Chapter 10: Oh You Wouldn't Believe Me (editing complete)

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I kept rereading the note over and over again. I didn't and couldn't believe what she wrote. I was not a drug addict. I didn't even have money for that kind of junk. I barely have enough pounds to buy myself food, as all my money is in US Dollars. I've been there for what? Four days? Do you think I would go and find a drug dealer to go and buy drugs for me to get high? I'm was not that kind of person and the fact that she's saying I am is very suspicious.

   "You're a drug addict?" He asked, looking at the top of the note.

   "Heavens no." I answered quickly.

   "Lemme check your bag then, Tammy."

   "You don't believe me or have confidence in me? I don't waste my money on shit like that. Just believe me!" Is he believing his ex-girlfriend more than me? Is he serious right now?

   "Please Tammy, you assure me that you don't have drugs in your purse then I just want evidence." I handed him my bag, practically throwing it at him. A little packet of a white, powdery substance came out. My heart dropped. "What's this?"

   I took the packet and examined it, gasping. "I'm just as confused as you are, Brad!" I cried. Does he not believe me?

   "I don't trust you. You had this planned. You want my money for shit. Bye!" He dropped my purse and left fast, running to the elevator.

   "Brad! Brad! Bradley! Come back here!" I started to cry as the elevator closed before I could even get in.

   I collapsed to the floor in the hallway. I put my hands to face my face, inhaling the sweet residue on my fingers. It still had the faintest smell of Bradley holding my hand and his body touching mine. Shit, I remember our night together and how he pressed his body to mine and made love to me. I couldn't deny that now; I was in love with a stranger that I met only two days ago and slept with once. I feel like I've known him an eternity and that it isn't the end of us. It can't be.

   Liberty put me in a trap that I didn't deserve to be in. It's as if she realized I had fallen for him, just when I was about to confess to Bradley that I sincerely was starting to fall for him. I loved him now. I was determined to show him that Tammy Vera Scaletta was no drug addict and that no one was going to take Bradley Will Simpson away from me. Not now, nor ever.

   I staggered in once I had mustered enough strength to stand, with a whole new load on my shoulders to carry. I took out my laptop and searched him up, wanting to see his smile once me so he can fill me up with some courage to fight for him. I listened to his music, especially "Somebody to You", which flooded my ears multiple times as if Brad was right next to me, telling me, assuring me, repeating to me, that he only wanted to be with me, only me forever because he loved me and that I was driving him wild. Oh Bradley Simpson. . .

   I fell asleep, right on the hardwood flooring, with my headphones still in my mind. In my mind, I saw Bradley's heavenly smile, laughing at me or because he knew he was being silly as always. His look with the headphones on when he saw me yesterday as I walked in and his single dimple, his chestnut brown eyes lighting up, with the lights being his spotlight. Boy, was this is an important chapter in my life. I now had to decide what I had to do to win him back and not let Liberty take him away as he slipped through my small fingers.

   As I woke up that morning, I imagined Bradley being outside the door. I swear, I heard a faint knock on the door, just waiting for me to answer it and usher the person in. Brad! I ran to the door, nearly slipping on the hardwood floor, but alas, it was empty, there was no one outside who wanted to see me. The corridor was vacant, not a single soul outside. I went back inside in defeat and grabbed a bottle of water. I opened it up and splashed the cold water on my face, hoping it would wake me up and let me get productive.

   After I fully woke up, I ran to the shower to bathe. I quickly took a shower and got dressed in a pair of ripped jean, a flannel shirt, and a pair of black vans, and of course, my dog tags. I wanted to look decent but cute for Bradley, just in case he would take me back after I cleared up this big misunderstanding between each other. Hopefully he didn't tell the others about it. I was already starting love them and add them to my friend list.

   I took out the newspaper that was left on my table from the other day that Joey brought it so he could look at attractions, and looked for vacant apartments. I had a plan but first, I needed my own place. This hotel is starting to become to small for me and it made me claustrophobic. I needed space to walk around and feel relaxed, not enclosed with so many people surrounding me. Especially with what I'm having added, it needed space and I doubt this hotel will welcome him/her nicely.

   As soon as I saw one with low rates, I grabbed my hotel key and my parka, and went to go see it, hoping this was my last stop for apartments today and forever.


   Once I finished my business with the apartment, I grabbed a cab to the studio and walked right in, catching the blue eyes of James Daniel McVey. He saw me and started to walk away but I ran after him and grabbed his right wrist. Damn, he was so muscular. I felt his veins throbbing under my petite hands and I was suddenly having second thoughts about my plan.

   "James, I need to speak to you." I said, almost pleading.

   "Why? You hurt Brad with you being a drug addict." He replied back.

   "I assure, I'm not a drug addict. I don't spend my money on shit like that. Liberty put me in a trap."

   "Okay, how are you so sure?" James rolled his eyes.

   "Because, this note was on my door." I showed him the note.

   "Okay, but the drug was in your bag." James said with a sigh.

   "When I was in the studio, I left my bag unattended. She must've put the drug in there before Brad and I left for a walk. She knew what my plan was last night." I replied quickly to get this out of the way.

   "What do you need from me then?"

   "To let me see Brad."

   "Alright. Come with me." Did I really convince him? He trusts me!

   "Wait!' I stopped, looking at James's bright blue eyes. "What's he doing right now?"


   "Alright." I chuckled in relief. "I'll surprise him."

   We walked in to where the boys were at and everyone rolled their eyes at me. Wow, gossips spreads like wild fire amongst these boys. James sat down and explained to them what had happened while I walked towards where Bradley was recording. He didn't hear when I came in because he had his headphones on and he was singing Smile. When the instrumental music stopped playing and the recording symbol went off, meaning that he was no longer recording, I put my hands on Bradley's eyes, covering them.

   "James? Tris? Connor? Is that you?" He asked.

   "No, it's me." He turned around and pushed me to the wall grotesquely, as if I were nothing more than a stranger, and started for the door. "Brad, wait." I called.

   "I have nothing to talk with you, drug addict." Wow, a title that I do not deserve? How gullible are you?

   "Come here." I cried, wiping away a tear that fell down my cheek.

   "Why?" He said, still looking at the door.


   "Fine." Bradley approached me, warily, looking at me in pure suspicion. As soon as he got close enough to me, I put my arms around his neck and leaned in for a kiss. He pulled away after a while of our lips moving in sync and looked at my mesmerizing face. "What was that for?" He said, still in another world.

   "For me falling like a ninny for you. Can I tell you what happened?"

   "What's your explanation, Tammy?"

   "This." I handed him the note from Liberty that I swear he saw last night too. I saw him reading it and rereading it over and over again.

   "Liberty! She had this planned! Fucking bitch gets me all the time!" He shouted, catching the eyes of all the others around us.

All I Want to be is Somebody To You (A Bradley Simpson fanfic) [Editing]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora