Chapter 18: Closer to You

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1 Month later....

After four weeks of consistent care of Brad and him being in intensive care twice, Brad finally got to walk out into the bright Birmingham sunlight in mid-September. His arm is much better and his scar is almost invisible. We decided to go to his house first before we surprise the guys. When he saw how big our Jessica has gotten, he almost cried. She's just about doubled her small puppy size.
"Brad, that means our love doubled." I teased. The face Bradley wore was so adorable.

We walked to my apartment so I could drive him. He was restricted to drive for two weeks. So I became his personal chauffeur. I drove him to the studio. He walked in disguised. When Tristan wasn't looking, Brad took off the disguise and scared the crap out of him. James and Connor fell to the floor in fear. Brad began laughing hysterically. I fell beside him and laughed too. We also scared the other producers. The guys took pictures of their faces so they can post it.

Brad invited me to a restaurant for lunch, just Brad and I, together. I ate quietly since everything that's happened I've told him. He knows what my friends said when I informed them about me staying in England. He knows how Joey reacted. He knows I got my papers to become a citizen in Great Britain. So much has changed.

Brad kept dropping his fork during the meal. On the seventh time, he arose without his fork and kneeled in front of me with a small box. He opened it up and it had a ring. Only one thought entered my head: proposal.
"Tammy, we've known each other for a small time now but I can't hold on any longer. Will you marry me?" My face turned instantaneously red.
"Brad, I do." In the most simplest way I could. I didn't scream, yell, or shriek. He leaned in and we kissed. I was now getting closer to him. My eyes turned watery. When we finished, he put the promise ring on my right ring finger and carried me out.

When we got to Brad's, I decided to call my mom and share the new with my family.
"Tammy?" She asked.
"Mom!" I yelled.
"Hi Tammy. What's up?"
"Mom, I have some news for you. Get the family and we'll Skype. It's important."
"Alright. I see that it is urgent. I'll Skype you in five minutes."

I waited five minutes and the awaited video chat from my mom arrived.
"Hello my lovely family!" I said.
"Hi!" They all said in unison.
"I have some news for you guys."
"More news?" Tallia asked.
"It better not be sad news, pumpkin because you know how I get." My dad said.
"Okay. Here it goes. I am getting married." I blurted out.
"What?!" My family said altogether.
"Bradley proposed to me and I accepted."
"Tammy, I am proud of you." My mom said.
"I know you've know Brad for at least two months but that's too early." My dad said.
"That means I can come to England and see you?" Tallia asked.
"Me too!" Toni said.
"Dad, I know it seems weird that I'm marrying Brad already but I'm nineteen. I can handle myself. And Tallia and Toni, yes." I answered.
"I know pumpkin. But when's the wedding?" Dad asked.
"We are still planning it. You have to be here when Brad asks you for my hand." I said.
"Alright. When you have said date. We'll go to England."
"Yay! I love you guys!"
"We do too!" They said. And the call ended.

I sat downstairs with Bradley, looking at his Instagram because I had nothing better to do. The faces he made, the stuff he do, his past keeps interfering with the present. I want to be close to him but when I see how happy he was in the past, I get second thoughts. I also wonder how he and Liberty and why they ended their relationship. I needed to know. Just see why and leave. And I know how.

All I Want to be is Somebody To You (A Bradley Simpson fanfic) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now