Chapter 14

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     She runs in and time seems frozen, but is slowed. Something in her eyes makes me feel uneasy. It's a look I've really only seen with Lucifer and I know he's dead.
"I need you to take her and we go to the island."
   I stand and hold Dakota. She's beyond adorable. Made me suffer 12 hours but now I'm healed and don't feel any pain.
    Valerie grabs Joel and Luke, they speed up to our time as she gives them the small ability temporarily.
"We're getting out of here. I'm taking you guys to the island, it's the only place safe."
    In a moment, we are all teleported home. I feel like she resumes time. As she releases Joel and Luke from touch, I know she has.
"What's that all about, Val?"
"Dakota is a power source. A very strong power. I can cloak her mostly but not all the way. She's also my blood and they'll come for her."
    The thought hurts me. Anyone take our babygirl away from us... it's a thought that no one should fear.
"Why are we here?"
"Because you're family, Luke. I protect Joel, I have to protect you too. And if you would have seen the mob outside the penthouse, you would be begging to come here."
    He stands down instantly and sits on the couch. I know I should sit, relax, not stress... but I'm worried.
"I'll take care of this, okay?"
"It could be a trap, Valerie. Come for the baby, mommy gets pissed." Joel says.
    She rubs the back of her neck. After a few moments of silence, she kisses my cheek. Then she kisses Dakota's forehead.
"I have to take care of this."
"Come back to us?" I feel like this is all going wrong.
     She leaves and I only worry more. I set Dakota down in the cradle Valerie dragged in here. Joel looks around in the silence and I only continue to worry.
    I try my best to tap into her mind. Something only she has done. But I'm worried. Over worried.
    It takes a bit out of me but I finally tap in.
"Oh please tell me you didn't strain yourself doing this?"
"Not much. What's happening?"
"Okay so there is this mob."
     I notice the world go in slow motion. But still I stay in same speed as Valerie. At least I can still talk to her.
"What's the mob for?"
"Took a demon down and forced answers. I have to do something that I don't want to do, Ninfa. And I love you but it might be the only way to protect our daughter."
    Only one thing pops into mind. A worst senerio. My heart is shattering.
"I need more information than that. This isn't a riddle game." I pry for answers.
"Take over hell or they'll take Dakota and raise her for their own usage. Or the other option.. Take over or they find a way to kill her."
    My heart races fast. Why would someone want to harm a baby? I know who she came from, and I know she's bound to be more powerful than Valerie and I put together, possibly more than god. And Valerie isn't too far off from his power.
    But it's.. sad. Someone would force another to do bidding by threatening their baby. It's just.. terrible.
"If I do this, you will be safe. Both of you will be."
"But you'd be leaving us. You'd be leaving me. You promised..."
"But this is the only way. You know I love you, we can communicate through this."
"It's not the same. I need you." I feel tears pour down fast to this. Everything is crashing again.
"The mob is going all the way to the highway, Nin. All for her. No one hates this more than me but it's all I can think of to get this taken care of."
"You can't. I need you."
     I can't lose her again. I won't. I won't.
"I have to."
"There has to be another way."
"This is the only way to keep her protected, Ninfa."
    She appears in front of me. Covered in blood. A sadness strong in her ruby eyes.
"I have to do this, Nin. It has to be done. It should have been done a long time ago." Her voice sounds more and more sad.
"I can't lose you again.."
"You never lost me, I have always been beside you."
"I need you..." I feel tears. So many. My heart is breaking. Again.
    Her thumbs gently wipe my tears. "Don't cry. I'll find a way back. I'll find a way. But I have to do this. This way I can protect you, her and even the world."
"You promised..."
"Nin.. listen. No matter where I go, no matter what happens, we are forever and always. I will find a way home. I have to make that the promise. But the day she was born, I made a promise to myself... I wouldn't allow harm to her, near her or anything. This is the only way to end all the madness."
     My world feels like it is crumbling down. Again. I'm.. I don't think I can do the pain again. My hope for us is slipping more and more every time.
"I'll find a way back home. Don't give up on me, okay? You need to be strong for Dakota."
    She lifts my chin and presses her lips to mine. I kiss back and I just cry. The kiss ends after a moment of me trying not to break down.
