Chapter 27: Trouble Sleeping

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When I entered my house, my mother was on the couch, reading on her iPad. Tallia was texting and so was Toni, and my dad wasn't there. I smiled. This was my life before Bradley Simpson and going to England.
"I'm going to my room." I announced.
"No, wait." My mom stopped and got up.
"Why? I'm pretty sure my room is still in place."
"We're using your room."
"Why? You have your own room."
"It's getting renovated."
"Then where will Brad and I sleep?"
"You guys can sleep on the air mattress in the attic, basement, or living room. Choose."
""Wherever is warm. It's December twenty-third and it's damn cold." He said.
"Attic." I said. My mom nodded and went into action.

Brad and I walked to the attic. He was amazed at how clean my house was and our apartment and his parents house was always a mess. I had a sober face. The only perk the attic had was that it had a deck so I could watch the stars. It's been four months since I met Bradley and now, I know that we will always find our way back to each other.

I entered the patio. I stood stagnant and watched the stars aligning in the dim moonlight with only the constellations illuminating the sky outside in the brisk night. Somehow that spark in one of the stars told me I was going to get another problem. But I knew I could do this. That I could be Misses Tammy Natalia Scaletta Simpson and have a set of twins. I watched before my eyes the twinkle in the constellations. Then the moment was ruined because Bradley took me out of my daydream. I saw reality again. I looked at Brad. My intuition told me that tonight was going to be a long night.

The stars have always calmed me down. The only person who loved stars more than me was Miranda. Ever since I started watching stars when I was 12 and would stay at Miranda's house and watch them, she's had love for them since she'd come with me out into the lunar light. She was always there for me. And Demi too.

Demi never was still. She was active, silly, funny, and fashionable. She was always in the latest clothes and knew how to match her clothes. Demi had a perfect style. She's had at least 10 boyfriends since we graduated high school. Whenever her boyfriend would do something to her, she'd dump them. She's never been dumped.

Miranda was stagnant at times but she was never stoppable. She was active, intelligent, serious, and she was the romantic one out of us. She's had at least three boyfriends that she has flirted with and won them. She's been dumped once. Her last one she broke up with him. But she loved acting, watching stars, and dancing.

Me. There's really nothing to say about me. I am always on the run, I'm smart, I wasn't always serious but I also wasn't always laughing, and I was the one who was different. I only fell in love with Joey and that was it. I didn't have to win him because when I fell off a stage at my 13th birthday party, Joey caught me. I've been dating him since I was 13. But now? Has my character changed?

I remember when I first came to England. I was a mature, loving, and serious girl. That's not me anymore. I guess I'm silly, romantic, socialite, and I still have my brains though. I've been changed because of Brad. But if it wasn't for Brad, I wouldn't be here. Maybe Miranda wouldn't be dead. It was a wrinkle in time. Maybe this wasn't suppose to happen. Maybe this all wrong! Maybe I'm suppose to be with Joey all my life. Maybe I am not suppose to have twins. Maybe I'm not suppose to be a singer. Maybe I'll never get that far.

I pulled away from Brad. I got up and went to the first floor and sat on the couch. Alexa got up and lay beside me. I solemnly stroked her long gray/brown hair. I felt footsteps near me. I looked up and saw Tallia coming down the stairs. She sat beside me and grabbed my hand.
"Tammy, can I ask you something?" She whispered.
"Anything." I whispered back.
"Do you love Brad?"
"I love him."
"Because I was going to the attic to go to the patio and see the stars, like you do, and I saw you pull away from Brad and go downstairs."
"I couldn't fall asleep Tal. I pulled away because he held onto me, you know when I'm thinking I can't have people on me. So I went downstairs."
"Are you mad?"
"I'm so mad. Miranda is dead."
"I saw the whole thing."
"I saw the whole incident."
"Tell me your point of view."
"Miranda and Demi were crossing one side of the street and Joey was crossing the other side of the traffic box thingy. Miranda wasn't paying attention, and a truck hit her. She fell to the ground. Eric rushed into the scene. She wasn't hurt though. She was in the hospital and the next morning, we saw the cannulas and oxygen tank were disconnected, and she was dead. Someone killed her. Marie and Mom said to not to tell you the true story because you'd go crazy."
"So secrets were kept from me. Am I not wrong?"
"I promised myself I would tell you. You were her best friend. You should be aware of everything that happened."
"Anything else that has happened?" Tallia remained quiet. "Tallia? Confess to me now." Tallia started turning red. "Tallia please." She took a deep breath.
"Mom and Joey have an alliance to get you to break up with Brad and get back with Joey." She blurted out. She covered her face. I touched her shoulder.
"Thanks. As of later, I won't spend another minute in this house. Tallia?"
"Can I go with you?" She asked very eager.
"Of course. Anything for my little sister."
"Go pack. We leave at six-thirty."
"That early?"
"Mom gets up at seven-thirty, so I want to give her some sweet revenge. Don't worry. I have a plan." I gave a wink and we arose and went our ways. I was leaving on Christmas Eve morning.

All I Want to be is Somebody To You (A Bradley Simpson fanfic) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now