Chapter 6: He Has a Wild Heart (editing complete)

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As soon as we got outside, Bradley sat down on the bench and gave me a warm smile, making butterflies explode in my stomach. My heart started racing with. . . I didn't even know. I know I felt something seeing how perfect he looked sitting down there with such tranquility. He didn't look like the calmest boy, but when he was with me, it was as if Bradley Simpson and I were the only ones in the world. I couldn't sit down; I paced around a bit too much just to settle down my nerves but I couldn't. Pacing didn't help me, just make me even more nervous. It is either now or later, Tammy. . . 

   "What's the matter, Tammy?" Bradley asked, looking a little concerned about me. He reached for me but I jerked away and continued pacing. 

   "I have a question for you." I said, biting my bottom lip.

   "Go ahead. Ask me anything." 

   "That sparkle in your eyes, is it... is it love?" I turned away quickly, as I felt the chagrin hot on my face. 

   "How'd you know?" He chuckled. Again with the smile?! Stop it!

   "I saw it and knew the look." Bradley and I locked eyes. "Who is it?" I asked, almost in a light murmur tone, feeling quite disappointed. He's taken Tammy. . . 

   "What do you mean?" Bradley looked confused by "who is it?" and needed it to be asked again but in a different way.

   "Who are you falling for?" I sighed, looking back at him.

   "You." He answered, standing up and reaching to grab me.

      "You who?" Don't act too stupid, Tammy. He's saying you.

   "You! You as in Tammy Scaletta!" He stepped forward, so that now I was standing right in front of him.


   "Yes. I like you." He put his hand, his warm hand on my cheek.

   "I'm still bewildered." Pushing his hand away. I'm sorry. . .

   "Why? Are you afraid to fall for me?" He shouted a little too harsher than intended. Why me? Is this a joke? 

   I stayed quiet for a few seconds, thinking about whether to tell him the truth or to lie to him. I chose telling the truth. I was afraid to fall for him. Falling for him meant giving up my roots and my family. Also, my breakup with Joey was a little too. . . recent and intense. "Well, yeah."

   "But I like you!" Tears streaked out of his eyes, falling down his cheeks. Aww. . .

   "I know you do but what about me?" I shouted back, feeling anger rise up. I deserved something steady, right?

   "Your boyfriend left you! His jealousy ate himself. Don't you worry! I'm here for you!" He stepped closer until there was barely any space separating us, just itty-bity millimeters.

   "But you have a wild heart. You travel, you have a band!" Stop making too many excuses Tammy. You like him. You know damn well you do. Who knows how long he'll stick around waiting for you. . .

   "And?" Bradley looked desperate for me to let him love me. A part of me really wanted to, and the other part was afraid. What if I screw things up? I'm too plain. I am such a plain Jane. 

  I sighed in defeat and hoped to compromise. "I don't want to fall just yet but I want to continue seeing you. Let's stay friends then I'll see if I want to have something serious."

   He put his arms up in defeat and wiped the tears off his face. "Alright."

   "Good. Same page here."

   "But what about last night?" Here he goes again. . .

   "Last night?" I bit my bottom lip, trying to recall last night but it only came in bits and pieces. "We'll always have last night in our minds. Besides, that's the first time I've ever done something like that."

   "You're a virgin?" He asked.

   "Yes." My timidness struck again, making me feel embarrassed of my answer.

  "Don't worry about it." Brad said, wrapping his arms around me for a brief second. "Let's go back inside and finish our breakfast."

   "Alright." He pulled away, grabbing my hand and walking me towards the door.

   We went inside and sat back down in our original seats again. The boys were still making their faces and jokes at each other and Bradley quickly joined them, probably hoping to forget what had happened outside, how I had rejected him with my never-ending excuses. I sat quietly and watched them finish their breakfast as I played with my food, as I had lost my appetite. I would feel Bradley often look at me, looking a little concerned about me but quickly look away.

  When we were done, we paid and left the diner. The boys wanted to go for a walk and I felt that was a good thing for me right now to clear my head and think. I've been here for only three days and I'm already in some boy dilemma with a singer. What is my life? How did I even get here. Any girl would be kissing the floor these boys walk on. . .

   I stayed a short distance away from Bradley, trying not to affect my decisions and encourage him to kiss me, even though I wanted to. I saw them do their craziness and it left me thinking that I'd never do that in public, never would I ever do something like that. I walked in a lost manner, feeling, in a way, drunk. I was with four guys, what would people think of me? That I was one of those girls? I started picking up my pace, forgetting I was wearing wedges. I ended tripping and falling on the ground, on a glass bottle, which shattered under the weight of my leg.

   "Ow! Ow! Ouch!" I yelped in pain, looking at the blood starting to pour out of the cut.

   Bradley was the first one to run to me and check my leg. "How badly are you hurt?" He asked, grabbing my hand and squeezing it.

   James stood on the other side. "Brad, lets pick her up and help her to a bench." He said. Bradley nodded in agreement and the other boys helped me up, directing me to walk to a vacant bench in the park. There were so many people out enjoying the beautiful weather that the park was completely occupied. We would be lucky to have found an empty bench.

"My knee hurts. Can we stop?" I whined.

"No! I'll do something that involves less work for you." Bradley said, however James beat him to it and picked me up and carried me in bridal style. Very unexpectedly, might I add. I looked at Bradley who just pouted. Bradley's face was so funny, I ended up giggling. It didn't take long James got me to a bench and sat me down and started evaluating my knee. There was shard of glass was in my knee from the glass bottle.

   "I think we should take her to a hospital." Bradley said, stroking my shoulder.

   "Yeah. I agree. We have anything to take it out with and I also wouldn't want to hurt her." James replied, letting go of my knee.

   "If you want I'll call a taxi." Connor suggested.

   "That'd be perfect" James said. "Tris, stay with Tammy and Brad. We'll be right back."

   Tristan nodded and sat beside Brad, who sat beside me on the bench, resting his head on my shoulder. I cuddled beside him tactlessly. 

   "I think I ruined your day." Bradley commented, breaking the silence.

   "No. You honestly didn't." He smiled, looking very hopeful. "It was my fault from being immature and keeping my distance from you. That usually doesn't lower your affection for me. I'm sorry."

   "You were keeping your distance from me?" His cheeks lit up with a bright crimson color and the edges of his mouth started curving into a wicked grin.

   "Yeah. But it was one of my stupid plans."

   "I think it was adorable."

   I hit his head playfully. "Silly boy!"

   James and Connor returned two minutes later with a cab and Tristan and Bradley helped me up and got me to the cab. To the hospital we go. . .

All I Want to be is Somebody To You (A Bradley Simpson fanfic) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now