Chapter 22

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    I'm dying. I don't know why I'm even trying to stay right now. But I'm trying, though I'm so fucking tired.
"I have faith in you."
"I'm glad you do."
    She kisses my forehead and I finally fall out of it.

    A great morning. Woke up. Had the night befores activities.
    She's making breakfast, about to just eat and leave for the day. It sucks but it's alright. It's okay as long as she comes back.
    She kisses my lips lightly. I'm barely given the chance to kiss back before she parts..
"I'll be back later. I love you."
"I love you too."
"And I love you, babygirl." She leans down and kisses Dakota's forehead.
     After a few moments she vanishes. I get an image from Dakota that makes me smile. Of Valerie kissing me. Then another of her receiving one from Valerie.
"She loves you so much, babygirl. As I do as well."
    It seems like she smiles. But it would be too soon, right? The timeline of her growth is uncertain. Valerie and I need to discuss it bit honestly we haven't had the time and though we have had the time, it went to some great usage.
    I rock Dakota until she sleeps. As I put her in the cradle that Valerie brought back down in the living room, Misty walks in.
"I smell breakfast. Where and how much?" She licks her lips and it makes me laugh lightly.
    I head into the kitchen and prepare her the left overs. Nothing like piling up you foodies for your giant white tiger that you can understand because your wife is a badass that allowed so. My life is finally going well.
    I'm scared to say that out loud, afraid it could all tumble down faster than it was built. And it took a long time to build us. Again. I sigh.
    Our anniversary is coming up. Though I'm afraid that she won't remember. And it will be alright if she doesn't because it would make sense.
    Almost immediately after the wedding shit hit the fan. She was out. Lucifer. Pregnancy. And honestly, I can't actually tell how many years, I just know the date. I think it's been 2? I most definitely didn't see me being a mother 4 years ago. Or with a demon. Who is now Satan in a sense.
    I'm glad right now. Proud of her in so many ways. Constantly in pleasure... And other things I'm happy for.
    I lay on the couch and hang my hand over the side and rest it on Dakota. My hands have always been naturally warm, sounds weird in a way but it comes in use. Valerie thinks so anyway.
    I begin falling asleep to this. Falling asleep to my babygirl. Falling asleep to the thoughts of the love of my life. Falling asleep to happiness because since she got back, she's been nothing but a blessing.
    I fall asleep.

    Waking to the feeling of her hand lightly brushing over my cheek as she moves my hair to the side. I smile to her and open my eyes to her smile back at me.
"Hey beautiful."
"Mm. Hi."
"Sleep well?"
"I did."
    I roll over on my back. It takes me a moment to notice her feeding Dakota. This woman is magical.
"You were too far asleep. Didn't want to wake you. Didn't mean to wake you."
"How long have you been home?"
"2 hours at most."
"You should have woke me."
     She moves my feet and sits with Dakota. I put my feet in her lap and she laughs lightly to it.
"You're home early."
"Late actually. I didn't expect to get here at 6. Thought it would be sooner."
"6? I laid down at 11. Dakota slept the whole time I was sleeping."
"She's wide awake. Probably will be for part of the night if she slept so long during day."
   I get up slightly but rest my head on her shoulder. I find myself in yawns.
"Still sleepy?"
"Why don't you go up to bed?"
"Nhm. I will wait for you."
"Alright, love. Whatever you wish."
"We have to talk about it sometime, you know."
"I know, Nin. But look at her. I don't want her to change as fast as the demons or angels do. I want her to be this small forever."
    I laugh lightly to the tone of voice she uses. Like a slight whine. It's cute.
"I know, she's adorable. But yeah we don't have too much time before one of our growing habits takes place. If it does."
    She sighs as heavily as I feel about losing our baby babygirl. I really like her being small, to dress her up, to get to enjoy the small beautiful blessing.
"Maybe we'll be lucky and she'll do a human growth rate. But then she will have teenage years. That sounds scary. I've seen so many teens and their mothers while saving them in battle. They hate their mothers for little to no reason and tend to be asses as they go through puberty."
"I get what you mean but I don't think she will be that bad."
"What about education? Would she be in a normal school? Hide who she is? Would we be able to homeschool? Or what if she hates it and wants to leave this place?"
"We will get to it when it comes up, Val."
"I guess. I just have worries. I have no doubt that you're going to be the great mom. But I fear I will not. And I'm scared to think that she could hate me because of who I am. I'm the damn devil. I kill. I'm a monster."
"Valerie, baby, you're not a monster. You do those things for the good. You're the only demon besides your mother and... Lucifer.. that had possessed love. You save lives."
"I feel like a failure already for being gone for the first few weeks."
"You did the right thing, by many many standers and views. I see no evil when I look in your eyes."
"I just want to be everything for you. To be your everything. To be perfect. For you. For her."
"You are perfect to me and I will always love you. And I'm sure she does too. She sent me something this morning before she went to sleep. Something that just made my heart melt."
"Oh yeah?"
     Something in Valerie's posture chances. Dakota has shown her what she has shown me. As if she understood what I said. After a moment I see shades of pink and a smile. "I didn't know she sent that. She didn't give it to me first."
"It made my day more perfect."
"I love my family." She sighs. She looks down at Dakota.
"There once was a me who didn't know love. Once was a me that never felt it before. And then your mother flashed her beautiful bright teal eyes and the moment she said she loved me, I knew I could die happy. Because.. someone finally loved me. With Ninfa I have learned so much. How to love others, how to love myself even if I still hate myself. And now I have you. I still have problems saying that I love others out loud but with you, Dakota, I could say it without a second thought or without hesitation. I love you. I love your mother. I love our family."
     Dakota starts a yawn and ends up falling asleep in the middle of it.
"Guess I'm boring."
      I laugh softly to it. "No, Val. I'm sure she's happy. Because she has you. And if I know anything, your love is stronger than anything else. It's true. It's light. It's beautiful. It's perfect."
     She turns her head and lightly kisses my cheek. I feel myself grow tired too. More than I already am.
     Too tired, honestly. And I'm warm. It's the most deadliest thing... And I fall asleep.

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