Chapter 33: The Pushy Friend

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We got home and I literally fell onto the couch and dove into my laptop.
"Nice to see I get acknowledged." I heard a familiar voice. I looked up and saw a tall, skinny, lady before me. Her hair was straight and was brown with red highlights mixing in. I arose and tried to find my balance.
"Miranda!" I said. "Sorry. I got connected immediately."
"I know, I know. Guess I'm too boring."
"Don't say that."
"No, I am."
"Shut up and hug me, sister." She walked over and picked me up. She squeezed the life out of me. Tallia walked over and she too, joined the hug. Brad stood watching us. I gestured him to come over and he ran in. I tumbled to the ground and sat there. Brad let go of everyone and sat before me.
"Hello, love." He said.
"Hello, my baby."
"That's new. Say it again."
"Hello, my baby!" He buried his head in my chest.
"You look so gorgeous skinny. And now that you're back to being five two I can intimidate you."
"Excuse me."
"You heard. I'm five seven. I can scare you by being five inches taller than you."
"No you can't. Your scratchy, morning voice and bed head scares me. Not your size. You're too perfect."
"Perfect? Oh honey, I am not perfect. I may look perfect but I ain't perfect. I make mistakes just like you."
Miranda, who had went outside to answer a call, came back and saw Brad and I were kissing.
"Jesus Christ, can you two get a room and stop your idiosyncrasies because you can wait three weeks to get married and do whatever you want or you two can stop because you two are parents. Or I'm giving you option C, get a GOD DAMN ROOM!" She yelled. Me and Brad just had to burst into laughter. "I'm serious. Not even I do that with James." We stopped and saw she had covered her mouth and tried walking away.
"Excuse me, Miss Lancaster but we have to talk. Especially if it's the James Brad and I think it is." I said.
"Damn-it!" She walked back and sat on the couch. "Can we talk, just me and you?" I nodded.
"Brad! Get lost!" He looked hurt but arose and went upstairs. I looked at Tallia. She got message and followed Brad up the steps. "Miranda, tell me. Confide in me."
"Three months ago, when we went to that party to celebrate the release of your EP, I sat with James and we were mingling. He asked if we could go outside for a moment. We did so and he pulled me close and kissed me. He said he really liked me. At the moment I stood starstruck and I kissed him. I accepted that I liked him. We began secretly dating and when we'd reach five months, we'd confess that we've been dating. It was our little secret! And I broke it!" She began to cry.
"Miranda, don't worry. It's amazing knowing that you and James are dating. Eric left you. This time you didn't have to use your charm."
"Stop it!"
"Oh, Miran. Don't worry. All we need is Demi to come here. I swear, she's perfect for these discussions."
"I know. By the way, keep this a secret. Please Tammy. Don't even mention it to Brad."
"I promise. Don't worry. I am a tomb. I will never tell anyone your secret. But I'll talk to James about it."
"Because, he needs to know, I stand behind you guys. I will support you. You're family to me. Marie too. Jacob as well. I love ya."
"I love ya too." She ran into my arms and embraced me.
"I always do the best for you. I will never abandon my best friend."
"Thank you. I will never leave you too. Especially now, that my best friend is getting married June Sixth."
"I know. D-Day."
"You loved learning about the Holocaust. You were always interested in it. That's why Number the Stars by Lois Lowry is your favorite book."
"The North Star will always navigate me home."
"Oh, the North Star. I remember your room is painted with stars. You loved astronomy, World War II history, geometry, literature, and writing. You excelled in everything."
"No I didn't." I pulled away.
"You always had A's and rarely B's."
"Yeah, but I'm not perfect."
"You have a perfect life."
"No I don't." I never had a perfect life."
"Look at your catch! You have Brad. You have two kids! You have a life that's irrevocable."
"Brad? Brad, I fell for him because he mesmerized me. I love him now more than ever. Especially, because I long for him and I to be doing the right thing!"
"Right thing?! You guys had sex just about every night until you found out you were pregnant! With twins!"
"Miranda, what's gotten into you?"
"What's gotten into me is that my best friend's wishes come true and mine can't."
"Your stars will..."
"Again with the stars! They won't align!"
"When you see that James is doing the...."
"What does James have that I want?!"
"Love and a golden heart."
"A golden heart?"
"He's amazing. He will treat you well. I swear."
"What if he doesn't?"
"Then, he will meet Tammy Natalia Scaletta."
"You didn't say Vera."
"I am excluding everything that has to do with my mother."
"But you never hold grudges." I turned pale and stood quiet. I was speechless. "What are you holding inside, Tammy? What are you feeling?"
"Trapped. Like a songbird trapped inside a cage whose wings are clipped and even though as much as they try to flutter their wings, they cannot escape. It continues holding them back and back. Like chains on a prisoner. They can try but unless you have the strength, you cannot break from it. I cannot accept the things I cannot change in some ways."
"I never knew you felt like that."
"I have always felt that way."
"I have always felt trapped. Even now. But now, I feel somewhat liberated because Brad is my savior. He looked for something to salvage and he found me."

All I Want to be is Somebody To You (A Bradley Simpson fanfic) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now