Chapter 16: Don't Want to Stay the Same

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I woke up in a hospital. Ever since I've been to Birmingham, I've been in at least three hospitals. I opened my eyes. The room was empty. I scanned the room. Then, I saw I wasn't alone. Brad was propped on the couch. Still in his clothes from the day before. Or the day of the incident. I only remember me slipping and falling down the stairs at Brad's. I stayed awake. I couldn't fall asleep again. So I decided to wait until Bradley wakes up.

Bradley woke up an hour later.
"Tammy! You're awake!" He screamed. And kissed me.
"Why wouldn't I be awake?" He stayed quiet. "Brad, how long have I been here?"
"Tammy, I can't lie to you. You've been here a full week. One full week of you being in a coma." My face stiffened.
"Brad! Brad! Bradley take me out of here!" I struggled to get up.
"Calm down! Or they'll put you to sleep again."
"Ok. Ok." I shushed myself.
"Good girl." He patted my head. "I will go get the doctor to inform him that you are awake." I nodded.
"Wait!" He stopped. "Give me one last kiss." He ran to me and kissed me. "See you really soon." I smiled. He nodded.

The doctor came in really fast. He saw that I was already well and that I recovered from my wounds and pain. So I was permitted to leave with Brad. I was sort of limping.
"How is Jessica?" I asked.
"Our baby is alright. She gets along really well with Jesse. They were the ones who alarmed us that you were unconscious."
"Dogs can sense feelings."
"That's cool." I reached for his hand. "Tammy."
"I got a picture of us that small for your locket."
"Yeah. I got it and cut in the shape of a heart. Can I put it in?"
"Of course!" We stopped and he put it in. It was a picture of us holding Jessica. It was the day we got Jessica. That smile we had. It hurt me knowing that one day, this memory would somehow be forgotten.

He walked me into my apartment. I sat down and looked at Bradley. We were silent, only hearing the crickets crick and the floor boards creek.
"I think I should shower and get changed." I announced.
"Alright. I'll wait."

It took me a while to pick out an outfit and start the shower. After ten minutes I heard yelling.
"Tammy? Tammy?" It was Brad. I heard him enter the bathroom. I moved the curtain a bit.
"Brad, I'm here." I said. He looked at me. I went back in so I could wash my hair. Then I felt the curtain move again. Brad had gotten in. We moved into each other and began to kiss. The sound of the water soothed us and made it better. We were bathing together. I've never felt anything for Joey the way I feel for Brad. Brad is an angel and Joey is a demon. I could get used to it, to this, to that.

After an hour, we got out. We had wrinkly skin and we were freezing. The hot water eventually turned cold after a while. We got dressed fast. I reached for my coat and wore it. Brad also wore his. It was 20°C outside. And inside was at least was 25°C. We drove quickly to his house. We were greeted by the dogs then by his family. They hugged me.
"We were so worried about you. And when you were put in coma, we thought it would be the end. But you endured. I wouldn't be anymore happy that you and my son would get something serious together." His mother smiled. "You're a great girl. And I saw my Brad thinks the same way about you, maybe a little more."
"Thank you Mrs. Simpson. Those words warm my heart." We leaned in and hugged. The rest hugged me. I picked up Jessica and Bradley took me to his room. We put Jessica down and broke into kisses. After a few minutes, we lay together. "Can we see the stars?" I asked.
"Alright. Let me grab my jacket. I'm freezing." He replied.

We sat down in the grass and propped against the house.
"How come you like the stars now?" I asked a few minutes later.
"When you took me to see the stars, when we were at your apartment, I saw them and they looked so beautiful. Your eyes sparkled like them."
"But the stars are your spotlight!"
"No, Tammy. They're yours." We looked at each other. Tears were starting to fall down my cheeks. I've never heard anything so adorable. I fell into his arms.

With the sound of a bullet in the night, we kissed. The sound of bullets started getting louder as they did closer. But we didn't care. We only cared about each other.
"Brad! Look out!" Brad's mother yelled. Brad looked and a bullet shot, it hit his arm. He started gushing blood. And in that patch of grass, Bradley fell.

All I Want to be is Somebody To You (A Bradley Simpson fanfic) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now