Chapter 32

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    At first I forget where I am. Who I'm with. But as I open my eyes, our babygirl is in laughter as she keeps poking my nose.
    Valerie comes in view and pokes Dakota's nose back. Which causes Dakota more giggles. This is perfect.
"You woke momma, Dakota."
    I laugh lightly to her repeating for my attention. I reach up and lightly tickle her tummy. She's in laughs and giggles, trying to slap me away but failing.
"I got some news, love."
    I stop tickling Dakota. She grabs my finger and holds it. Valerie begins speaking again.
"I've got my army in search for helpers, kids and more for your idea. You and I just need to have a place of where and a design for building and I also need to set portals to the students and such. And you wanted schooling and I could get that for you easily."
"Are you serious? Already?"
"I am sort of satan? Got people begging to do my bidding."
"Hm. Good to know."
    She reaches down and takes Dakota. She tosses her up in the air and catches her easily. Sensing Dakota in all kinds of giggles. I'm in smiles to it all.
"I want to go out to eat, Nin. Too lazy to cook tonight and I would rather you not waste time on it either."
"Alright. I have to get dressed.."
"You look good. I don't think you need to change."
"Wearing booty shorts and am in a shirt that's see through."
     The way she bites her lip makes my body heat.
"Good point. Change, I'll prepare her to leave." The look in her ruby eyes says clearly that she owns my body. And I don't care to admit it, she owns me.
    I get up and get ready. I enjoy our date nights, even if we bring Dakota. She gains a lot of attention but Valerie has hidden her eyes so humans only see the blue. We see the purple but they see the blue.
    As I make it downstairs, she takes my hand and we end up teleporting in her old parking garage. Picking a car.
"We don't have a proper carseat, Val."
"Yeah we do." She winks and I know she's used her magic to get one.
    I find her magic useful. It's growing more and more each day, discovering all the things she can do. Which is almost everything. Still trying to find things she can't do.
    She begins driving. Dakota seems to have fallen asleep to the car ride. Valerie takes my hand as she does drive.
"I want this for you. For Dakota. You can be the angel this world needs. If the monsters can grow up good, they wouldn't have to die. They would be free in ways if they had someone of light teach them."
"I'm afraid I could ruin it all."
     She laughs at me and for a moment she can't stop. As she does, she speaks. "I said that to Joel. Pretty much told me to shut the fuck up."
    I quickly look back to the sleeping Dakota and sighs. "You shouldn't curse, Val."
    I'm in instant laughter and so is she. My sides hurt to it. speaking to each other in our minds has the best benefits.
"I had to."
"Anyway. I have most belief in you. I'm sure if anyone could do this, you could. And I'm going to be by your side through the whole time. You're the brains. I'm the brawn?"
    As we sit and wait for the food, Dakota grows impatient. Trying to get attention in the little cries she does.
"You have to wait, babygirl."
"She's so adorable. She looks like you." A lady says as she walks by.
"She looks like you too." She speaks to Valerie. "Adorable."
    I laugh lightly to the red that Valerie turns to.
"Thank you." I say for her compliments.
    As she walks off, Valerie breathes. Like she had been holding her breath. I don't understand how she has anxiety.
"Not as bad as when someone asked who the father was and you said you and they were grossed out."
"That was fucking terrible. But I would never deny that this babygirl is ours. Naturally... I mean.. supernaturally?"
    I hold in my laughter to the best of my ability. I don't care what others think but I love her dick. I love her female parts too but I have no problem proudly admitting our daughter came from my wife's dick.
    I mean, I wouldn't say.. My wife has a dick, I rode it and now we have a daughter. But.. that's what happened? So.. I'm not afraid to admit it but I would never felt out say it like that.
    Valerie leans in and kisses Dakota's cheek. "Wait a little longer, babygirl."
    I feed Dakota between my own bites. I gain claps of happiness and amusement as her food runs down her chin. Bless this damn child and her messy self.
    The meal is done and as soon as Dakota is taken in our arms, she is asleep. But will wake only to be changed in a few hours before passing out again. She's so weird. So weird. But us.
    Valerie walks in our room, the leapord kitten follows behind her and flops on the bed Misty lays in every now and again. Valerie climbs in our bed and flops down face first. She sighs and I feel things change.
"What's wrong?"
"There are so many hounds I can't control. So one got lose, I killed with Joel's help. But it took out almost all the new training soldiers. And knocked a few of my highest."
"Oh. I'm.. I'm sorry." I'm a little lost for words. Such slim detail, to be honest. And a pure lack of uneasy. Leaving me lost for words.
"I tried healing the wounded. I made their heal rate go quicker but not able to heal as you do. But today this woman in the army asked me to end her. Because she was in pain."
"What did you do?"
"I spared her. She will heal in a few weeks. I put her in a coma until she's a hundred, as I did the others. But what got me was the way she asked me, not Joel, not the butler, me."
"Why would that get you?"
"Because one time I heard her admit her crush on me. And I just found it bad to give her treatment only monsters deserve because if she can feel, she's not a monster."
    My stomach grows even more uneasy. I don't know why I feel jealous. Jealousy is the root of all evil. But it's what I feel..
"You did what you thought was best."
"Are you not mad she has a thing for me? Are you not mad at me for not saying?"
"Not mad. Jealous a little. But I know you're mine and mine alone. I have high doubt you would ever think of another the way you do me."
"Oh fuck no. When I first found out, I felt sick about it. Now I just feel bad for her cause her friends make fun of her for caring about me. But never ever will I think of another in the way I do for you, my love too strong."
    I lay next to her. She climbs on top of me and nuzzles her face between my neck and the pillows.
"No one will ever share my warmth. No one besides you. And occasionally Joel whenever he hugs me."
    I laugh lightly. Joel and hugging her, I think is just him wanting to get closer to her dick. But. Could not? Just guess, I still find funny though.
"You, love, have some work to do. I'll get the things set up for classes online but I need you to gather a list of places we can build this school. A place that no human can get to easily and if they do, I can cloak but still."
"I'll take care of what I can."
"Thank you. We're going to do this together. You won't be alone either, I'll have Joel and Luke be teachers to help. Maybe tag some spirits. You won't be teaching alone. And probably have a day care. I sort of promised one to Joel cause he may ask for a child from Luke."
"Did you ask him what I told you?"
"He yelled at me to shut up."
"Figures." I smile to the thought.
    I hold her to me tightly. She hums to me, or the warmth, I can never be sure. I begin falling to sleep.
"I love you, Ninfa."
"I ..I.. nn.." I can't finish. Too far gone.
"You love me too. I know."
    I fall fully asleep and so does she.

    The cries of Dakota wakes the both of us. Mainly Valerie because it causes her pain. Chest pain when the cry is specifically for her or maybe just one of us in general and I just can't feel it? I'm not sure.
    I follow her to Dakota's room and watch her make a slow work on the diaper. She yawns and shakes her head to shake the yawn away. She's so weird.
"Nin, love, go back to bed. I got this covered."
   I stay anyway. Dakota sleep almost instantly as she's set back down in the crib. Valerie grabs my hand and we head back to bed. Just a few hours.. just a few more.
"Little more sleep then I have a long day ahead of me."
   Climbing in bed, the places are switched and I'm cuddling on top of her. It grows more warm and I quickly fall asleep. She sleeps to me as well.
    Just a little longer in this warmth. Little longer. I shall sleep, so shall she.

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