Chapter 38

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    I'm going to scream.
"Stop running in the house."
"Dakota, listen to your mother."
     Dakota keeps running. I groan to it. Valerie runs after her from one direction and I the other.
"We have to leave, Dakota. We'll be late."
"Don't you want to see uncle Joel?"
    She skids to a halt and slams into my butt. I would have fell over if Valerie didn't catch me. I would crash and burn if it wasn't for Valerie.
"Yes." I turn and pick up Dakota.
"Just the shoes, babygirl. Mommy has to go now but I'll meet you at school."
    She kisses Dakota before taking her leave. Dakota looks as sad when she leaves as I do.
"Alright, babygirl. You ready for today?"
"Yes." She yells in my ear.
"I'm going with."
"You can't, Misty."
"I'm not leaving her side, Ninfa. You can't ask me to after all this time."
"You and I both know how you dislike other beings. It took you a while to accept Valerie. So if you come, You have to be polite. And no rude remarks. And no bull. I don't want you to make any comment. Got it?"
"As long as I get to protect her, I don't care."
     I scratch behind her ear as I blink to the school. Dakota climbs on top of Misty and rides her like a horse. I'm fine with it because she's protected and it's really cute.
     The school is beautiful. The colors Dakota had picked for Valerie to do are spread across the halls. The daycare fill with many colors and pillows and toys. Dakota will lo...
"Momma look.." She jumps from Misty and runs into the daycare.
"I see, babygirl."
     The world stops. "Babe, I'm opening school. Need you at the doors with me. And possibly our little mischief."
    I laugh lightly to it. "Yeah, got it."
    The time resumes and I grab Dakota. She pouts and then stops at the sight of Valerie.
"Let's open the school, babygirl?"
"Yay mommy."
     Brought to the outside. First time anyone has ever seen Dakota. They all look at her in awe for a moment.
"My lord, she's beautiful." The demon butler? says.
"That she is." Valerie pauses. "Now, everyone. This is Dakota. She will be attending in school. Each will be put in their proper classes and the kids whom don't start in first grade, can chose to start at beginning or go in class with appropriate age."
"What of the teachers?"
"Parents have learned and will teach a specific grade. All school studies will focus on all subjects. No discrimination. The school is meant to be a safe place that we can learn. Not a place we grow hate. If any property goes missing that is of the school, you go through me. And I don't think you want that."
     The fear rises in their eyes as she speaks. Though only I really know how killing others burdens her. Still interesting to watch.
"Kids, to the gym please. Babies to daycare."
    Everyone heads inside. And are founded in places. Leaving Dakota is the hardest thing I have done. Only because she's with strangers mostly.
"She'll be fine. Misty and I have her, Ninfa. Go do you." Luke says with a wide smile.
    I kiss Dakota's cheek quickly and then head off to my own class. I chose an older because I thought maybe it would work better but I also chose the human growth rate class, so I don't have to work so fast. I have no idea yet.
    I step into my assigned class and no one is in the room. No kids, not even a spec of dust.
"Hey, beautiful. It seems there's a back up in first grade." Valerie peaks through the door. "Anyway. Got some friends for you."
   She walks in with a bunch of children. Ages from this grade down to first. I honestly didn't think that I would be so successful with this.
"Would have shared with other teachers but you have the extra knowledge."
    The children find places to sit. I'm excited but also mesmerized. The sight of Valerie with so many children and is in nothing but smiles.
    She pulls me outside the classroom. "You're doing wonderful. I'm sure you'll do great."
"You should be careful. Dakota sees you walking around with that smile and a bunch of other kids, she'll get jealous."
    She laughs at me. Leaning down she kisses my cheek. "I'll see you later, babe."
    I head back in the class and everyone grows slient.
"I'm Ninfa. You can call me as such. We'll go around the room and you can introduce yourselves."
"Okay." They all yell with smiles.
    The line of names, I remember easily. All from different backgrounds. Some from hell, jungle, Africa, underseas... don't know how but yeah.
    I hand out things to begin. Paper and everything that they have to have and to keep.
"Who knows how to write their name?"
"I do." A few call out.
"Alright. Let's go with you, Xander."
    I use his writing as an example on the board. Teaching slowly the way to pronounce as well as write. To each letter they all learn quickly.
    We start the alphabet. They learn so fast. I'm glad for it.
"Alright, guys. I want to arrange your seats by age. You all grow at human rate, yes?"
