Chapter 57

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    It's the strangest sound I've heard in my life. Almost tops anything that's ever really melted my heart. Working with the fairies and I just hear this light thudding in my ears.
    A sound I can only assume to be one thing. And it means Ninfa was right. But it also means a lot of other things.
    I cannot nor will not enter hell in this state. This child will never lose their grace, neither will any other child we bare. I will set a bade for me at school so I do not have to enter hell for this time period.
     What I find most interesting is how I heard the beats. I didn't catch them this morning. Not the night before either. It's just that it was random.
     I'm working on making this room, kind of outside area, safe for learning flyers. I'm just carrying a log and then I hear this sound in my ears. At first I thought it was the fairies hovering over me again.
    At first it was that that I had thought of. But it wasn't that at all. The fairies aren't near me at all really.
     I listen carefully and hear the tiny beats again. I almost smile to it but would rather not because it may show a weak side and the fairies are dicks enough as is. They're rude but yet are pretty.
     I still fear what could be. It's all what ifs though and aren't reliable. It's just one of those things you have to follow through with so you can see the outcome.
    The outcome for this child is far from knowledge at this point in time. I cannot predict its power. I cannot predict its light. I can only hope that the baby is as light as Ninfa. Or Dakota.
    The night is over with. Or day. The students leave but I stay. For a lot of reasons.
    I slip into Joel's classroom and lock the door.
"Hey Valerie?"
"So. I'm pregnant." I say immediately. Say it now, say it fast and maybe don't be a pussy. All fair.
"Oh wow. You alright?"
"Yeah. Just need you to know. Cause you're my best friend and all."
"Ninfa know?"
"Not yet. When we get home, I'll tell her."
"You let her do that to you?"
"The experience wasn't as pleasurable as our regular but yes. And I had more blocks up than ever. I shouldn't have gotten pregnant. But Ninfa did hold a dream like this. That I was in her dream. So it was a possibility and like now it's true."
"I'm glad for you. Though you got 3 now, you know that, right?"
"Yes, Joel. I'm aware. I need a favor. Could you make an appointment for Ninfa. We want to know the sex for sure. We know the Marcus said male but we want to be sure."
"No prob. Good luck telling Ninfa."
    I nod and we leave his class. Babygirl riding on Misty's back, passed out as normal. Ninfa takes my hand and I lightly squeeze hers.
    Teleporting us home, I start dinner.
"So, Nin."
"Found something out today. Something I think you'd be happy for."
"Leprechauns agree?"
"No, not yet. I haven't made my invitation to them. But something else, I'm sure you'd like. Or I hope."
"Spit it out, Val." She says with a sigh.
    I guess I am beating around the bush. I know she wants this and I think I do too. Just a matter of really saying it to her. I don't know why I'm nervous but I have to get over it, I suppose.
"I'm pregnant." I say and turn to face her.
"You're playing with me?" Her face in a slight shock but I can see the hope of it not being a trick. I could never trick her in such ways.
"Nhm. Not playing, love."
    She listens for it as I do as well. Tiny little beats. I listen further and hear Ninfa's bigger set of beats. All this is more than I had pictured. More happiness to have a family. To have people whom love me.
"You are.."
    I can see a tear run down her cheek. And all I can say or really do is..
"Mhm." ..and stand still like a deer caught in headlights.
"This is amazing." She says with a growing smile.
"You could say so, yes. I just heard this tiny this in my ears. It was so strange. And out of nowhere at all."
"Yeah. You're 4 weeks. If you were, the babies beat should have started between 3 to 4 weeks."
"I'm glad. If seems silly but this gives me so many mixed signals. Be happy, be sad. Be worried, be care free. So many things."
"I'm glad. I don't hold worry though. I have no doubt that our child will grow dark when we share so much light."
"I can only hope that it's that in the future."
    She hovers to my level before I start dishing out the plates. She clings onto my back like a monkey. It makes me laugh to it. Luckily she's keeping light enough pressure on the babybump that it doesn't harm her or the child.
