Chapter 41

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Pacing the floor. It went from pain because the cat used his claws on my dick. Then went from chest pain because Dakota.
.. I want to say this. When your cat claws at you while you're asleep, it hurts. But when he claws there, the pain is deadly. Unexpected pain and misery.
But no matter how bad that hurt. Nothing hurts worse than the pain in my chest from Dakota. Nothing eases that until she feels better..
Getting the image of me. Before I got free. Sekia in my chest. Demon blades riddled my body along with rods. She had a dream of me. My dream. She had my nightmare.
I don't know how. I don't know how. I don't fucking know how. I'm so angry with myself.
And then she gave Ninfa and I this protection. Like my own for her. But hers was different. If felt so weird. So light. Nothing like Ninfa's light though.
A brighter light. It surged through me and made me feel like I was pushed. All the demon in me forced in a tiny spot trapped by the light. I don't understand how.
I'm in tears because my daughter had my nightmare. I'm in tears because she saw me at one of my weakest points. I'm crying because I don't know what the fuck is going on.
Did I give the dream when I got upset about being a demon? Because of how her protection felt? Or am I crazy and they have no connection.
"Please come back to bed."
"I don't understand. Help me understand. Please... Help me.." I fall to my knees.
"I don't know, Valerie. I don't. It wasn't your fault. It could be because of the connection you and her hold."
"She has them with you. We are the same to her, Ninfa. And now. Did I cause this? Did I give this to her?... I must have.. because of my shouting? Did I do this? DID I DO THIS TO HER?"
She pulls me into a hug. Not sure when she got so close... But her arms feel wonderful.
"It's not your fault. Let's not fret. I can alter her dreams, as I can yours. I will block them for further if any do come."
"What have I done.."
"Valerie, listen damn it." Her voice snaps for the second time tonight.
"I'm sorry.. I'll stop.."
"And you'll stop blaming yourself if you love me."
"You can't use my love against me."
"I can. And I just fucking did."
Her cursing gathers my attention and I stop. I try to stop the blaming. But it's hard not to. They were mine.. of me.
"What will she think of me?"
"She will think you're a warrior. A badass who never let anything bring her down."
"I hope she doesn't remember this. She doesn't need to remember this."
"And if she does, it will be okay. She's 2 in a few weeks. You can't expect her not to have a connection to you if you hold the same birthday."
Ninfa picks me up and carries me to bed. I honestly forget she can do that. Though she's easily almost as strong as me. But I forget.
"Sleep. We need it. We do have things to do tomorrow."
She kisses my cheek. "I love you so much, Valerie. Demon or human. Demon or hm.. elf."
"Elf?" I laugh out.
"You get the point."
"I love you too, my love. Forever and always."
She lays her head on my chest and I resume time. Dakota lays partially on my stomach. I change myself back in case she kicks like her damn mother.
I fall asleep to my family. In hopes of a better night.

The cobblestone. A familiar dirt that gets in my wounds that have not healed. The sweat caused from the hot dungeon causes a burn to the bleeding gashes.
His smile taunts me. I just want out of here but don't know what out there is.. I worry I'm safer in here than I am out there.
He comes down the stairs with a skip in his step and a happy face on. Only to mock me.
"I'm going to set you free today."
I stay silent because I know if I speak, I'll be punished. And I know he is lying. He must be lying.
He opens the gate and takes my hand. The power that runs through me and takes my breath away. It's different.
I get up and follow him. The world flashing before my eyes. Flickering in out of the old dungeon to.. to.. to A house.
The man before me flickers. Like a lightbulb going out, he flickers. Until changing completely.
"Mommy.." She smiles to me and leads me out of the dungeon.
Everything around me changes. The cobblestone is gone and replaced by the soft hardwood floors of the house. The pain from physical damage is gone.
I look behind me and there's nothing. Nothing but my angel.. N..Ninfa. No dungeon. No Lucifer.

Her hand grabs mine and holds tightly. It wakes me.
"Hey, babygirl."
"You were asleep so long, Valerie. I tried to wake but I couldn't."
"What? What time is it?"
"End of day, Val."
I sit up and Dakota climbs into my lap. She hugs me tightly. I hug her too.
"I didn't know. I'm sorry.."
"Don't be sorry."
"Safe." Dakota says before taking her thumb in her mouth. She falls asleep quickly to me. I'm.. I'm.. shocked.
"Val, are you alright? I wouldn't have let her in but she wouldn't go to bed until she saw you again."
"Come here, love."
She gets closer to me. I lightly kiss her cheek and give her my dream. It takes a moment for her to really react to it. And I'm still in shock.
"She finished what I've been working on for years. She saved you."
"I admit, you have worked hard to save me but she.. It was so strange, Ninfa. I don't understand how she did that."
"Valerie. She's our child. She's got my ability to enter dreams, obviously. And to give images, which is yours. And to protect, which is also originally yours. She's got a lot more power within her that she hasn't even touched."
"She's so powerful, Ninfa. If you could only feel how powerful she is. She's like a source. I'm sure she's almost as powerful as me and I'm limitless."
The situation hits me. Hits me hard. I forgot.
"Babe. I have to go. I have to check in with hell."
"Will you be back?"
"In a short time, yes."
She takes Dakota from me and I get dressed. As I leave, I'm saddened. I hate leaving.
The castle is quiet. Except for the butler whom is immediately happy to my arrival.
"My lord. I do hope you are alright."
"Yes, of course. I didn't mean to miss the council meeting today though."
"It went in your favor."
"So the law is set in motion?"
"Wonderful. Have the army informed and make a schedule with them on who takes shifts in the above for the school."
"Yes, My lord."
"Give tomorrow off for most. Keep the spirits caged. However the law for guards doesn't take affect until Monday."
"Yes, my lord."
I wave to him and he bows. I leave quickly. I end up in the kitchen, which is perfect because for some reason I am starving. Missed 3 meals today I guess.
"Nin. Can you come to kitchen?"
Within a second she's before me. I smile to her short cuteness.
"Everything alright?"
"Y.." my stomach growls loudly.
"I want to apologize. My actions recently have been... odd. So many things have happened in such a short time. It's got me crazy. I'm sorry to pull you in my madness."
"It's alright, Val."
She waves her hand and chicken nuggets appear. I'm in drools.
"I love you so much."
"You basically called me for food."
"Hey. I did apologize."
She stands on her tippy toes and kisses my cheek. "Why don't you eat and I'll get you something to drink."
"Eat with me." I say with a stuffed mouth.
"Did you say 'eat with me' or 'eat me'? Cause I'm not complaining either way."
I nearly choke on the food from laughing I hold up a finger for her answer. First option.
"I'm eating pizza though. I haven't had it in so long."
She summons her own food. I steal a slice and pig out on the fries and nuggets. This is food heaven right here. I froze time just eat and I'm glad for it.
"Where's Dakota?"
"Her bed with the big cats, of course."
"I'm sorry."
"Stop apologizing."
"But I mean it." I sigh. "Was I trapped in my sleep again?"
"No. Something different. You just wouldn't wake. I'm use to getting to your dreams but you were dead asleep, you were tired."
"Would it be bad to admit I still am?"
"No. I'm rather tired myself."
I take her hand in mine and lightly kiss my rings on her finger. "Do forgive me not being able to serve you this night."
"The night is young when your wife can freeze time."
"You aren't wrong." I smirk.
We head upstairs after cleaning up. I do as I much as I can to keep her pleased for a long while. Then we finally lay to rest.
Both way too tired. Way too tired to really do anything. All we manage to do is get our I love yous out.

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