Chapter 56

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    I saw this coming but she didn't listen. As long as Dakota isn't paying attention, things will be alright.
"Alright babygirl. Let's get you to bed?"
    I block the view of Valerie. I can't stop time like she can to wake her. I can't stop time to prevent Dakota from seeing on accident but I can try my best against that.
    After putting Dakota to her own bed, I blink back to Valerie. I'm glad we were able to eat. Though Valerie didn't eat the rest of hers because she didn't listen to me.
    I pick her up and hold her close to me. She would be angry I'm lifting her because I am a month out of 3rd trimester and she doesn't want me blinking or healing or carrying heavy things. Of course I don't listen.
    I lay her on the bed and curl up close to her. Her automatic response still able. She tangles her hand in my hair, propping my head for support.
"I love you, you know? No matter your choice, I'd never leave. I know we've been through a lot, a real lot but I know we can handle anything. I know my faith in this relationship once held little at all but now I have no doubt in us. No matter what you wish to do, I will follow."
    I begin my spiral to sleep. A good sleep. With my love.

    A perfect amount of warmth makes me hum to it. Valerie nuzzles her face between my neck and the pillow. Her leg crossing over mine and her arm drapes over my stomach.
"I didn't mean to wake you. Just was a little cold."
"And now?"
"Perfect." She lightly kisses my shoulder.
"How are you feeling?"
"How did I get up here?"
"You didn't."
"Fuck. Please tell me Da.."
"She didn't. I had her taken care of."
"Last thought I remember was 'Fairies are fucking pricks.' Or something like that. Not sure. Either picks or dicks."
"But you're feeling better?"
"Yes, babe. I'm doing better."
"When did you wake?"
"Pft. Who said I am awake right now?"
"I suppose you're right." I say, feeling myself rather sleepy still.
"If we have this baby.. along with yours. Probably not going to be jumping the gun for another for a while."
"We have all the time there is to ever have another."
"I'm not saying we wouldn't ever again. I'm going to populate the world."
"As much as I love you. And know you could do exactly that if we weren't always protected in someway.. I don't think I want to remember hundreds of names."
"I was actually kidding. I don't know where you got hundreds."
"Will you go on a date with me?"
     The question, so random. So sweet. Yet completely out of nowhere.
"Why randomly ask?"
"We don't go on dates often. I think we should. Like every Saturday night or Sunday. We go on a date. Be date night. Dinner, cuddles and more."
"What's and more?"
"Whatever you wish it to be. Could be a snack bar of ice cream and other desserts. Or a naked me."
"A naked you is what normally happens when we spend our evenings together."
"You don't complain. But we don't always have to be intimate. I only give what you ask for, love."
     She's right. Most times, I'm the one who starts it all. But I can't help myself. This woman could easily pass as a goddess just by her beauty. I just want her love, all of it.
"Why do you say sorry?"
"I could say I'm a sex addict but that could mean for other people and all over. I'm sexually addicted to you. I love our intimate moments."
"I'm not saying I don't, cause I do. But when we're alone, it's hard to keep my hands off of you."
"Agree we're sex addicts."
"To each other."
"Most definitely."
     I laugh lightly to the whole conversation. I love these moments where it's all completely random but I do admit, we are truthful. The may be the longest we've gone without since her comas. And the 2 split before Dakota. But even then it was because of many things around us.
"I don't know how I'm going to please you with a baby belly, Ninfa."
"You don't have to try hard. You never had to, you know that."
"You are rather easy to please but I meant when it comes to my dick. You wouldn't be able to ride if you wanted to."
"I don't need your male parts to be satisfied. They're great to have, yes, but I don't need it to gain the pleasure you wish to give."
"So if I..." Her hand slips pass my shorts and panties.
    She lightly rubs me. I wasn't expecting it, to be honest. But it always feels amazing. "Y..Yes."
"Good to know." She removes her hand from me.
"Not a great vantage point from here, babe."
"Still a tease."
"Mm. No.."
    She gets up and positions herself between my legs. I know she's teasing me because she's taking my bottoms off slowly. Foreplay to tease me as long as she can so I can get more pleasure when she finally grants me release.
"Val, I don't want this if you drain yourself."
"You wetness would say you do want this."
     I feel my cheeks heat to her. I'm throbbing for her, I know. Because she fucking teases me. But..
"Not if yo.." my moan cuts me off.
     Her lips so soft against my clit. She takes my clit in an open kiss and lightly sucks. Her tongue soothes the throb that seems to grow to her actions.
     My moans increase to her actions. I can't really stop them at all, ever. I'm always stuck in a place where this is all too much pleasure.
     She doesn't even have to work hard to get me release. I'm already on the edge of one just by the way her tongue moves against my clit and how she sucks lightly. So close to the edge.
     Her hands slowly go along my outer legs until they stop at my hips. She pulls me closer to her. Closer to.. to release.
"Valerie.." I call out for her in a release.
    The position switches slightly as she enters her tongue. I give more moans to the soft pleasuring feel. I'm so close to another release.
    Her tongue slowly finds it's way in and out. The slow movements only making it worse, making me more ready. Too close.
"Val..." I yell out for her.
     I feel her take in my loads as I do hers. I always welcome getting pleased first but don't like leaving her out on the pleasure. For the most part she always let's me go first.
    She slowly kisses up my body. Sliding herself through my way too big tshirt. Her warm hand slide behind my back and she nuzzles close to my neck.
"Val, I.."
"Nhm. I'm still sleepy, love. If you would even try, I would be out. I just want to hold and be held."
     I sigh lightly. I know she doesn't do it on purpose but I hate not returning the given affection. She knows it. But I can never deny my home when she asks so lovingly.
"I'll be alright. Just need a better rest. I've kept time pretty frozen for the better half of 2 days." She laughs to the last part.
"You worry me."
"Don't be."
"For once, you're not even laying right."
"Babe. You've got a babybump. I'm not laying on you cause the babybump. I won't hurt the baby. I can hold myself like this."
"I have no doubt. You do sleep weird sometimes."
"Mhm. Slap my ass in the morning to wake me wasn't the best wake up call."
"Then don't taunt me."
"I didn't do it purposefully."
     I lightly squeeze her ass. She giggles to it. Getting her to giggle is so rare but I love it.
"I know I have to work tomorrow. Have to do a mission for the fairies to show true loyalty or whatever. But I don't want to leave here. You're so warm. So perfect. I'm sorry for everyday I get up and have to leave."
    I laugh lightly to her words. "Do not be sorry. You're protecting us. You're loving us. That's what you do best is share your love."
"I love you so much. You just don't know how much that I do."
"I love you too, Valerie."
    By her silence, slow heartbeat and light breathing, I know she sleeps. Nothing this woman does will ever make me fall out of love. Except if she cheats and I highly doubt she ever will.
    I fall asleep with her. Her warmth in my large shirt. Holding me close as I hold her close too. I fall asleep to this perfect moment.

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