"Minx, not yet. Monkey, most definitely."
"Not yet?"
"Of course, love."
"Do you find our sexlife boring?"
"Oh no. If you had my stamina, we would be going for hours longer than normal."
"So it's not bad?"
"It's addicting."
     She lightly bites my neck in several places. I love this. Teasing me to add foreplay, as I do with her.
    We eat dinner. Dakota dozing off between bites. She's almost 4 and I'm nothing less than shocked so.
    It doesn't feel like 4 years have passed. She grows at human pace but now I can tell she's learned well. She forms ling sentences on her own without pronouncing errors.
    She's got the walk, talk and run. Purple eyes that suck you in. A smile and giggle that can only bring happiness to hear.
    I love her and all she's becoming. I'll take care of her until she no longer needs it. I'll be here for her for every tear. I'll be here for her brother that Ninfa carries. I'll be here for my carried.
    Dinner done and ate, I take Dakota to bed. Her bed now a real bed and against one wall with still a small barrier to keep her from falling off the bed. She's grown so much, it seems.
     She doesn't let go when I try to put her down.
"Babygirl, it's nini time."
"I hold mommy."
"Do you wish me to hold you as you fall asleep?"
     I do as such and hold her close to me until she falls asleep. Ninfa seems to have gone to bed and not waited for me. I don't know how long this actually took but I assume longer than she wished to wait.
    Sometimes Dakota will want this from Ninfa. Other times it's me. I think there is a cycle, honestly. Every other night.
    I sigh lightly and put her to rest. She still sucks her thumb while she sleeps. We tried to get her to stop but it doesn't work.
    Walking into Ninfa. She's damn beautiful. All fine and perfect.
    I climb onto the bed and pull her into my lap. Lightly massaging her shoulders and neck. I gain small gasps to my massage.
"How was your day, love?"
"Uneventful. The schooling is fun, yes, but is repetitive. I'm glad they learn quickly so I get new and fresh faces. My current class has this boy, vampire, and he seems to be a depressant. I worry for him but can say nothing."
"You do your best to be a friend to him while he's in escape. I can look into it, if you wish."
"That'd be good."
     I lightly press on the middle of her spine and gently rub upwards to her neck. I enjoy massaging her back. Gaining the little gasps as I release her tension.
"How was your day?"
"Fairies. They're still dicks, even when you're doing as you are asked."
"Very true."
    I kiss the back of her neck. "My beautiful angel."
"You're too good for me."
"You're what keeps me good, love. Without you, I'm sure I'd be the numb creature I was meant to be."
"You were not meant to be that way. You know this. Just because you had limited paths at that time doesn't mean you couldn't have found love somewhere."
"I did. And I would die for you. Everything I do is for you and our children. You say it's my title and I believe you but you know my fears as well. Nothing I do is for that crown, all is for my family."
"I can tell. And I love you for all you do."
    I gently press on the small of her back and rub upwards. Giving her freedom from the tension of walking while with child. I enjoy relieving her stress like this but also in other ways.
"I want you."
"Do you, Minx?"
"I do."
    She turns in front of me. A sort of evil grin appears and she takes her shirt and bra off. I try my best not to grow to her perfect bare chest.
"Do you not want me?"
    I trace my hands up her legs slowly. To her thighs, hips and then to her beautiful bareness. Her skin so soft beneath my hands, so warm and inviting.
    Her hand moves along my shaft. The thin boxer fabric does not falter her touch, only make me want her actual hand through fabric. I grow to it nonetheless.
"You do want me."
"I always want you."
"Then take me."
    She lays back and away from me. Waiting for my next move. Waiting for this.
    I pull her pants and panties off. Along with my own clothes as well. She's so warm, so wet.
     Her warm wetness feels good against my shaft as I purposefully tease her. I grow to full by my own actions and by the soft moans I gain from just this.
"Minx begs?"
"Yes, please.."
      I begin my work.

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