Chapter 28

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    She's driving me crazy. I'm so sexually addicted now that I can't even stop myself. I can't get enough of her dick. I can't get enough of her clit and it's taste. I just can't get enough.
    The feel of her slip inside me. The way she stretches me gently so she fits perfectly. I'm addicted to her.
"Please.." I plea for more.
    Her hips stuck to mine. As if. As if she's doing to to tease me. And she is..
"You beg?"
"Yes.. please."
"As you wish, my queen."
     I'm instantly in bliss the second she begins her thrust. I love this feeling. It's so much pleasure. So much of a high.
     Her hips begin to thrust at a pace. My moans spill to each in and out. She teases me as she rubs my clit with her throbbing shaft. Or maybe I'm the one throbbing. She keeps this until she pushes back in and hits my spot almost like it's nothing but a huge target.
    I can tell she's having as much pleasure as I am. Even though I sound louder to the movements. Who wouldn't though when your wife's dick is throbbing so much as she pushes in and out?
     I think she enjoys watching my breasts as we are in this. I think they help her come quicker. Or she's just focused on me, how tight I must be in order to keep her in moans.
     I don't mean to be so tight but I guess I can't help it. It might be a good thing. Or a bad, I'm not sure.
     It doesn't take me long, my mind and thoughts turning to a blur. I come for her more and give her name as I do.
"Valerie.." I call out for her as I release more into the constant orgasm.
    I may be giving her name as she's hitting against my insides over and over but I can't help but keep the endless chain going. I know she enjoys it when I moan her name. Even scream it as I am between moans.
    Not sure how long we've been at this but I know it's been a while and I've came so much again that I could easily just pass out from no energy. I love this feeling though. Rubbing her shaft with my insides and vice versa.
     Weariness taking me faster than anything. She knows and I can see it within her eyes as well.meaning it was ling enough for stamina to start having a worth. She makes a final drive in me and comes as I end my orgasm, comes in me massively.
"Nin.." she gives out for me. I give her name in return. "Val..."
    She collapses on top of me. I wrap my arms around her tightly. She kisses my cheek.
"Is my love satisfied?"
"Why wouldn't I be?"
"Just a wonder."
"More than satisfied. You did geat, believe me." Enough to keep me addicted...
"I love you."
"I love you too, Nin."
"So.. in a hundred years if I start aging again, would you still be sexual with me?"
"Babe.. I don't want to think about things like that. I love you too much. Not having forever makes me sad to think about."
"Fair enough."
    I lightly squeeze her before I begin my journey to sleep. Asleep to my wife who causes me to be sexually addicted. A good sleep.