"Yes, ma'am."
    I don't like it. Being called that makes me cringe but I cover it.
"So we will learn first and then you'll head off to second in a few months. Or you'll stay with me. We'll get it all sorted. But I'm glad you guys want to learn from the beginning." I say to the ones that are older.
     The night ends pretty fast. The kids learn rather quickly. It's working. This is working and I'm so happy. So happy to help.
    By the end of everyone leaving for home, I start my way to the daycare. Joel runs up behind me.
"Hey Ninfa."
"Hey. You get to teach today?"
"I did. It was fun. They all learn so fast."
"I know. This set of kids will be easily done before too long."
"Yeah. They're bright kids."
    As I walk in the daycare center, I am immediately hit. Hit by a little boy. Glasses and in giggles.
"Hey, there. Got a name, littleman?"
"Zeek." His dull grey eyes give his being away. A demon boy. Not evil, good, happy and not used as slaves in a war.
"Hi, Zeek. I'm Ninfa."
"I suppose."
    He giggles to me and then runs off. I spot Dakota playing with Misty and another girl. I sit in front of her.
"Who's your friend, babygirl?"
"Destiny." The girl gives her name for Dakota to speak.
"D.. Destiny."
"Hey, Destiny." I smile to her.
     She's beautiful. The light green in her skin gives that she's a goblin. She's got so much light in her eyes though.
"Momma. Destiny."
"I'm proud you made a friend, Dakota."
    She goes in giggles and Destiny joins her laughs. It's more than adorable. It makes me think of..
"Come on, Destiny. It's time to go home. Your mother has dinner ready for us." A man calls for her.
   It's so strange to know that other beings are capable of love. Capable of caring. I see it all so differently now.
   The little girl runs off and I pick up Dakota. "Come on, babygirl. Let's go home and make dinner. You can tell me about your day."
"Joel." She shouts.
    Joel walks over with Luke. "Hey Dakota."
    She jumps off me and on to Joel. She hugs him tightly and he smiles to it.
"So, Joel and I have been talking. We want a little one of our own."
"Really? That's awesome."
"But we are stuck. We want your opinion." Joel cuts in.
"Elvish or demon?"
"For the first? Maybe try elf."
"Thank you, Ninfa." Luke smiles to me and hugs me lightly.
    Joel gives back Dakota. Dakota clings to me and I can tell she's tired. We leave for home.
    Dakota jumps in Misty as we get home. Misty lays down with her on her back and Dakota looks like she's like floating on a log in the water. It's cute.
    I begin dinner. "Want to tell me of your day, babygirl?"
"Fun. Play. Nap. Destiny. Ty..Tyler. Luke."
    I had thought maybe she would be friends with Zeek. I guess not. Buy having friends on the first day is awesome anyway you look at it.
"Sounds like you had a long day."
"Missed momma."
    I turn to her and am in smiles. "I missed you too, babygirl."
    I did. I did so much. It felt so weird not having her close to me all day. I'm just use to it.
"Hey, beautiful." Valerie's voice makes my heart race.
"You're so ridiculous. Why the compliment?"
"It's true." She leans down and kisses my cheek. "How was your day?"
"It was good. The kids are so eager to learn. Still working on writing but I can get the first grade done and then into second within a few months."
"That's great. I've sent the higher ranking teachers to learn more for lower grade teaching. It's working so well. I'm proud of you and your brilliant mind."
    I laugh lightly. "She's had a day too."
"I can tell."
    I look over and Dakota is asleep. On the back of Misty with her thumb in her mouth but other than that, she's deadweight.
"Yeah. She said she had fun. Even met a friend. I think she said two. But this girl, Destiny, she was a beautiful goblin. I'm happy Dakota made a friend."
"That's awesome. You've done good, love."
"You act like it's all my doing."
"Nin, trust me, none of this is was possible without you."
    I stand on my tippy toes to kiss her cheek before heading off and finishing dinner. The moment the food is set on the table, Dakota wakes.
"Mommy." She says in surprise.
"Hey, babygirl."
    We all get to eating and the evening ends quickly. Dakota falls asleep on Valerie as she does each night. I think she knows that Valerie fears she doesn't love her but I know Dakota loves Valerie.
    And the evening always ends up here. The best place to ever be. In bed. With her.
    My heart begins traveling to something once again. Just the sight I saw today. My heart travels to the thoughts.

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