Chapter 5: What the Hell Happened Last Night? (Editing complete)

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I woke up next morning in a position I'm not used to at all, however, I felt so relaxed and calm, even though I also felt bare. I stood corrected when I looked under the blanket and saw that I was in my underwear. What astonished me the most was that Bradley Simpson, a boy I met last night, was next to me also in his underwear. My reaction was beginning to scream and wake him up. He woke up instantaneously and when he noticed where he was, he began to scream as well. But, he wasn't as anxious as I was, nor was he embarrassed. Of course not, he's in a band. He probably gets laid everyday. 

   "What the hell happened last night?" I asked, gasping for air. What the hell did happen last night?

   "I think we were at a dance and I brought you home." He scratched his head, trying to recall what had happened between us last night. Nothing. . .

   "I think I might've made out with you." I blurted out, noticing the hickey on his neck. I couldn't have done that. If I did, how?

   "Probably more than that." He answered, biting his bottom lip afterwards in a way that was sexy. Why? 

   "How are you so calm?!" I screamed, punching his arm with all my might.

   He didn't answer my question, nor did he feel affected by me punching him. "This ground of yours must keep shaking."

   "Yes!" I looked at him, thinking of my ground shaking isn't enough words to describe how many problems are on my shoulders. "More problems to the plate!"

   "Well I am with you." Bradley rubbed my arm comfortingly, which, I can't deny, felt good, calming me down a notch. Joey could never calm you, could he, Tammy?

   "I'll be back." I started getting out, grabbing the sham. "I need to shower and get dressed."

   "Okay." He replied, pulling the quilt towards him.

   I went to the shower in the bathroom, carrying a pair of red skinny jeans and a Green Day American Idiot T-shirt to get changed into. My shower was brisk, only letting water splash on my skin to wake me up properly. I needed to wake up and hope this was a dream. This had to be a dream, right? A dream? A good yet bad dream? A bad yet good dream? 

   Once I showered and got dressed, I went and sat in the living room, contemplating this situation over and over again.

   So, let me get this straight. Within 24 hours, I went to a party. I watched my boyfriend get drunk. I danced and fell on an utter stranger. Watched my boyfriend punch the stranger and then, defend the stranger and then break up with my boyfriend? To top that off, I went to my hotel room, with this utter stranger, and made out with him and may or may not have slept with him? What the hell is wrong with me? What the hell did I do? What the hell was I thinking? 

   My thoughts were interrupted by someone no other than Bradley Simpson, approaching me and sitting right beside me. Nice.

   "Are you alright, Tammy?" He asked, feeling awfully concerned.

   "Yes. I'm fine." I answered quickly. No I am not, Bradley. No I am not. . .

   "Are you sure?" He looked me straight in my eyes and I felt my heart flush. God damn you.

   "Okay, want the truth?" I said in a matter-of-fact. "My head doesn't feel so bright."

   "Let me feel." He put his back hand to my forehead. "You're warm but not fever warm. But, it's probably because you haven't had any breakfast."

   "Oh whoopty doo." I replied sarcastically. Be nice Tammy. . .

   "Why don't you come with me and we'll go get breakfast together?" Bradley put his hand on my thigh and I felt myself blush. 

   I threw my hands up in defeat. "I don't think you'll take no as an answer, Mr. Simpson."

   He nodded, with a slick smirk on his face. "No, I won't, Miss Scaletta."

   I groaned. "Fine. I'll go. Let me grab my purse." I got up and grabbed my purse, laying on the sofa.

   Bradley called a cab once we left the building and we went to a park. I saw James and Connor on skateboards and Tristan on a scooter. They all saw Brad and raced over here, almost knocking me over.

   "Watch it!" Bradley yelled, grabbing me by my waist, sending goosebumps down my spine. Stop it!!!!!

   "Sorry Brad and," Tristan looked at me up and down, "Tammy?"

   "Where were you last night?" Connor asked, not bothering to ask why I was with him. "You left the party and didn't return, leaving us waiting."

   I gave Brad eye contact and gestures to him so he wouldn't tell what happened. I don't want anyone knowing that I spent a night with this stranger. "I stayed with Tammy." He answered. I looked back at him, worrying about his incredulous and utterly stupid answer to his friends.

   "Ooo Brad!" James said, nudging Brad's arm.

   "We were only talking. No flirting, no gossip, no nothing. Just friendly chat get to know each other." I said, trying to save us.

   "Why don't we go out to breakfast?" Bradley asked.

   "I'd love that, because, after all, you promised. Besides, I barely know Birmingham and I'd love to see more of England." I replied back to Brad with a weak smile.

   "Then, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" James cheered.

   We hauled another cab and went to a diner in London, which wasn't too far from Birmingham. Only half an hour, more or less. I was the only one that was quiet throughout the ride there and at the diner. It was only until they started doing silly faces at each other in the diner that I began to make some sort of noise. I began to giggle, next chuckle, finally I began to laugh out loud like a mentally insane person. They started laughing as well, either at themselves or at my horrible laughter. I was laughing so much that I fell on Bradley's lap, since he was sitting next to me, gasping for air. My laughing slowly subsided, and even though it did, I kept my head on Bradley's lap, even when he started slowly stroking my hair. The guys continued laughing though amongst themselves, while Brad looked at me with a face full of pride. 

   Eventually I got up and Bradley and I stared into each other's eyes. His chestnut brown eyes sparkled with that twinkle of love, the one I saw whenever I looked into Joey's eyes when we were dating, so I knew right away that he was in love with me. If I let him love me, I guess we'll always remember last night, but, I don't think I can. You're leaving in a month Tammy. . . you can't let a stranger in. . . no matter how gorgeous his eyes are. . .

   "Bradley, may we speak for a minute?" I asked, feeling determined to end whatever was going on between us settled once and for all.

   "Sure, anytime, anywhere." He replied, getting up and grabbing my arm, leading me outside of the diner.

All I Want to be is Somebody To You (A Bradley Simpson fanfic) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now