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The road is empty ahead of us. Silvio drives his car at constant high speed and doesn't spare a glance my way. He's too quiet. I don't say a word too.

"Who was that man? The one who knew your name." He breaks the silence with his sharp tone after maybe ten minutes of driving. I turn from watching the white stripes on the asphalt to look at him. I can only see the right side of his face but it is enough to show me he's still pissed.

"He's my, uh, dad's friend." I answer him quietly and continue to watch the blurry white lines. My mind keeps showing me my parents' faces when George tells them he's seen me. What would they do? Will they be able to find me now?

"He was your father's friend." Silvio corrects me. "He's dead now. "

My heart stops working for a second there. What did he just said?

"W--what?" I whip my head towards him and ask, my voice cracking up as tears start to fog my eyesight. He couldn't have. No... He didn't kill George.

"He and the other men who saw us are dead. My men took care if it." He repeats himself as he turns right. A tear finally slips from my eye. And then another one and another one.

"Willa, stop crying." He has the nerves to tell me. Fuck, I hate him. I hate him!

George was dad's best friend. He was his best man at his wedding and he was always right beside dad when he needed him. He was the uncle I never had. He was the one who took me skydiving for the first time when my dad was scared to do it. How could he be dead now? How could Silvio kill an innocent man?

"Willa, calm down. You're shaking." Silvio tells me again but with more annoyance present now.

"Don't tell me what to fucking do!" I yell at him as I angrily and quickly wipe a few tear drops from my wet cheeks. I hear Silvio sigh and then the car suddenly stops at the side of the empty road. He turns his head to look at me but I don't bother spare him a glance. My tears once again find their way down my cheeks.

"Willa..." He starts, his tone now softer yet still sharp as always. Instead of listening what horse shit he has to tell me, I open the car door and start walking down the road, legs even wobblier in the heels.

The chilly breeze whooshes past my bare arms creating goosebumps while the hot tears on my face now turn ice cold.

"Willa, it's cold. Get inside." Silvio walks up to me and catches my hand. I feel disgusted of him and his touch.

"Do not touch me, Silvio." I jerk my hand away from his as a sharp hiss leaves my trembling lips. He moves closer, not minding my refuse, and tries to wipe the tears off my cheeks with his thumb.

"I said don't touch me! How could you kill an innocent man? How? He had a wife and a little girl and they're alone now, Silvio." I shout and throw a fit of punches at his chest. I remember how happy he was when Lily, his little girl, was born five years ago. He and his wife couldn't nave kids for a long time and now when he finally got a daughter, he couldn't watch her grow up. Even if Silvio wasn't the one who actually pulled the trigger and killed them, he gave the orders. He had the last call and that's worse. That power he has is terrifying.

Silvio doesn't say anything. He only tries to get a hold of my wrists to stop me from hitting him but soon I get tired and it doesn't matter anyway.

"I had to." He replies after a few minutes filled with my silent cries. I turn around to send him a glare and before I got into the car I whisper to him,

"You're a monster." With that, I get inside the car and leave him to stand in the cold and hopefully slowly die.


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