Chapter 2: Can We Dance? (Editing complete)

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I got up that morning feeling lousy and especially jet-lagged. I felt like I didn't sleep a thing at all last night. Besides, my mind was still on that dream I had last night, thinking of ways that could come into my life or if I was just procrastinating and overthinking things as usual. Whatever it was, I tried not to put so much interest in it to not worry Joey so much because boyfriends worry about their girlfriends, especially Joey.

   As I got out of bed, I looked to see if Joey was still sleeping. He wasn't in his bed, as there was only blankets all tangled up and on the floor too. He seemed to be a tornado when he slept from what I noticed. I got up and walked to the living room/kitchen to look for any signs of him. He wasn't there either. Eventually I saw that behind the curtains in the living room was a patio and Joey was there. He was on the phone and looked pleased, making me sigh in relief. If he had left me alone, there would be a problem!

   I turned around looked at the clock. It was half past 11 am! I had to take a shower and get ready! I can't be in pajamas too long! Especially with Joey. Almost out of instinct, I rushed to go take a shower and get descent for Joey.

   "Hey Tammy! Where are you?" Joey called around the hotel suite. It looked like he had finished with his call and had come back in.

   "Taking a shower." I replied, almost in a shout. I could barely hear myself with that sound of the running water splashing against my body.

   "Oh. I'll tell you what I need to tell you when you get out."

   I got out three minutes later and got dressed in a pair of blue high waisted skinny jeans, a red and black flannel shirt tucked into them, with a big-buckled black belt around my waist, along with my black Steve Madden riding boats that I had got when I went horseback riding with Joey and Miranda last fall. When I looked in the mirror, I was pleased with my outfit and I hoped my boyfriend agreed.

   When I finished, I sat down and started fixing my hair, taking out the numerous amount of knots in my hair from when I slept last night, Joey walked in and sat down beside me, rubbing my arm a little to put me at ease.

   "You have a minute?" He asked finally after the moments of silence that he just sat and watched me brush my hair.

   "Yeah. What's up?" I put my brush down and faced him, looking into those apologetic brown eyes and weren't always genuine.

   "Guess what."


   "We are going to a party."

   "A party?" I said slowly, almost unsure if I had heard him correctly. 

   "Well, it's a dance but for me it's a party. Dances almost always mean party."

   "Awesome!" I said with mock happiness but he didn't seem to notice.

   "I know. Look your best. We are leaving at five."

   "Okay." I pulled away and got up. "I'm going to go shopping, I have nothing to wear!"

   "Now?" He looked at me with confusion.

   "Yeah. I want a nice dress and heels." I said proudly. I always need to look my best!

   "Okay, okay, okay. Then see you soon." He put his hands up in defeat, then sealed my cheek with a kiss and with that I left the room, feeling especially excited for the party tonight.

   I went to three dress stores and I didn't see not one dress that neither I liked nor captured my attention. I kept telling each taxi driver to take me to different stores and boutiques within the neighborhood because I didn't know how to navigate through Birmingham of course. I had barely been in the city for a day. Eventually, we went to Primark and I saw a beautiful burgundy dress with a black ribbon tied on the back, which, not to mention, was on sale. I nearly ran in just to buy it, and I did, feeling awfully proud of my decision to buy the burgundy dress.

   Next, I had to go to about five shoe stores because none of their shoes matched my dress. Why can't they make anything burgundy? At the last shoe store was when I saw something catch my eye. I saw a pair burgundy heels with a black bow on them and they matched perfectly with the dress I brought earlier for the party. Of course I bought them because, one, I didn't want to keep looking and two, I was tired and these looked like the ones!

   I got back at almost 4 pm from shopping and I had a good 45 mins to get ready for the party. It shouldn't take me long since I'm not the stereotypical girl who takes more than an hour to shower and another to get dressed and put on makeup. Altogether, I finished at 4:50, just because I got distracted while in the shower and it took me longer than expected.

   When I stepped out of the bathroom to show Joey, he gasped and nearly fainted, blushing at how gorgeous his girlfriend looked. Even I thought that I looked beautiful and I deserved the attention I got for once.

   "Babe, you look amazing." He complimented, kissing my temple.

   "Thanks!" I gave a little curtsy.

   "Lemme get a pic." He took out his cellphone and took a picture of me. "Now we can go. You got a jacket, Tammy?"

   I grabbed my leather jacket that laid on the chair in the corner. "When don't I, Joey?"

   "Good point. I already called a cab."

   "Smart." I grabbed his arm as ladies do, and we left the suite with smiles plastered on our faces.

   We got to the party around 5:30, where we were greeted by so many people, letting the sound of the crowd hit us at once.

   "Hey, the number one rule is stay away from the Brit-Brats." Joey said, already disappearing in the sea of people.

   I just had to ignore his comment because it was completely unnecessary from his part. I know how to handle myself. And another thing, that's completely prejudicial against British people. They're just like us. We speak English and are human too! I don't know what his problem is but I already know that he's not going to be on his best behavior tonight. He liked to drink illegally and get way too drunk at parties. But when I came along, I was usually able to control him. 

   I spotted Joey again we I saw him sit down and eat the "free" food and drink alcohol. I didn't like that he drank two shots tequila right in front of me like nothing, even though we are allowed to drink here, and he kept going back for more and more shots of liquor. Why was Joey so... so weird today? He's not him...

   I stood by the wall, being a wallflower like always. Every dance at school and every party I've been too, I've stood by the wall, just pretending that I'm part of it. With the way Joey was acting tonight, I just had to stay back here and pretend that I didn't know that stranger who was flirting with all the pretty girls with their perfect makeup and hair and cheap cigarettes in their mouth. Why Joey?

All I Want to be is Somebody To You (A Bradley Simpson fanfic) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now