Chapter 24: One More Time

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I left the studio early to prepare for my parents arrival. I have already three songs for my demo. Katrina turned out to be such a success. I'm really happy I chose her and we're starting to be the best of friends. I went to a new suite that's big enough for seven people. Bradley and I are staying with them. The seventh person is Jessica. I wonder if Alexa came.

Alexa is my dog in Illinois. She's at least 5 years old now. She's a Yorkshire Terrier. I remember getting her as a present for us on Christmas. Just unwrapping an eight day puppy was surprising. I was fourteen, Tallia and Toni were nine. She was the perfect addition to our house.

At last came the hour to pick my family from the airport. I hid near where Brad was waiting. I saw them exit the plane. Alexa was there in the carrier and Tallia was carrying it. Toni was in his phone. My mother saw Brad and ran to him.
"Bradley! You're much better in person!" My mother hugged him.
"An honor to meet you Brad." My dad led out a hand and Brad shook it. I ran out of my hiding spot and tackled my dad.
"Tammy!" My family screamed.
"I thought it was a surprise Bradley!" My mother yelled.
"It was. A surprise for you." I smiled. Tallia ran into my arms and hugged me. Once more I was reunited with my family and I give all thanks to Brad. "Thank you so much Brad."
"It was no problem. Your family means as much to me as to you. It was time to visit them anyway."
"But you paid everything. You're my fiancé and you means much more to me."
"And I owed you for you know what. I thinks it also time for that." I knew what Bradley meant and I guess he was right. It really was time. Better late than later.

I walked with my family. Brad walked behind us. He didn't have an expression. His face was solemn and sober.
"Brad! Come with me!' I held out my hand. I walked up and took my hand. "Remember where my fingers fit perfectly with yours." He smiled but his face turned grave afterwards. "Tallia, can I hold Alexa?"
"Of course, Tam." Tallia said. I picked up Alexa from the carrier. She's still as light as a feather. I showed her to Brad.
"Brad, this is Alexa. She's our dog in Illinois. She's five years old. We got her on Christmas." He petted her and gave a weak smile. I looked at his arm, the scared arm. He was bleeding. "Brad! Your stitches and the scar! It's bleeding!" He looked at his arm.
"Sit down Bradley. I have a first aid kit." My mom said. Brad sat down on a stone wall. My mom checked his arm. Then she put alcohol and I had to hold Brad down because the alcohol made his arm sting. She wrapped his arm in bandages to cover it. Brad got up and reached for my hand. I gave it to him willingly and we walked to the hotel.

When we got to the hotel suite, Tallia and Toni ran in and my mother and father sat down at the table. I sat with them along with Brad. My nerves were high. But I had to do it, even if it meant being ashamed for my actions.
"Mom, dad, I have a confession to make?" I said.
"That you and Brad had sex? We already know that." My dad said.
"No dad. It's something else."
"What is it, Tammy?" My mom said.
"I am pregnant with twins."
"Oh. I knew it would happen but already?"
"Mom, stop being a hypocrite because you got pregnant with me when you were nineteen too." My mom gasped and then remained quiet.
"Don't talk to Tabitha like that! She's your mother! That means respect my wife!" My dad shouted.
"Dad! I'm nineteen! I'm not a baby anymore!"
"You used to be so mature and respectful when you were with Joey!"
"Don't bring Joey into this! I changed by dating Brad! I've gotten so many perks and an unconditional love with him! I've got a damn awesome record deal!"
"This guy got you pregnant!"
"I don't care! I looked for it for making out with him every night!"
"You heard dad! I had sex with Bradley Simpson every night and got pregnant!"
"You are being such a child!"
"Alright! At least I have a point for being a child!"
"Which is?"
"A boyfriend who loosened my true self!"
"That's no point!"
"Yes it is! I'm not twenty two! I'm nineteen! And if it wasn't for Brad, you wouldn't be here! He got me a job! He showed me there's more to love than the love itself! Look at this locket! He engraved it for me! It says 'Tammy and Bradley, an irrevocable love; never to cease'! He got me a puppy! That puppy sleeping on the couch is our dog Jessica!"
"He's mesmerizing you! Making you a sex slave!"
"Excuse me! You don't offend me! Or Tammy! She's never done anything! We took this seriously! It was a stupid mistake!" Brad yelled at my father. "The only thing I've done is love Tammy!"
"Liar!" My father hollered back.
"Sir, your daughter is something sacred to me. I proposed to her. I didn't know that in her gene was twin history. And you are being a hypocrite because you got Miss Vera pregnant when she was nineteen. You used to be childish with her. And so was she. But you guys matured!" My dad reddened. He sat back down and sat quiet.
"Mom and dad, I waited until I saw you to tell you. I waited a full week for this moment to tell you. I found out a week ago. I wanted to tell you face to face. I am three months. How would I know that I was pregnant?" I said.
"You're right. I'm sorry, Tammy. I didn't know. I guess we're just as childish as you two." My mom said.
"Thank you mom for your comprehension."
"I'm sorry too pumpkin. It was too harsh on me. Please forgive me Brad and Tammy." My dad said.
"Dad, you know I don't hold grudges on people. So I forgave you like two seconds ago." I said.
"Neither do I Mister Scaletta." Brad followed.
"Thank you." My dad replied. We forgot that Tallia and Toni were in the living room living. They were paralyzed for the news. We all started laughing at their faces. They're only fourteen. Wait till it's Tallia's time. My dad will definitely lose it on her.

All I Want to be is Somebody To You (A Bradley Simpson fanfic) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now