Chapter 26

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I don't really know how to ask this.... But I have always really wanted to know. I've always wondered.
"Does it feel good for you too?"
She laughs lightly. "Yeah, love."
"I mean like good-good? Like great-good."
Her fingers press to my temples. I feel a strong surge of energy pass through me. Images, movements, feelings and pleasure all over take me. Leave me gasping for air.
"Did you just... uh.."
"Basically gave you part the pass session."
"That's how you felt?"
"Every time, my love."
I rest between her neck and the pillows. Weariness takes me quickly. I used all energy I had for her. And it was in good usage.
"Sleep, love. We have til Monday to rest."
All of her warmth makes me feel blanketed. Her soft skin. Her in general.
"My home is in your arms, Val." I manage to mumble out.
"My home is in your arms, Nin. And I love you very much."
"I.. nnmm."
My speech taken from me as sleep rolls in quickly.
"I know you love me too."
Passing through all realms as sleep takes me fully.

Awake to an empty bed an a bunch of confusion. I thought she didn't go in today...
The smell of food makes me wake fully. Something that always wakes me is her cooking. Or her morningwood, whichever comes first. One of them always does.
I get up and throw on a tank top. Too lazy to put on anything else, I steal her boxers... in hopes she doesn't care.
I quickly brush my teeth before heading downstairs. The smell grows stronger. She made brownies for breakfast? Or something chocolatie. It's smells so good.
"Hey ba... those are my boxers."
"I was laaazyyy."
"They look nicer on you, I suppose. Goes perfect with bedhead."
She ruffles my hair around quickly and runs. I chase her around the house until she vanishes.
"That's not fair, Valerie."
"It so is."
I focus on the connection for a second and then she appears before me.
I tackle her to the ground and mess up her hair as she did mine.
"Quite grumpy today."
I'm actually not. I feel a little down because I know she has forgotten what day it is but I won't give her what I got her because it would only make her feel bad.
I lean down and kiss her cheek. "Not grumpy. Hungry."
"Yeah, I am too. Thought I'd get up and make us breakfast. I have the day off but it doesn't mean I get to stop making breakfasts, right?"
I climb off of her and help her up. She wraps her arms around me and squeezes lightly. "Much rather eat you though."
"Val. You kill me. If I could die of overpleasure during sex, I assure you, my ass would be dead."
She grabs my butt and squeezes. Which makes me giggle to.
"Such a waste of a perfect ass."
My stomach growls loudly and it makes me blush. The way she looks down to me makes it worse.
"Let's get you fed then? Make the monster in your stomach less angry?"
"Food sounds so gooood."
She kisses my cheek before she starts dishing out the food. With Misty gone, I willingly go for seconds. Almost thirds but there wasn't enough for that.
I wish she would remember today but I don't blame her if she forgot. I know the reason why she would have. It's a good reason. A heroic reason.
"Are you alright, love?"
"Why wouldn't I be?"
I can tell she sees some sadness in my eyes. I smile to her to assure her but I know she's not bought it.
She sighs. "I have to do some shopping today. The fridge is empty. I think maybe you should stay and rest."
"I can go with you."
"You look so tired though." Her hand lightly caresses my cheek and I lean into it. "I didn't mean to over go last night."
"You didn't really. I wanted it as much as you did. Maybe even more."
She laughs lightly but sighs. "You should still rest, love. I won't be long."
"If you insist. But can I still wear your boxers? They double up as shorts and I like these ones."
"That's fine. I'll be back in a little."
She lightly kisses my lips and I'm barely given the chance to kiss back. She vanishes again and I feel sad but at least I know why. For good reason, she will come back.
I head upstairs again and lay down. Almost instantly falling asleep. Half as warm as I could be but still enough to allow me to sleep.

The day seemed to have turned to night. The sun was going down. Is. Is going down.
A note. A note on the side of the bed makes my heart race. She's.. not leaving. She wouldn't.. right? She wouldn't again...

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