Chapter 1: Welcome to Birmingham (editing complete)

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"Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies" Aristotle

"Anyone can love a rose but it takes a lot to love a leaf. It's ordinary to love the beautiful but it's beautiful to love the ordinary." Author unknown

I WALKED OUT OF THE PLANE, through Terminal 26, to the lobby of the airport. My boyfriend, Joey Lancaster, waited for me by the bags so we could collect them once they came through the convier belts. The Birmingham air hit me at once, and I inhaled it and let the air travel all throughout my body. My dream has finally come true. I was now in England, with the boy of my dreams, who made this all possible. Joey saw me and casually approached with the biggest smile on his handsome face. We had different seats aboard the plane and barely saw each other throughout the long flight and I was anxious to kiss him already.

   "Tammy! Over here!" He called, waving his free arm. One arm was carrying his carry on bag. He had claimed our bags because my luggage was beside him, along with his.

   My boyfriend was rather handsome. He had straight, but messy, greasy, long hair that ended a tiny bit above his shoulders. He had light brown eyes that were soft with love and envy of everyone, but it was something I paid little to no mind at. He was tall and broad shouldered from playing a lot of football in Springfield. Unfortunately, he had no upper body muscles from playing four years on varsity. It didn't matter because Joey Lancaster loved me and that was all that mattered.

   I smiled in joy. "Hi love, how was the plane ride?" I gave him a quick peck on the lips.

   "Terrible of course. And you?" Joey chuckled, wrapping his spare arm around my shoulders.

   "Worst plane ride. I felt like a rock."

   The truth is, I did. My back still feels stiff and so does my neck. The people beside me were a couple and were cuddling with each other, making me envious of their love. I just wanted my boyfriend to be beside me doing the same, but unfortunately, my boyfriend lacks common sense and when he made the flight reservation, he forgot to pick out seats and we were left to get the seats that were left over. Good job, Joey.

   "Well, let's walk." He removed his arm from my shoulders and grabbed my hand, intertwining his fingers with mine. His hands were cold, and obviously asleep, since he kept moving his fingers. It probably wasn't even him; they were an effect from the cold.

   We walked outside of the airport and now, I was officially greeted with the cool Birmingham summer air. I felt like the outcast now because everyone else who was on our flight knew where they were going. Joey and I hardly knew what was next, just leave the airport. My first impression of England just crushed my imagination of what really went on in England.

   I had originally imagined Brit-brats running around, jumping and talking with each other, having tea in their hands and wearing designer fashion. I was wrong, absolutely wrong and now, I felt really racist. I began looking around Birmingham, looking at some of the sights I never saw back home. There were billboards of many British bands, England's flag everywhere, a big sign of nationalism, and many people, and lots and lots of tourists with their smiles full of surprise, not knowing what will happen next. I think I see more people here by the airport than I see on an average week back in Springfield.

   Just as we saw a taxi and were about to call it, my phone began to ring. It was my mother, probably knowing that I was already out of the flight. I stopped Joey and answered it quickly before she starts blowing up my phone with messages full of concern.

   "Hi mom." I answered.

   "Hey! Are you in England?" Her voice perked from the other side, waking me up instantaneously.

   "Yes of course, I'm already outside in Birmingham with Joey."

   "That sounds fabulous, honey. How was your flight?"

   I groaned, remembering the awful flight that I just got out of. "Awful. I still feel stiff."

   My mother laughed. "Long flights are always like that!"

   "You're telling me. We haven't gone to Italy in a while and I wasn't prepared for this."

   "Well, now you are!" My mom teased.

   "I guess so."

  "Anyways, Tallia says hi and so does Toni. Your father says he loves you. And so do I. Have fun!"

   "Okay mom, have a nice evening. Bye." I hung up and turned to Joey. "It was my mom."

   "Okay." He said nodding. "Let's go look for another cab."

   We watched and watched for a cab to come and take us away from the busy airport. According to the reservations we made last week, we were supposed to be at our hotel before 7 p.m., if not, we would lose our reservation. As soon as we saw a taxi, we rushed after it.

   After we got in the taxi, we got to the hotel an hour later, just minutes before seven. Joey walked me to our room, being careful not to let me fall because I was tired. I nearly fainted. I barely slept on the plane because I was watching The 1975 and 5 Seconds of Summer music videos to keep myself busy and happy, as well as distracted because being in the middle seat, surrounded by people I didn't know who didn't look like tourists made me feel quite anxious.

   I had a two month Summer break here and I was going to spend it wisely. I planned on doing some sight-seeing and eating. I'm going to make sure I do a lot of eating while I'm here. Yes, I am going to get fat by the end of my stay, but, it sure is worth it! Food is always the best part of any vacation.

   I got changed into my pajamas and cuddled up in my bed. Joey got into his and we turned on the tv. We got separate beds because we aren't ready to sleep together. Well, let me rephrase that: I'm not comfortable with that. Joey is the one that wanted to but I made sure that he knew that I didn't want that.

   Right when I was about to fall asleep, my phone rang. It was my friend, Demi. What does she want now? Does she know what time it is? Should I answer?

   I decided to answer to tell her off. "Demi! It's 23:00 pm right now in Birmingham!" I groaned while reprimanding.

   "Well, it's 17:00 over here. Plus I'm super bored!" She said innocently.

   "Well I am going to hang up because I am tired. Plus, Joey is sleeping and I don't want to wake him up."

   "But..." and I hung up before she could even finish her sentence. Oh Demi...

   I tried falling asleep but I couldn't. I kept on looking at sleeping Joey, looking so peaceful and tranquil, even adorable. He never looks like that when he's awake and being a troublesome boyfriend. Well then again, even murderers can look human while they sleep, so, what's the difference?

   Finally, I fell asleep at 1 am, after twisting and turning in bed for a few hours and watching Joey sleep.

   I had a strange dream tonight. It started with me and Joey at a dance. When I was dancing, I fell into a cute British guy with lots of hair in which I didn't know his name, and could sing really good, who was with his three friends, one of which was as handsome as the one with lots of hair and caught my heart. Joey got jealous and punched him instantly. I pushed him away from the stranger and yelled at him. He kept thinking I knew him and had planned to do this to him. Eventually, I said if he didn't like it, to go back to Illinois. And he left, leaving a cloud of dust behind him. I sat along with the boy and his friends and Joey left!

   I was awfully confused by this dream. What did it mean? Was something coming my way?

All I Want to be is Somebody To You (A Bradley Simpson fanfic) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now