Chapter 23

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Previously ...

Oh Natsu! "Natsu!!" I giggled hopping off the bed running towards him, collapsing him his strong arms. Something of his hug seemed different, it didn't hold the emotions like they used to hold. "Lucy." his voice sounded different as well... in pain, before I could respond I was I learned something that I wish I didn't..

"Your sister.. Riylore— she fell into the Canyon." "Her body hasn't been found.."



The bed squeaked a little, either Lucy was moving around in her sleep or she was awake. It's dark now, pitch black, I would join the search for Riylore but Gray and Erza went first they told me to stay back and tell Lucy. I didn't want to be the one to bare the news, not that Lucy r really cares anymore. Though I believe she's conflicted with reality and her dreams. She can't escape the fact that she purposely ignored her sister. Lucy may seem like the type of woman that cares for all and puts her loved one's first. That stereotype couldn't be more wrong, she much rather put her life for someone else instead of her sister. She much rather take a bullet for Erza than her sister if she had to choose, she rather pick up Happy in a blazing fire than save her sister. I'm conflicted as well, she's left me stumped, in a difficult situation, what should I really do? I love Lucy as a friend, but these growing feelings for Riylore I can't help for. My body and heart aches for her, aches that everyday forever that I protect her and make her smile. Honestly when I first met Riylore it was her eyes that I first recognized before her scent. Hair, lips, her small frame, then I began to question how well does Riylore truly take care of herself. She's way too skinny, and way too independent. She's blind as a mouse it seems without her glasses. But when I smell Lucy I smell just nothing but her normal scent, nothing of her scent attracts me.

"What do you mean Riylore fell into the Canyon..? You're joking right?" I tried best not to look Lucy in the eyes, it hurts so much, I could almost see from the corner of my eyes the tears forming. "No, I'm not. ." Maneuvering myself from her grasp walking out towards her window opening it with one arm, I looked behind me to see Lucy standing there, she stands there for a few seconds. Turning her heel she comes towards me, I flinched trying to move away to the opposite side she was heading, but her grip tightened on me, "Stay here, I'm sure she's fine." What? No, you've got to be kidding, "Maybe it's God's will, saying that you and Riylore aren't meant to be! You and I...—" she's serious. What the hell?! "Are you serious?! Your kid sister could be dead right now and the only thing you can worry about is that?" All my blood was boiling, my anger was talking in my fists, I dared not to hit her, though I wanted to. "I am serious Natsu, it's not fair!" She wails, she wails a child not getting their way, I yanked myself from her grasp once more.

"I have no time with dealing with little kids right now." Legs first through the door before my whole body I jumped from her window, I could hear her screams of my name. I ignored them all, I hate to ignore her but I hate to deal with her as of right now. She's going through something right now, she's hysterical, not thinking, she'll regret this in the morning.


*A few hours earlier*

It's almost nighttime I can see from afar the sunsetting, the train started to move again after four hours of waiting. The conductor explained how there was something on the tracks that made it difficult to move. "A piece of cloth or some shit" Kotoko murmured to Hannah, they seems to be friends ag— wait. . .






I shot up from my seat looking around, "NO STOP THE TRAIN!" I screeched. I went into full panic mode, everyone looked at me as if I'm crazy, which to be honest I am, but who didn't know that already? "Riylore-chan are you crazy sit down!" Ms. Farcri always has to ruin my plans... and I am freakin' crazy! I gritted my teeth running back to my seat sitting down, I was plotting an escape plan, yes I may die, yes I may have fear of heights. I looked at the window was the train moved slowly in the Canyon. Looking around the car of the train I am I looked to see if anyone was still looking at me, Ms. Farcri calm down and sat down in her seat, Hannah and Kotoko were sleeping, everyone else didn't give a fuck. With one big breath in I stood up in my seat, there was a window, easy to open, or the back where the train had emgenecy door. Which one sounds more dangerous? No more thinking! Pulling down the window with all my might it wasn't that hard to pull down. When it did it made a loud sound, it sounded like when you drop all your texts books in the bustling hallway. I make the face, the face where you fuck up. Without looking around I quickly lunched myself out of the window, bad idea. Luckily for me I gripped onto something quickly, I didn't fall to my spikey death. I held tightly to whatever I was holding onto. I was surprised that no one noticed my departure. The grip I've had on loosened it then soon began to kick in, I was holding on for dear life. With all my upper body strength that I could rustle up, it was difficult though, I cut my finger somewhere on the train. This wasn't the best of making it through my troubles, having my eyes shut won't solve anything and feeling my way through whatever was just a death card waiting for it to be played. The air around me seem to froze, the Canyon's desolated encompassed around me as soon as I opened my eyes. It seems that the area around me was closing in and everything felt so tight and compacted. The only thing that felt nature was the sounds of the wheels on the train tracks, sound of the wind and sound small conversation I could hear through the opened window. I was questioning if this was true reality, the wind never tasted so pure and safe. I felt like I could just let go and I'll just float down...

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