"I'll find a way, Ninfa. I promise. I promise on our family. It will happen."
   I feel a little better knowing that she promised but I still feel... I still feel the pain. I don't want this pain again.
"Forever and always?"
"Forever and alway, love."
     She kisses my forehead. "I love you."
"I love you too." She vanishes and the world returns to its normal speed.
    Joel and Luke just stare at me in confusion. It takes a moment before any of us really move. I'm taken in a tight hug.
"What happened?"
"Rule hell or they will take Dakota and raise her. Or rule or they will find a way to kill her."
"She will find a way. She always finds her way back to you." Joel speaks softly to comfort me.3
"She promised. She promised. I just.. I don't think it will be..."
    My faith on our relationship seemed to only go downhill with each time she's been in a coma or had to leave or anything. And nowd... now.. I just don't know anymore.
"We can all search together? A way to be found together?"
    Dakota starts crying and I pull from Joel to take care of her. It's like she knows Valerie is gone. I rock her gently until she stops crying.
    The purplish of her eyes shine and I can see some embers of ruby. She's so beautiful. She's perfect.
    God said she was the key to the mission. But key to what mission? And is this the choice that Valerie had to make?
     My heart is broken but I'm unsure of really anything anymore. Just sure that I have Dakota to take care of.
"How do we leave? No offense or anything."
"I think Valerie would have wanted you to stay for now. I can show you the sparebedroom. She said that the mob that gathered was clear down to the highway, so no doubt that the penthouse is probably ransacked."
    Joel sighs. "Will you be okay if we rest? We haven't slept because you guys came before we were going to bed. And well.."
    I get up and slowly walk up the stairs, leading them to the sparebedroom at the end of the hallway. They offer help with Dakota but I just deny. I think I need her more than anything because I can't have Valerie. I'm back to square one in the pregnancy again, expect now I have the baby but it seems like nothing had changed.
    I lay her in the middle of our bed and start making a pillow fort around her so she doesn't move. I just need.. I just need to rest.
    I curl up next to her and Misty curls up on the other side of her. Well protected.. from everything.
    I hide my face in the pillow and cry. Just cry. I lost the one I love again. Again.
    Something in my head feels slightly fuzzy. I feel the connection between our minds grow stronger.
"Dakota doesn't like it when you're sad."
     I thought she was asleep. She must have heard me crying and somehow alerted Valerie. She's magical, I have no doubt it's what she's done.
"I don't like being sad."
"I'm going to come home. Somehow, I promise you."
"Have you..."
"Not yet. They have things to set up, apparently I had to be here to help with. And then I'm initiated. And then."
"You got taken from your family because they needed you to set something up? Are you fucking kidding me?"
    Anger is strong. Strong because she was practically ripped from my arms to be the Darklord to save our daughter. It's not fair, these paths given are all too rocky to travel down.
"Believe me, counter for deaths have already started."
"I don't find any relief to know that."
"It will be okay. I will find a way."
"You keep saying that. But I don't feel like that."
    I be as honest as I can get. I don't see much of a way out of this. The faith of our love is tested more and more and weakens in my eyes.
"I promise. It will happen."
    I grow more tired to the crying. To the usage of energy to just speak to her. It's all so damn much. I know I'm healed but I know my energy has been low since the birth.
    I start to fall asleep. I know I'll wake if she needs me, Dakota. I know I'll wake. And I know Misty will take care of waking me if I don't.
     I've over cried. Continued heartbreak that I thought was over. Now I'm alone in the same way but yet I have Dakota. I have her. She's all I need to stay sane. Right?
    As long as I have her... but Valerie should still know.
"I love you, Valerie. You have to come back to me. To us. She needs you as much as I do, if not more."
"I will, love. I'll be home when I find a way."
    Everything in me breaks more and more as I slip out of it all. I fall asleep. A sleep to gain energy. I do not find peace from my heartache in this sleep.
    Broken. Hurt. Alone in ways. Trying to hold on to my humanity.
    Unlike Valerie, I can physically turn my emotions off. Like angel mode. Angel mode that makes me as numb and senseless as the rest of the angels.
    It's tempting. Very tempting. But I have Dakota now... I have to be strong.
    I sleep. Sleep with Dakota. With Misty. Not with Valerie.. I sleep.


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