Chapter 24

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A fire. A burning fire that seems to never go out. And I want her. I want her now.
"I can think of a few things."
"Oh really? Do tell."
I lean down and lightly bite her ear. The sound of her breath getting caught in her throat in a gasp, makes me more hungry.
I pull back slightly and jump down from her. She looks at me in confusion and I take my chance. Pulling down her jeans and boxers, I take her in my hand and start massaging. Her moans are soft, beautiful and addicting.
I feel her grow in my hand. I lean down and lightly lick the tip and it gives me a louder moan. Her moans drive me to want more, to give more pleasure. Slowly licking from the base of her shaft to her tip a few times and she's fully ready.
I take her in my mouth and lightly suck on her tip while stroking her shaft. She's in nothing but constant moans. Her moans are causing my lowers to throb, throb massively.
I want her full taste. I want her sweetness. I want to take it all.
As if she were reading my mind, she comes for me. Her sweetness is mouthwateringly good. I take all of it.
The movements are quick. I'm on the bed in an instant and she pulls off my pants and panties. The feel of her tongue trying to soothe my throb almost makes me instantly come for her.
She lightly sucks on my clit and I'm in loud moans to it. I love this feeling, the feeling of her lips anywhere on me is deadly pleasurable but this tops. Her fingers slip in and I moan loudly to it.
She brings me so much pleasure by doing so little. She even said that she really wasn't doing anything... But she is. And it's to die for.
Her fingers thrust in me, she's searching for a release. I know her game like she knows how my body loves this. Her fingers speed up in me and I feel myself coming.
"Valerie..." I call out for her in the release.
And as always she switches places. And no matter what, when her tongue enters me, I almost always come for her.
"Val.." I call out again.
She's going to drain me. I know she is. I know she loves to give me so much pleasure it's too much. I love it too.
Her fingers take place at my clit and she rubs me. I tremble to it. Tremble to the pleasures she's causing.
It's bliss as her tongue slowly goes in and out. It makes me want her in more ways than this. More.
But she pushes for another release, I gladly give. And as I always will, I call out her name. "Val.."
She sucks on me for a moment and I know she's taking in my come as I do for her. As she's done she stands. Her shaft slowly slides along my clit and I make moans to it.
She starts to push herself in my entrance and I'm in instant moans. I feel her deep inside me before she ever connects our hips together. She's so big.. so.. perfect.
I pull her down and take her lips in mine. But short lived by a ripping sound. My...
"Not my shirt."
"Technically, Ninfa. That shirt was mine. Plus, I want to see all of you." She pulls her hips back and quickly thrusts forward. Hitting my insides hard and making me moan loudly to the pleasure it brings. "Unless you don't want it."
"You can rip all my clothes off any day."
Her length throbs in me. Or.. I throb against it? I can't tell which but I need this, I need her.
"Why must you tease me?"
Her hands dig under my back and unhook my bra. I become the nude that she desired.
"Have I ever told you have good this feels?"
Her hand lightly traces down to my clit but stops before touching..
"Stoooppp. You're being a tease."
"I'm enjoying your warmth."
I feel my face turn a deeper red than it was before. Sexual frustration growing.
"You're so perfectly tight."
I swear she's growing bigger in me. If that's even possible... I'm unbelievably hungry.
She pulls her shirt off and bra. Her bare chest makes my mouth water. The absolute beauty.
I bite my lip to it. To the dark cloud in her eyes. To the constant tease.
"Biting your lip is bad."
I release my lip to speak. Something... something comes over me. I need this more than ever with her teasing me like this. I need relief.
"Fuck me."
Shock. Her eyes fill with shock but makes her smirk.
"You're being quite naughty."
"Fuck. Me. Now."
Her hips withdraw from mine and cause me moans to feel her rub against my insides. She stands for a moment, her tip teasing my entrance.
She doesn't. She only teases me more. It angers me in a way.
I grab her and throw her back against the bed. Pinning her down I manage to sit properly. Causing me great moans but hers soft.
"I asked. I told. I want."
She unpins herself. "So you shall receive." She holds my hips and thrusts upward quickly.
I'm in moans and about to start the orgasm I always do when she does this... And to start off with is a deadly thing because I know I will probably be so tired after. ...but I can't stop myself from the orgasm as it begins.
To each thrust I feel myself coming more. My moans are more scream than actual moans and my body seems to be on fire. I'm saying her name in repeated form to each.
It's like nothing tires her. She has unlimited stamina and she's using it well. She's kept me in this bliss for I'm not sure how long but long enough for me to actually grow tired from constantly coming for her.
I'm shaking. Trembling. My moans are all screams of pure pleasure..
She thrusts up once more, harder than the others and releases in me as I release more for her. I fall against her, still shaking and growing more and more tired by the second. She kept me like that much longer than she's ever really done before. Damn good.
"D..Did I go too far?"
"You did that on purpose."
"Yes. But did I go to far? Did I hu.."
I lean up and take her lips in a kiss to stop her. Always worried. Always afraid I'll be hurt.
"rt you?" She continues going anyway.
I pull back and sigh. "Trust me. I'm more than pleased."
She leans in and bites my lip. I feel her shaft grow against me and all the weariness turns into heat and a want for more. Again.
She releases my lip. "I'm sorry.."
"Why are you sorry? You make no sense."
"I know you're tired."
"I stop all time for our time together. I know it lasts a lot longer than an hour."
"I'm curious. How long?"
"Once it went for 5. I can't remember others."
"And this one?"
"Not sure yet."
"Fine, fine. But I don't know exactly. I was a little focused and majorly distracted."
"Majorly distracted?"
She's got me pinned quickly. I feel myself throb the more closer her lowers get to mine. For a moment it's all changed.
She straddles my hips. Her hard length rests against my stomach. Only making me more hungry. Again... I'm so addicted.
"Distracted by beauty."
"What do you mean?"
Her hands go slowly up my body. Until they rest on my breasts.
"So my body is beautiful to you?"
"Of course it is. But it's not why I love you. It's a good reason why I love pleasuring you, though."
I laugh to her response. Even though I'm throbbing for her again and her warm hands on my breasts, I'm ignoring the turn ons..
"It's not funny. Yes, I love your body because you're absolutely beautiful and perfect. But I love your soul. I'd do anything just to see it shine in your eyes. Like now, how you show love and your soul is easy to be seen as it shines just for me."
She would be right about the love. Each time I look into her ruby eyes, I feel myself falling in love all over again. I never stop falling. For her.
"Romantic. Yet you still have me in a rather naughty placement."
"Yeeaaah. I was trying to be like sweet. But then I realized that I'm in this position."
"It was sweet. But doesn't help the turn on."
"So you're turned on?"
"Val, seriously?"
"Simple question."
"Yes. Yes, Val. I'm turned on. What are you going to do about it since obviously you are too?"
"What would you like me to do, love?"

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