50- Blood is always a cure

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I could feel Jessica's body going limp as I slowly drained the blood out of her, I could feel eyes on me and I was wondering if everyone in the room was watching. I hoped Buffy wasn't watching, the only times she had ever seen me drink from a person was when I was evil and I couldn't bare the thought that she might be watching. It was a weird sensation to drink from someone who is already dead, her body was already cold and staying cold, normally someone was warm and they slowly got colder and that's when you knew they were dead. This was different Jessica was already dead, already a vampire and I didn't quite know when to stop, even though it was vampire blood it still was blood that wasn't from a pig and it was giving me life. I wouldn't say I loved drinking pigs blood, I mainly did it for Buffy and because I didn't want to hurt anyone anymore, but it wasn't as fulfilling, didn't always give me the strength I needed. I always felt one step behind Buffy because I didn't have the strength that a vampire should. I felt Jessica sink into the lounge and thought maybe I should stop, maybe that all her blood was gone.

'Spike are you alright?' Buffy asked me straight away

'Ah yeah I think so' I mumbled 'you should get Jessica some blood'

'Sure, yeah, Giles could you get some from the fridge' she smiled at me 'you think it worked?'

'I think so' I replied slowly

We propped Jessica up on the lounge and slowly gave her some blood until she started drinking it herself. Everyone asked her if she was alright and she told us she was but she needed to rest and headed back upstairs. Willow and Giles left Buffy and I alone on the lounge.

'I am so glad you're feeling better' she told me staring into my eyes

'Me too' I replied staring out the window

'You sure you're feeling okay?' she looked worried


'Then what is bothering you?'

'It was just weird... Okay? You wouldn't understand' I tried to explain to her

'No I wouldn't sorry' she frowned slightly

'I haven't drank from someone in a long time'

'I know, it must be hard. You should get some rest' Buffy told me taking me by the hand and leading me upstairs to our room.  

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