     She rubs herself against me. I can't tell if it's to tease. Can't tell if it's to just wake me so I can tell her I'm too tired for it. Or just so I wake...
"I want to go out today, Nin. Do something before the idiots in hell think they need me."
"We slept through the night."
"I don't want to get up right now..."
     She sighs. "That's fine. I'll cook breakfast and wake you when it's done."
"Don't you work?"
"It's Sunday. Even in hell leaders take the day off."
     I should be excited she's staying home for me but for some odd reason, I'm not. Just not. Mainly cause she woke me.
     She leans down and kisses my forehead. "My love is so sleepy. You're adorable with bedhead and completely naked."
    She brings me to laughter. To her idiocy. To her silliness.
"I'm being serious, Nin. You're cute. I love it."
"You're too funny."
"But I'm serious. You're so beautiful."
"I love you."
"I love you too, beautiful."
"Too many compliments. Are you trying to bribe me out of bed?"
"No, that's what the food is for."
"Mm. Makes sense."
     She starts laughing at me. After a moment she stops and groans. The tone of her voice is grave and sad as she speaks. "Change of plans."
"I thought you took the day off..."
"They only call on emergencies. I have to go."
"And here I was, warm and cuddly."
"Grant me the pleasure of seeing your beautiful eyes?"
    I can't help but smile and give her wish. As I open my eyes, her ruby ones lock on mine. The shine of pure love rests next to her soul, a soul she thinks is damned but I only see light.
"I'll be back, love."
"Don't take all day. Bed might stay warm but it's more cozy with you cuddling me."
    She laughs lightly and gets up, getting dressed and ready before she vanishes.
    I get up and get clothes on. Get ready and stuff before heading downstairs. I begin breakfast, though I don't cook as well but it's still good...
     Really only been like 15 minutes before she connects to me and speaks within my mind.
"The one thing I hate most is when I have to do this. I keep thinking of our babygirl. She's part demon, and it only makes me feel worse. I need your help."
"What you do there is to protect Dakota from them. Those creatures have committed crimes against your laws. As a leader, you have to make choices that you don't want to. But in the end, you're protecting Dakota from the real monsters."
"This makes me a monster. To kill the babies because they had fed on humans. To do that, does it not make me a monster?"
"No. You're a leader. Not a monster."
"This is why I love you. Because without you, I wouldn't be able to do this and continue being me. I would lose myself."
"It's okay. It will be okay."
     The connection is gone out of reach. I feel bad for her having to do this alone. And I know for a fact she doesn't want Joel doing it. She doesn't want anyone to bare that burden.
    As I finish breakfast she appears. I wrap my arms around her tightly. "You're protecting Dakota."
"You're doing a shit ton more than I am."
"You're the best, Ninfa. The best wife. Best friend. Best mother."
     I stand up on my tippyties and kiss her cheek. "Let's eat, babe. Then you can treat me to a nap."
"Oh can I?" She laughs it out.
"You owe me."
"I owe you the world, realms and everything. And this I will die trying to give."
"I was actually kidding but um.. alright?"
     She leans down and lightly kisses my lips. Though I want to kiss back... A rather angry stomach stops us. Hers.
"Let's eat. Then I can treat you to that nap." She mocks me.
    We sit and eat. She goes back for more... 3 times. At least she likes my food? I mean with hers if I could go back 3 times I would but we normally have a tiger that eats too.
     She helps me clean up and once we're done I'm swept off my feet. I giggle to it.
"What are you doing?"
"Taking my queen to her chambers, of course. For that nap I owe her."
"You're so ridiculous, Val."
"Bad or good thing?"
"Mysterious. Do let me know when you find your answer."
     I laugh to it and nuzzle my face into her neck as she climbs the stairs. She smells so good... She always does.
     She lays me down on the bed... Or tries to but I don't let go.
"Nin. I'm not sleeping in jeans."
"Does this mean you'll take off my clothes too? Way too lazy for that."
"Fiiiine." I drop my arms and let her go. She quickly undresses and helps me do the same.
    So many things I could call my favorite but this would be one. Cuddling close, sharing heat and being warm. Being home..
"You alright, love?"
"You're asking me such things when it's you who had a bad morning."
"You just seem quiet."
"Enjoying the warmth." I nuzzle between her neck and the pillow. "The warmth." I hum to the feeling.
"And you say I'm ridiculous."
"Do you not feel warm as I do?"
"I'm always warm when in your arms. Always warm when home."
     The warmth is just pushing me closer to sleep. It's like a blanket... And she's the pillow. The warm and lovable pillow.
"I love you, Nin."
"I love you too."
"I thought you were asleep?"
"Nope. You've become a pillow. You're now my pillow."
"I think I turned into your pillow the first time you slept in my bed."
" 'My' turned into 'our'. And even now you're still my pillow."
"See, you agree with me."
"Oh no doubt. You're soft, warm and cuddly. I think that might be part of a definition of a pillow."
"You know I love you, don't you?"
"Of course I do." I sit myself up. She instantly cups my cheeks.
"You and Dakota mean everything to me, Ninfa."
    I feel my smile grow to her words. I lean into one of her hands.
"I don't think I've said it aloud but I'm happy we have her. She was the best unexpected thing to happen to me and I only have you to thank for that."
     I scoff. "Says the one with deadly precome."
     Her face grows a deep shade of red. Almost matches her eyes. It's a perfect shade for her.
"I never came inside."
"I know."
"But now I rather enjoy the feeling of coming together."
     This is where my face turns to a heater and I die. I drop my face and hide in her embrace.
"Yet you make such a big deal when I hide my blush."
"Aye. No. Shh. I'm not hiding." I lie.
"Was that your first lie?"
"No, first would have been Dakota." I mumble and feel ashamed.
"When you were pregnant, before we fixed things, I was actually here. On the island I had a hideout and I would sleep but I never slept much. I'd go from here to Joel's and back. I'd watch you. I'd watch the way you carried yourself around, though sad, you always made sure she was alright. I had envy that you could hear her heartbeat and I could not. But I was always here, watching and protecting. I only allowed contact a few times a day because I just needed to be closer. I missed you and I grew so much love for Dakota. I was excited she was to be but at that point, I knew I was not going to be part of her life unless you had finally made up your mind, prove that you were ready and such. It all seems so silly, doesn't it?"
"We both had our mistakes. But I'll never hold them against you. I was selfish. I was an idiot. I had pushed you when you came back. But we're pass that. And one day, it will just be a tiny argument we had over a thousand years ago."
"You make me feel old."
"Technically you're 25. But actually 150 and... 3. 1503."
"Don't speak such numbers." She says after a gasp.
"I'm almost your age."
"In the human term, I'm a cougar."
"Maybe I just like an older woman."
      She starts laughing and I can't help but laugh too. Maybe we're crazy. Most definitely.
"I love you though. And I love our babygirl."
"You've come so far. Can you not see? A fear for no one to love you is invalid. You have people that do. I, Misty, Dakota, Joel, and Luke. You have love."
     Something in her eyes changes. A sparkle. A new light.
     It's... beautiful.

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