9- No more being the damsel in distress

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'Why does that keep happening?!' I yelled at Spike

'I don't know' he mumbled back

'I am the slayer! Why do I keep needing to be rescued' 

'Okay it has not happened that often!' he mentioned 'plus what's wrong with your boyfriend rescuing you? I thought that's what was supposed to happen, we have each other's backs?' he asked me with sad eyes

'No, of course Spike. It's just a tad humiliating being the slayer and all' I complained

'I understand' he said rising from the couch and heading over to the phone

'What are you doing?' I asked

'Calling the gang? Drusilla is obviously up to something' he smirked

'But she's crazy right?' I laughed 'surely she can't cause that much harm'

'What?' he looked at me confused 'okay crazy vampires are the worst, she'll cause the most damage! Don't undermine her, plus she took a lot of your blood... What's she doing with it?' 

'Not sticking up for her are you?' I teased

'Not even if I had a stake to my heart' he told me

'Aw that's romantic' 

A while later the gang arrived and they were all glad to see me safe and well.

'How much blood did they take?' Giles asked, concerned

'Oh a lot!' Spike informed them

'Then we should take you to the hospital Buffy? How are you up and walking around so well?' Xander asked

'Oh, well...' I mumbled

I did not want to tell them that Spike had given me some of his blood, I knew they would freak out and lash out at Spike and he definitely doesn't deserve that after just saving my life. 

'It must be a slayer thing' I told them 'honestly I'm fine'

'Slayers do have fast healing powers Buffy, but you said she took nearly all your blood, basically draining you! We must take you to the hospital' Giles insisted 

'No, honestly I am fine' 

'Buffy we know your fear of hospitals but this seems serious' Willow pitched in

'She's fine guys!' Spike intervened 'look...'

'Spike!' I said cutting him off and giving him a look 

'Buffy, please. I gave her some of my blood, it's how you save a slayer from the brink of death okay?' he explained 

'What... So you thought you'd just turn her into a vampire?!' Xander snapped

'What! No' Spike panicked 

'Xander listen!' Anya snapped, she had hardly spoken since arriving here, which was strange since she normally doesn't stop talking, but I wasn't complaining.

'That's not how it happens' She explained 'Stop lashing out'

'To make someone a vampire...' Giles started

'They have to suck your blood, and then you have to suck their blood' I continued 'it's a whole big sucking thing'

'Sorry' Xander apologised 

'Is everything okay with you guys?' Tara asked, looking at Willow they both seemed concerned 

'Well we might as well tell you guys' Anya stated 'I'm pregnant. Xander and I are just worried about the baby and I don't know if it might be a demon'

'Guys congratulations' I said

'Thanks' Xander smiled weakly 

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