't be held captive again.
   Ninfa sleeps, I can feel her disconnected. I wish so much to be there. Have her in my arms. But I cannot.
"Show me my chambers. Not Lucifer's."
"Of course, my lord."
     I don't like being called as if I'm higher than the rest. But here, I'm fine with it.  If it were a human to call me such a thing, I would feel bad because we're suppose to be equal or whatever. But here... I'm not equal.
    I'm shown to a room. Dark. Nice carpets. Heavy black drapes. Bed looks as of it hasn't been touched in centuries. But sheets look changed.
"This was your mothers room when she was not with Lucifer in his. He was never allowed inside. She liked her privacy."
    I almost smile to it. But in the inside I am smiling. On the outside, I show little to no care at all.
"I want you to get the demons above to clean up their act. Get all the monsters back in hiding. I don't want any humans to know of our existence. That is their world, this is yours."
"Yes, my lord." He bows quickly and runs off.
    I close the door and fall against it. I can be strong while in sight. But I'm breaking down inside.
    I made a promise and I had to break it. Though I made a promise to replace it, it's not the same. I was meant to be there. I don't want this. I don't want this.
   I want to be home with my wife and our daughter and that fucking annoying ball crushing tiger who I love for some odd reason. I want to be home. It's not fair.
    I remind myself why I'm here. To protect Dakota. To keep the monsters and demons from getting her.
    I climb into the bed. The sheets have been changed for me, I can see now. The bed is uncomfortable. It's not, it's actually really nice, but it's not our bed. It's not my bed. It's just not.
    At least this is my mothers room. She would know what it's like to be trapped in hell more than anyone else. I have some freerange but I can't leave the realm.
"Nin?" I try to focus my words to her.
    Still feeling her disconnection, I give up. She needs the sleep. Her and Dakota both will be protected.
    I fall into sleep. Trip And crash face first into it.. I don't know how I would have even sleep in this place if all energy hadn't been drained out of me.
    I sleep. I sleep in this. My mothers room. In hell.

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