Chapter 8: He's Got my Heart Again (Editing Complete)

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I got up lousy again, for the second-third night in a row ever since I got here from Springfield. My eyes were stained red and I felt like I didn't sleep at all. It took me a lot of work to get out of bed, shower, get dressed, and make coffee because of my damn leg and because I felt awfully discouraged after what happened last night. It took a lot of courage to decide to go to Bradley's studio and see him, just in need to apologize to him for my rudeness last night.

   My mind could not get Bradley out. His image, his hair, his eyes, the taste of his lips, the feeling of his flesh, were stuck in my brain. I just couldn't fall asleep, thinking about him and how I wanted to wake up beside him again, for the thrill of it. I wanted to see him make silly faces at the guys, like they had done in the emergency room while the doctor was examining my leg. These boys were slowly becoming my life and just one morning without them already felt like an eternity. 

   I called a cab quickly from my phone and they took me straight to Bradley's studio right after I finished my coffee. The studio was pretty far from the hotel, giving me more time to think about what had happened between Bradley and I. What we were, what I felt for him. 

   When I got to the studio, I ran in and immediately demanded to see Bradley and convinced--argued--with them so they'd let me in, and without asking one of the guys to authorize my visit. The guards brushed me off as a crazy fan but I didn't give up. I kept saying I knew them all and I could prove it. I was saved when I saw James entering and as soon as he saw me, he helped me out by telling the guards to let me in. He was beginning to seem a lot like my guardian angel and I hoped things worked well.

   As soon as we walked in, I caught the eyes of Bradley Simpson, in action, with his guitar and the microphone in his big hands.... wow. But when I examined him closely, he also looked like he hadn't slept very well either. When his eyes caught mine, they began to light up, just like his cheeks lit up with a bright crimson color. What a cutie!

   While waiting for Bradley to finish, another girl showed up, looking very inpatient and anxious. She had an ID that said,"Liberty" on it and I assumed it was her name. This girl looked me up and down and then scuffed in response. What's up with her? She was tall and busty, built like a model. Her hair was long and the color of tree bark, and it curled at the bottom. Her makeup was flawless and she was definitely known here and was waiting for someone. But, I didn't think too much about her because all my attention was on Bradley.

   When Bradley was done he ran to me, tears in his eyes of pure joy and exhilaration. "Tammy! You came!" He squealed, picking up into a tight embrace.

   "I felt bad for calling you off. So it took me a lot of courage to come here." I said with a smile.

   "Wow." He kissed my head and we stared at each other with pure smiles on our faces.

   "Hello Brad." The mystery girl said, making Bradley put me down and give her a glance. He didn't look so pleased by her presence.

   "Liberty?" Brad question, trying to confirm that it was her, despite the fact that she was wearing an ID tag with her name written in big, red, bold letters.

   "Yeah, I came to see you." She stepped forward, reaching for him.

   "But I want nothing to do with you, Liberty. You're an exceptional girl. But I am in love with someone else!" Bradley fought back, looking at me with a smile.

   "Is it that Tammy-girl?" She asked, pretending as if I wasn't beside him at all.


   "Is it Tammy, that girl talking with James?" Talking with James? I'm right here!

   "Why are you asking me this? Especially right here, right now?"

   "You know what, you don't have to answer that. I know it's her. That spark in your eyes speaks louder than your words." Liberty was already in tears and started walking away from him.

   "You know, the truth hurts, but lies hurt even more." When Bradley said that, she began to run away. I walked away from him carefully and went to sit with the other boys seeing he needed a few moments by himself. 

   When Bradley started pacing around, I walked slowly approached him. He ran to me and started crying in my arms.

   "Bradley?" I asked in concern and in astonishment.

   "Tammy, I love you, say you'll get over your ex love and be with me! Just say it!" He cried.

   "Bradley." I said once again, but sterner. Get ahold of yourself.


   "Bradley, you're too tensed. Let's go for a walk." I grabbed my wallet from my purse and we walked outside, crutches and all. "Bradley, is she your ex?" I asked once we were outside and a safe distance away from the studio. I knew he didn't like the other boys to be in his personal problems by the looks of it.

   "Yes." He answered shamefully, turning away.

   "Why was she there?"

   "She didn't like when I broke up with her."

   "Oh." I turned away and grimaced, not knowing what else to say. 

   Silence. He had no words to say on the topic of his ex-girlfriend. "I need a Red Bull or something to drink." He said, rubbing his fingers through his thick, brown curls. Even though he was tensed, the gesture was attractive. 

   I looked around and caught eye of a corner store. "Let's go to that corner store." I pointed to it. "I'll buy."

   We walked into the corner store instantaneously, just because Bradley practically dragged me there. Once inside, Bradley grabbed a can of Red Bull and I grabbed a bottle of Sprite because I fought the urge to grab something with caffeine. I felt like a Sprite would be a better choice, even though water would've been the better choice, and not to mention healthier. Once it was paid, he opened it and began to drink it all at once.

   "Can we go to my house quickly?" Bradley asked when he was done with the can, looking at the fridge where the can's other brothers were housed, watching him.

   "Sure." I nodded.

   We started walking and within minutes, we got to a lovely, large detached house, which looked quite posh and grandiose. It looked well maintained with a manicured lawn and perfectly cut rose bushes. I saw Bradley run to his dog as soon as we got there, crouching on the ground hugging his dog. She was a beautiful golden retriever, making me smile. It was a lovely man and dog moment. Eventually, I started to laugh at how Bradley and his dog got along. After a little bit of standing there and looking like an idiot, he signaled me to come over. I warily walked over.

   "Jesse, meet Tammy." He introduced.

   "Hello." Jesse began to lick me and get on me.

   "Hey! She's mine I tell ya!" I started to laugh so loud, I fell to the ground. "You're going to hurt your leg again!" He said smiling with concern. 

   "It actually doesn't hurt as much anymore." Make it up to him now that it doesn't hurt! "Hey, can we do something... fun?"

   "I know just the thing." He smirked with a laugh. "Let's go get the gang and we'll do what I have planned."

   "Okay." I smiled and got back up, accompanied by the handsome, Bradley Simpson, who was slowly starting to win my heart. . . 

All I Want to be is Somebody To You (A Bradley Simpson fanfic) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now