Chapter 28: This Ground of Mine Keeps Shaking

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I grabbed all the clothes I could find and stuffed them in my suitcase. Brad awoke and his eyes were pure anger. He was probably mad that I woke him from his slumber.
"We are leaving." I said.
"We?" He lay conflicted.
"Me, you, and Tallia."
"Now? But it's Christmas Eve."
"It could be the end of the world but I am not staying in this hellhole another minute."
"What happened?"
"Just pack and when we leave I'll tell you. I still have a car and license here." He just got up and obeyed.

It was 6:45 and we were already out the door. I was lucky that my parents didn't get rid of my epic Jeep. Tonight is Miranda's viewing. I think I'd have to miss that or go in disguise. Tallia turned off her phone and took out the battery which had the tracking device and threw it out the window.
"I'll get you a new one. I have an England number and no one knows Brad's number so we can't be followed." I said.
"Thank you, Tammy. You're the best sister I could ask for." Tallia responded.

Our first stop was at the nearest Verizon store. Since I get paid highly, I bought her a smart phone and an expensive case. Tallia lacks responsibility but I trust my little sister. Our next stop was at a clothes store, I needed to buy a black dress for Tallia and I and Brad needed something black. Brad's phone began to ring. It was Tris. Since I had his phone, I answered.
"Brad!" He yelled.
"No, it's me." I clarified.
"Oh, Hello Tammy."
"Hi Tris. What's wrong?"
"I wanted to let Brad know that we are returning to England tomorrow and I wanted to tell you that you have six new songs written. They have not been practiced. Kat has them."
"Katrina. I call her Kat because she's like a kitty-cat. Meow! Fierce!"
"Ah Tris, I missed your voice."
"I know right?"
"Yes! Lol. "
"Tell Brad I have a secret to tell him."
"Bradley!" I yelled. Brad walked over and stood beside me. "It's Tris." I whispered.
"Hello?" Brad asked.
"Brad. I have a secret for you." Tris said.
"What is it?"
"Hi? Oh. Hi!" But Tris hung up. Bradley just giggled. We paid and left.

Our last stop was at Petersburg. It's a fair twenty minute drive from Springfield. My friend Dina lives there and has two houses. One that is hers and the other is a house she rents. She allowed me to rent her house for 6 days. We all went in when I realized, I forgot Jessica.
"Damn-it!" I yelled.
"Why? What happened?" Brad asked.
"We forgot Jessica!"
"We left her!"
"Our poor baby!"
"With my mom!"
"How will we retrieve our dog?"
"Marie." Tallia said.
"Marie?" I asked.
"Miranda's viewing is at quarter of eight. We leave here at six fifty and we hide. I will go in and get Jessica and we bail. Are we going to the viewing?"
"Yes. But in disguise. And your plan is perfect."
"Thanks. We'll get through this together." I grit my teeth.

I wasn't comfortable in this house. Something was missing and it seemed wrong. Brad just lay and the floor on his laptop. I sat on the couch behind him. My phone began to ring, it was Demi. Something about her call seemed suspicious.
"Everyone! Stay quiet!" I yelled. I answered.
"Tammy Natalia Vera Scaletta! Where the hell are you?!" My mother yelled. I ignored her yelling and hung up. I knew it couldn't be my friend. Demi always feared my mom.

I always thought I had described a picture-perfect mom. Ever since Tallia and Toni were two, I got along better with my mom. I had to wait that long to get noticed. When the twins were born, everyone loved them, and there was a little 5 year old that was never noticed. I was never acknowledged either. When Tallia and Toni weren't where I was, they'd notice me and sugarcoat me. Otherwise, I was the third wheel. It was unjust for me. Tallia, my dad, and I always got along better. Toni was always in his own world, but when he would step onto Earth again, he was always with my mom. I see now what my Uncle Fred and Donald (my mom's twin brothers) meant when they said my mom could hide in sheep's clothing. When 7 year old Demi heard that she began fearing my mom. What disappoints me most of all, is that my mom, who I admired, had the guts to keep such a secret to me. What else has she kept from me?

I fell on top of Brad. Brad turned over so that our chest met. I looked at Brad. He looked at me.
"I'm so sor" I started but Brad just pushed his lips against mine and gave me the medicine I need. Love. His love. When our kiss ended. He rubbed his nose with mine and we rubbed our noses. After that, our foreheads met.
"I love you!" He cried. His face turned pale. I've never seen him like this.
"Brad, let's go for a walk, shall we?" I said. He nodded.

This particular street seemed strange. Especially when I saw a purse. That purse gave me a flashback.

The flashback was of Miranda talking in England. It showed her purse. That purse laying on the street was.... Miranda's!

I ran towards the purse and grabbed it. I opened it up and saw Miranda's license. All her money, makeup, and even her cell phone was there. I thought Eric took her purse. Something was wrong. There's a new conflict.
"Who's purse is that, love?" Brad asked.
"Miranda's. There's something wrong in this picture. And I'm going to find it."
"Tammy!" Tallia yelled running.
"What is it, Tallia?" I asked, worriedly.
"We have to leave."
"Because mom figured out the problem. She knows that here is where Miranda was injured and she knows you're going to do something you 'will' regret."
"I'll await her then."
"Don't worry. Take this inside and hide it in my bag." I gave her Miranda's purse. She nodded and ran back.

I stood at the corner of where Miranda was injured. I saw my mom's car. She parked it and walked to Brad and I. She handed us Jessica.
"Where the hell did go?! Why the hell did you leave?!" She yelled. I slapped my mom's face. She put her hands to her face.
"Because I don't want to be with a mother who lies! I didn't want to see your liar face! Uncle Fred and Donald were right! You're a fox in sheep's clothing!" I yelled.
"Lies?!" My mother questioned. I saw Tallia reveal herself.
"She had the right to know. It's about time she knew who you are." Tallia said.
"We had a deal!"
"No! No we didn't! Tammy has been truthful with everyone. And you?! You've been a liar! Tell Tammy what else you've done that is legal and illegal that you've done!"
"Yeah, mom." I said. Brad stood beside me and held me close.
"That's all lies." My mom 'assured'.
"Tell me now!" I yelled much more powerful. Her face turned dark.
"What do you want me to tell you?" She asked, calmly.
"Miranda's death."
"What about her death?"
"Your impact. What happened two days ago?"
"Are you responsible for any of the events that happened to Miranda Lancaster?" My mom stood quietly. She was contemplating on the subject. "Answer me now mom! I know you have an alliance with Joey Lancaster to get me to get back with Joey!" She gasped.
"Fine! Miranda is not dead!" She blurted out. My face turned pale.
"Who was that then?!"
"An actor I hired!"
"Where is Miranda then?!"
"She was sent to North Carolina!"
"So you can get back with Joey!"
"But why?! I love Brad. I have finally realized a true definition of love. And my definition of love is different from the 'love' I had with Joey. I liked Joey but I love Brad. And I will love him for the rest of my days."
"What does Brad have that Joey doesn't have?!"
"A true heart and a pheromone that makes me fall like a ninny."
"It's science."
"You and your damn science!"
"At least I got an excellent education. That's why I got along better with Dad. At least he acknowledged me when I was five, six, and seven. For you, your family involved you, Joshua, Tallia and Toni. I was shit to you."
"I do love you."
"Your definition of love is different from mine." And at that moment I walked away. I couldn't sit here with my arms crossed when my best friend is in North Carolina and someone faked her death. I had to do something and it has to be fast.

All I Want to be is Somebody To You (A Bradley Simpson fanfic) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now