Chapter 35: She'll Break

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I stood outside, cradling Brenda with Jessica beside me. I was worried on what Natalie would do.

Brad's point of view-

I watched as Tammy showed up with Brenda and Jessica. I ached to go outside and kiss her but she hated me. I didn't know what she would do to me for trying. Natalie and her began to speak. She was probably telling Nat how much she hated me and Skylar. I loved her. I love her still.

There, I saw Natalie rush in with rage. She opened he door, pushing me down, and grabbed my wrist.
"Bradley Will Simpson, what the hell did you do to Tammy!?" She yelled. I tried to shrug my shoulders but I couldn't. I was in too much pain. She let go of my wrist and went upstairs. I wonder what she was going to do. I looked outside again. Tammy was still there but cradling Brenda and stroking Jessica. She looked worried. I was worried to. Did she know what Natalie was going to do?

I walked back inside, sitting beside my mum on the divan and picking up Toby. His eyes were the same as Tammy's. My mum then grabbed Toby from my arms and walked outside.

I got up and looked through the window and saw Mum had given Tammy Toby to hold. Tammy was crying. She should be! She had made a big mistake, saying she hates me. I moved to the settee and lay there.

An hour later, I looked back out the window, my mom and Tammy were still outside but they were watching the stars. I had an urge to watch the stars so I went out the front door to the bottom set of stairs. Tammy and my mom were closer to the door. I ran in and grabbed my Polaroid camera and my other camera so I could take pictures.

Soon a car approached and out came another familiar face. Lawrence and Laura. They walked in their casual fashion.
"Bradley, we need to talk." He said. Laura planted a small kiss on his cheek and went back to the car. I warily walked over because I was scared. I haven't seen this dude for three years. I looked at Natalie. She was smiling. Did Natalie call him?
"Hello Lawrence."
"Bradley, why did Skylar appear at your door? I want answers."

We sat down on the steps and I began telling him about Tammy and what happened earlier today. He listened and then he found his answers.
"Sky is going to hear me. Getting with a promised man."
"Don't worry. Tammy hates me."
"No I don't." I heard her sweet voice. She walked over. She was barefoot, with a robe on and her hair up in a simple bun showing complete abnegation. "I don't hate you, Bradley."
"Then why'd you say you hate me?"
"I said that to Sky. Not you. I like you."
"You like me?"
"No Bradley, I love you." She ran into my arms already in tears.
"Bradley, this was just too much of a scandal. I'm gonna talk to Sky. Now, I need to go cos Laura and the kids are waiting." He gave me a hug. "Very nice meeting you, Tammy." He gave Tammy a hug.

Tammy's Point of View

Lawrence really was the charm like Natalie told me. It was hard to be mad at a guy like that. He was dedicated. But Brad. I was in Brad's arms again. He cupped my face.
"Now, Cinderella, let's go to sleep." He whispered.
"No, Prince Charming, kiss me."
"Fairytale?" I nodded. He picked me up, spinning around with my delicate body. And he finally stopped, dipping me and leaning in. I let them control me like a puppet. Our noses met until he angled his head so they'd meet my lips. His tongue entered my mouth empathizing the kiss. It felt like August 2nd all over again. He picked up my body again and I was laying in his arms. He didn't stop kissing me though.

Everyone was watching. I felt their eyes scanning us. My rope fell exposing my falling tank top. We fell on his bed where we stopped.
"We are a mess." I laughed.
"A hot mess." He giggled back.
"Everything will be alright if you keep next to you." He smiled. He was blushing. "Ooo my baby is blushing." He made a silly face. I buried my head in his chest. "Wedding back on?"
"Of course. I never canceled it."
"What? You played me?"
"Yeah I did. I knew I couldn't forget something like that."
"When you came and saw the stars with me, I felt that I had won you back. Even if we part, our hearts will always find their way back to each other."
"I've always wanted to say this to you. You know, all I want to be is somebody to you."
"Of course you always will be." I kissed him again. "I have an ardent passion for Bradley."

We fell asleep together. Like it's suppose to be. I finally slept good after countless nights twisting and turning. But something struck me that awoke me. I looked around and saw my phone turn on. It was Instagram. I didn't know what was going on. I unlocked my phone and saw Brad posted a picture a few hours ago. It was just the notifications repeating the sound.
"Bradleywillsimpson: with my love. We're a hot mess. 😍" it was a picture of us, I was on top of him. His head was on my shoulder. I gave a loving smile. He gave a funny face. I decided to copy that picture and use it as my phone's background picture. It made me feel warm. And then Brad's phone began to vibrate. I looked at it and it was a text from James.
"Bradley, I need you to come to my house now. It's urgent. Bring Tammy. This'll interest her too."

I had to slap Brad multiple times before he got up. He was being very lazy. We got in his car and drove to James'.

He was outside. There was an ambulance there. I didn't see Miranda. She said she was spending the night with James. Joe O'Neill was there. That's one of the Vamps' managers. He approached me and Brad.
"Brad, come with me." He kissed my cheek and walked away. I saw James, he looked anguished.
"James, what happened? Where's Miranda?" I asked.
"She fell off the porch. She is really hurt. She's in that ambulance." My face turned pale.
"James! Come here, now!" Joe called. James walked away and left me isolated.

Brad's Point of View-

Joe was at James'. Why?
"Brad, come with me." He said approaching us. I sealed a kiss on Tammy's cheek like a stamp on an envelope and walked away with Joe.

After James joined us, we went in sitting on James' sofa. He was indignant. What bug stung him?
"We need to talk, boys." He started. "I'm tired of this girl drama. When you're married you can do what you want but otherwise, stop it. James," he turned to James, "because of you, Miranda fell of the terrace. She's in critical condition. I suggest you break up with her. Brad," he turned to me, "Tammy is one of my clients. She's one of the best female artists I have. She'll be out of the maternity vacation in a month. By that time , you two should be married. If you do anything stupid, you'll regret it. The Liberty drama as well. I don't want to see her around." He got up and started for the door. "By the way, next week, you guys are going to Cali for songs. One week." He opened the door. "Oh, no bringing your dates. Brad, you can bring Tammy and Katrina because they also have music. You can't bring the twins. " and he walked out. James was upset. He got up, opened the door, and slammed the door, leaving us in there. I pushed my fingers through my hair. My tendrils curled around my fingers.

Tammy's was near where the ambulance was. James was on the grass beside her. They were anguished. But a car parked right in front of James' and it looked peculiar. Out came a lady with blonde hair. Demi? I saw her face. It was Demi. She was here and now I felt strange. What might happen to Demi? If she hooks up with Tristan or Connor, Joe will be mad. False. He'll be incensed. Come to the point where he'll drop us.

"Hey guys. Guess who's gonna be staying in Birmingham? Me! Where is Miran?" She looked around. James dove his head back in his hands. No more girls please!

Tammy's Point of View-

Demi! She was staying in England! My wish came true! I was hoping she'd come! Especially now that Miranda is in the hospital and Liberty is on vacation with Ricardo.

I sat down with her telling her everything that's happened and she was so confused in many ways. We hoped Miranda would be fine. She's strong. She'll endure. I'm sure. I suddenly remembered Tallia. I left her home! What an idiot I am! She must be wondering where I am. She's probably worried. I need to go get her! I grabbed Brad's arm and Demi's and we flew home.

Tallia was there but asleep on the couch beside her cell phone. She had a worried look on her face. But I was happy now. This was going to be fun. I could sense it.

All I Want to be is Somebody To You (A Bradley Simpson fanfic) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now