Summer again, the joke shop and wedding

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(Author's notes)





// sound effect or flash//


I don't own Harry Potter nor do I own the characters
All rights go to J.K. Rowling

Last time
They were discussing topics when they finally relaxed Hadrian looked at Lucius and said "when do we find out our OWL results?" Lucius thought for a minute and said "about two weeks I believe so before your birthday" Hadrian nodded and both he and Draco went to bed as it was very late and they were both tired.


A few weeks later and Hadrian, Draco and all of their slytherin friends were sat at Malfoy manor with letters in front of them all none of them dared to look at the contents. Blaise sighed and said "you know what you are all a bunch wimps" he then ripped open the letter and looked at what was wrote upon it and shouted "YES" everyone looked over at him as if to ask what he got Blaise looked at the paper and said "
The grade boundaries are:
O being Outstanding
EE being Exceeds expectations
A being Acceptable
P being poor
D being dreadful
T being troll
These were my results:
Potions: O
Charms: EE
History of Magic: A
Transfiguration: EE
Herbology: EE
Arithmacy: O"

Everyone was staring at Blaise with mouth agape, well everyone but Hadrian. Draco then spluttered "how the hell did you manage to get acceptable for History of magic, as far as I was aware you always use that lesson to sleep" Blaise shrugged his shoulders and said "no idea ask the examiner. Anyway since I did it first I choose who has to open their letter next. .... Okay so I choose Millicent"  the girl nodded and opened the letter and looked at the contents before sighing and saying "could have done better but at least I know that I will be continuing on to NEWTs" pansy then said "well tell us what you got" Millicent sighed at pansy's impatientness and said " fine
Charms: EE
History of Magic: EE
Transfiguration: A
Herbology: O
Arithmacy: A
Divinations: A
Potions: EE"

This carried on for a while until it was only Draco and Hadrian left to see their results Draco opened his letter and read the contents and smiled and then said "okay so my results are
Charms: EE
History of Magic: EE
Transfiguration: EE
Divinations: EE
Potions: O
Ancient Runes: O
Astronomy: O

Hadrian darling it's your turn"

Hadrian glared at Draco and then opened his letter and read the contents and then sighed in relief but the others took it as sadness and he pouted the others thought that something was wrong, Draco said "what happened is something not right do you have to repeat?" Hadrian shook his head and said "no I won the bet with Dad, uncle Lucius, Severus, uncle padfoot and Barty, so I am trying to decide how and when I can cash it in." Draco raised an eyebrow and said "alright but what did you get in all of your subjects?"

Hadrian smiled and said "I do all of the subjects Draco and I am not telling I want it to be a surprise"

All of the others looked at Hadrian in surprise and they said "wait how the hell you are doing so many subjects anyway" Hadrian smiled and said "I may or may not have been able to convince a certain Transfigurations professor into giving me two different timetables and a time turner, as much as I despise her, I got the idea from the know-it-all bitch, plus you never know when I time-turner will come in handy." While the others shook their heads in disbelief, Draco said "wait a minute, do Uncle Tom and Father know you do that many subjects?" Hadrian shook his head with a huge smirk on his face and said "nope hence the reason they think that I can't beat their scores"

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