Chapter 23: Some Kind of Miracle

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The song was so beautiful. I was lucky that the song was really me. They said if the demo or EP was a success, they'd give me an album which I'd name, Aligning Stars. I couldn't wait to go to New York for a full week and sing with the Vamps. We were looking at the artwork for my single's cover. I choose one of me pointing to the stars. I hold a marker and I'm trying to make a constellation. Brad's shadow is also featured in it.

They asked me if I wanted to be a single artist or have a band. I wanted to be a duet. I started coming up with names for our duet and start interviews. But we thought we would do it better in New York. After seeing 38 girls in one day, I thought the British girls I was interviewing weren't right.

At the 45th girl, I thought I found my match. Her name was Katrina Airedale. She sang and played the guitar perfectly. I gave her "Constellations" to sing and she surprised me. It was amazing. I asked her if she had any experience with music. She said she's been playing since she was 10 years old. I signed her immediately. I asked her for a name for our duet. Her response: Fathoming Stars. I loved the name and right in that instant, we became Tammy Scaletta and Katrina Airedale, Fathoming Stars.

Five days later....

We a boarded the plane to New York today. I got to know more of Katrina. She's really nice. It's her first time leaving England so she was really excited. Brad was a little antsy because I didn't let him sit beside me. He kept telling Katrina to get up but she'd ignore him. After his consistent questioning and noise I felt like I'd explode in any second.
"Katrina, get out of my seat!" He said again. I smiled then took a deep breath.
"Bradley Will Simpson, one more time you ask that damn question, I will beat your ass when I get off this plane! If it means we fall, then we go down together! Now shut up! Later I will sit with you! When you calm down!" He sat still and fell asleep beside Tris.

When we got out the plane six hours later, I searched for Brad. I saw him by the door. It seemed like the day Joey and I went to Birmingham. Joey was in another seat and I was in another. There he was, with my bag.
"Tammy! Over here!" He called.
"Hi love, how was the plane ride?"
"Terrible of course. And you?"
"Worst plane ride ever. I felt like a rock."
"Well, let's walk."

The words.... the same words that Joey said and what I said. It's like August 1st, 2014 was revived. Except on December 21st, 2014. Those two days after my birthday. But when I went to Birmingham, it was a birthday present from Joey. Today, it was for business. At least I didn't have to pay for it. And I was with Brad. I reached for Brad's hand and I found it.
"I'm sorry." I said.
"It's all right. I was too antsy on the plane. So many hours." He replied.
"I was.... I just wanted to get to know Katrina."
"What's it like being in America again?"
"Amazing! I wish I could go to Illinois and see my family."
"But you can." One of the producers said.
"How?" I asked.
"You can. You have two days off. Plus, your family can be sent for."
"I don't have money for that."
"I'll pay it." Brad said. "I'll pay for them to come and see you."
"You'd do that for me?"
"Of course. It's time Tammy. Time to see your family. So you won't have to see them all huddled in a small camera on Skype."
"Why Brad?"
"Because, I love you. Besides that, your family is just as important to me as it is to you." I picked up Jessica from the carrier.
"I love you Brad! And I owe you one."
"No, I owe you for getting you pregnant."
"What?!" Both producers said and Katrina.
"You heard. She's expecting twins." Brad said. I leaned in and kissed him.
"I love you." I said.

We got online and bought the four tickets to New York City and we'd meet them at the airport. I sent the email from Brad's account so they'd think it's a surprise for me. But it's a surprise for them.
The email said,
"Dear Mr. And Mrs. Scaletta,
It's me Bradley Simpson. I am planning to do something for Tammy and I'd like you to come to New York for 5 days. You leave in a day. Get the twins ready. See you there.
Sincerely, Brad."
We sat satisfied with what we did. Brad and I lay together, until Tris and James barged in. Connor apparently fell asleep and so did Katrina. They were holding champagne.
"I want to make a toast to Brad and Tammy Simpson. They are having a set of twins. Twins! Amazing!" Tris said. He sounded drunk.
"Yes Tris. Let's go and have fun tonight!" James said.
"Dudes, you guys are drunk. Tammy is sleepy. We have to pick up her family tomorrow so leave." Brad said very maturely.
"But Brad!" Tris started.
"No buts!"
"No butts?" James questioned.
"No b-u-t-s. Meaning no, n-o, excuses."
"Alright. Brad. Tammy. Bye." Tris ended. Both of them fell asleep in their suite and we fell asleep in ours.

Tomorrow I'd finally see my parents. After three long months. Tomorrow will hopefully go as planned. Hopefully....

All I Want to be is Somebody To You (A Bradley Simpson fanfic) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now