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Tonight (the sequel to All I Want to be is Somebody to you(A Brad Simpson fanfic))

Tammy and Brad have already been married for more than a year. They have twins and everything is perfect to them. Demi, Miranda, and Katrina all date someone in the Vamps. The Vamps are going on tour and this seems like a perfect opportunity for Fathoming Stars to open for them.

Tammy and Brad go on tour together with Demi, Miranda, Katrina, Connor, James, and Tristan. But rivals come back to thrive on Tammy's marriage.

*Brad begins to have second thoughts on their marriage.
*Tammy is pregnant again
*Tammy gets in coma again
*Tammy some what ruins The Vamps tours.
*Liberty betrays Tammy is a way so fierce
*Tammy will get arrested
*Brad will want the best for Tammy
*and so much more!

Will that cryptic promise be back in Tonight?

"When you came and saw the stars with me, I felt that I had won you back. Even if we part, our hearts will always find their way back to each other."

Read Tonight Today! If this book has about 800 reads, than Tonight should too! I hope you read it.

And by the way, Thank you, thank you, thank you! 771 reads is incredible!

All I Want to be is Somebody To You (A Bradley Simpson fanfic) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now