Chapter 50

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    Nothing like my daughter eating chicken nuggets like they're going to run away. I'm eating my pizza, which is damn good. They're sharing a asston of nuggets and fries.
"You're quiet, love. Are you alright?"
"Enjoying the pizza, babe."
     She smiles and continues her meal. Dakota offers me a fry and I take it  not wanting to seem rude.
"Poopy." She begins chanting the world. I think she definitely knows what that means now.
"I'll change her. You two finish eating, love." She smiles and takes in consideration of the baby.
    I listen to the beats each day to make sure it's healthy. And I'm sure Valerie does the same. The baby is strong, like Dakota was.
    After a few minutes, Dakota runs into the classroom. Her hands flailing in the air all kinds of crazy ways. Valerie and I are just in small laughs and smiles.
    Within a long minute she grows tired of her own actions. She returns to her throne on the tigers back. Misty purrs loudly to Dakota's scratches behind her ears.
     Dakota draws her thumb into her mouth and begins sleeping. She sleeps a lot but I actually think she may be learning with my class. Some bits and pieces, I mean.
     Valerie pulls me into her arms. For a few moments, I just enjoy being home. Just enjoy the warmth and happiness wrapped in this hold.
"I want to set up another extra curricular class. I just need to visit a place and I'd like you to come with me."
"Visit a place?"
"They won't talk to me if I'm alone because of who I am. Luke got the elvish kin. I need to gather more light creatures."
"Like fairies?"
"Exactly. I need them first for what I've got in mind."
"And that is?"
"Flying class. Who better than a fairy?"
"That's a good idea. I know a few in my class who have the ability but can't fully control themselves."
"So good idea?"
"Yeah, babe. Good idea. You fear I will see ill of your mind but yet I can only say I love you more for all you do."
    Her smile grows. I love her smile. When she smiles it's as if her beauty only grows.
"But we will worry about that travel for another day. Tonight is just you and I for a while. Dinner and Dakoa asleep. The camp fire and stars."
"You make it sound so perfect."
"My life is only perfect because you are my light."
"You're romantic and you don't even try."
"I'll see you tonight, love."
    I stand on my tippy toes, for her sake, and kiss her lips. The kiss is sweet, gentle and yet filled with passion. With a smile on either of our lips, the kiss parts.
"See you tonight."
     Her smile is the last thing I see. Time resumes as normal. The class returns from lunch.
    I begin my lessons. Dakota wakes but stays silent and on Misty. I didn't have the heart to send her back when she begged to stay.
    Soon all classes were over. My class and others are now moving to sixth. They'll be starting to learn their power soon. And maybe even to fly, if Valerie's plan plays out.
    Over been switching my class around a lot. Most sad to leave but they're sent to their appropriate grades. This is my second batch of kids.
    I'm close to becoming a teacher of my own proper grade. I'm 9th. I don't know why I picked it, but I did. More mature students, advanced learning makes everything slightly more fun.
    I have my lesson plan, as do all teachers. Valerie had gotten us all set up. Each teaching goes right into the next grade. So if you're learning history of whatever, you go to the next class learning other history things. Or math may be easier to discribe. You go up a level as you grade a level.
     Whomever feels as if they're not ready for the next class, they stay. No judgement or bullying. And I think that's really set in place because of who Valerie is.
     All this wouldn't be possible without her. I just came up with the idea because I didn't want Dakota to go to a public school and be mistreated and something goes wrong. I doubt Dakota would hurt a fly, I mean she held a spider with all the care in the world, cried when it bit her but never once did she harm it.
     I blink home with Dakota and Misty. Leo attacks Dakota and headbutts her face. It sends her into giggles and makes my heart swell to the adorableness.
    Dinner actually goes by quickly. Dakota goes to bed willingly, as always. Girl loves her naps.
     Valerie takes my hand and drags me through the pathway to our spot. I hadn't been here since we had split... since.. But now it's all changed.
"I know it's different. I just wanted it to be more ours. Do you not like it? I can change it back."
"I love it."
"You worry about such small things."
     The ground around the firepit dug out and a couch-like-bed circles the flames. The bed reaches out wide. It's like someone had taken a giant swimming pool for an idea and made this artwork.
    I sit and Valerie pulls me into her arms almost instantly. The hold is gentle but seems to hold more than just got home.
"What's wrong?"
"I've been thinking.."
"Thats never good." I joke.
    She grins widely. "Probably not."
"And what were you thinking?"
    Her smile starts to fade. Ruby eyes fill with an emotion I hate. Fear. I hate when she holds fear.
"I want to try it. It's just I..I.. I'm scared to."
"I don't understand."
"You said you wanted my virginities."
"Valerie, I was joking. I didn't mean for you to think it's something I need or want so your forced to."
"I've been think for a while on it. It's not your recent saying that has caused me to want to do this."
"I wouldn't force you to do anything you don't want to, Valerie. I wouldn't. If you don't want this, I won't. Even in a bet I was completely kidding in."
"I..I want to do this."
     My heart is racing. I think with fear of my own. If I'm to do this, would she hate me in the end?
"H..How?" I manage to speak.
"I can um.. And it wouldn't bother our baby. I just change my outside body, not inside. I would do same for you."
"And are you sure this is really what you want?"
"Yeah. Only if it's you, only if it is you. New experience for both of us, right?"
"You trust me that much?"
"Babe. You stabbed me in the heart once. And when you removed your sword it took my heart out too."
    That makes me cringe. I hated that battle. It was pretty bad.
"Can we not bring up my failures? That was the worse battle I fought in."
"I trust you. I trust you won't hurt me."
     Her lips find mine. Her soft and warm lips. Always make me smile before the kiss breaks. Always has my breath taken away before it parts. Always mine.
"I want this..." Her voice more sure of it than she was a few moments before.
    A fear of her hatred is taking my heart but... I also want this. I want to know what it's like. I will take as she gives willingly.
    But this is not a need. I do not need all of her sexually to know she is mine. I do not need to go through with this to know that we have is not enough. It is, what we already have is perfect. I don't need to do this. But if she wants to, I want to.
    I bite my lip. The dark clouds roll behind her ruby eyes. The beauty they hold.
"I..I'm going to change you, okay?"
     I nod slowly. It almost seems like no change. Like nothing has really changed at all.
      I know there is something added, for sure because of a rather large bulge. Though I'm unsure of my size compared to her, mine is smaller.
    She pulls me down in top of her and claims my lips again. The kiss slow and passionate. At least until she bites my lip.
    To the gesture, I feel myself grow. It's an odd feeling but I.. I like it in a way. I think she's doing this to tease me...even in the switched position, she teases.
     She releases my lip only to lick across my bottom lip. I've always loved the way she does this. In our sexual acts, she will even stop to just do this.
    The kiss fully parts because she tugs at my shirt. I take the signal and remove my shirt. She takes care of my bra for me.
    A look in her eyes sort of set me off. "What's wrong?"
"Not cause your naked. But you're so damn beautiful."
    I feel myself blush. I always love when she gives me compliments.
"You are too."
    She leans up slightly and I help her take her own shirt off. The sight of her beauty sends me into a full member. I now understand her daily issues when she's male form. Just by the look in her eyes, I grew. Just by the way her body is perfectly sculpted.
    The toned stomach. Abs of 6 and absolutely mouthwatering. All make me grow for her.
    I have my worries but this is her choice, I will give as she asks. Something she always does with me. I will try not to harm her, though I'm in fear I may and it would make her hate me. But here I am, about to do exactly as she has requested.

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