Chapter 20: Shout About it

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Two Months Later....

It has seem like a blur of events. Nothing significant. It's already November and it's getting colder. Brad and I have already picked out a day for marriage. Brad has changed ever since Liberty has gotten out of jail two weeks ago. He only says hi when she visits me and sits beside me. But when Demi and Miranda came this week, he was talkative and silly and doesn't sit still. I asked Brad what was wrong with Liberty, he said that she doesn't seem like she's changed. She has changed so much. She's no longer a diva. She wears simple clothes and shoes, she works, and she's got a new boyfriend. I am convinced that she changed.

Brad asked me if Liberty could be excluded from the wedding. I declined the offer because Liberty is going to be my Bride's Maid as well as Tallia and Natalie. He's having the guys be his. He keeps saying I'm making a mistake. Brad is my fiancé and he must learn to put up with her. She's still a work in progress. Maybe if he at least acknowledged her and spoke at least a few words to her, she'd changed even more.

Demi, Miranda, Brad and I have been staying at my apartment along with Jessica. We go out now a lot. I now know all of England and can travel wherever I need when I need. Sometimes Liberty tags along with us, only when she's not working or when she's alone. It's usually once or twice a week. My family is going to come soon to England. I can't wait to see Tallia. Especially, my mother. My mother's story is amazing. That's why I love music. Today is when something significant happened.

Brad and I went to the studio early. He left with James to fetch something and Tris and I decided to play in the recording room. I was singing, Taylor Swift, 22. The producers heard me and began recording me. When the song finished, they started clapping.

"Why are you clapping?" I asked.

"We heard you singing." One said.


"You are an amazing singer."


"We want you."


"You, and a demo."


"You heard me. So what do you say?"


"Let's go sign your contract!"

Brad came by 10 minutes later. When he saw me singing, he stood bewildered.

"What's going on?" he asked.

"They liked my singing and gave me a demo deal."


"The producers liked my singing. They gave me a record deal."

"Woah Tammy!"

"I finally have a job."

"But what if you have a tour?"

"You'll come with me. You and the guys will be my opening act."

"How much you gonna pay?"

"Shut up Brad!" I slapped his face softly.


"I'm sorry, baby."

"I'm not a baby!"

"Yeah you are. You're my baby. Only mine." We kissed and everyone went out to celebrate. Even Natalie, Demi, and Miranda came. We celebrated with one martini and a toast for our marriage and for my record deal. "Everyone, we are going to shout about it." I put up three fingers. "Three, two, one."

"Congratulations!" We all yelled together and raised our martinis.

Brad and I left hand-held and saw Liberty. She was bleeding, her clothes dripping with blood.

"Liberty!" I ran to her. "What happened?!"

"They shot me." She stuttered.


"I I I don't know." She started staggering.

"Brad, help me pick her up and take her to a hospital."


"Do it for me! What if that were me? Would you let me die?"


"She's your ex. She has changed."

"Alright." He picked her up. "Let's go. I'll drive."

"No, I'll drive. Stay with her." I drove as fast as I could. I finally got her to a hospital to save her.

I waited for her results and for her to survive intervention, just like Brad. I called her boyfriend and he arrived and stood by the door. I stood and paced around the hospital. Bradley fell asleep on the couch and Demi and Miranda went to the cafe to have some coffee. Then, I suddenly fell. I fell to the floor and was unconscious.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Brad sitting at the edge of my bed and James talking to him. Brad looked tensed.

"Brad?" I said, still feeling dizzy. I looked down at my stomach. I was fat, fatter than usual. I'm really skinny though. "What happened?"

"You fainted." James said.


"You were drunk from the martini and you are...."

"Shut up James!" Brad interjected. "Tammy let's talk alone." He looked at James and gestured him to leave. James walked out casually and closed the door, cautiously. "Tammy, do you think we've had.... sex too much?"

"No. I like being with you."

"Well, we have. We stay with each other and everything."

"Oh. We are going to stop? Wait! Where is this leading to?"

"Tammy, my love, you're pregnant with twins!"

"It's in my gene! My mom had twins! My grandmother had twins! The first born child always has a set twins in their lifetime! No matter what gender!"

"I know your mum had twins but your grandmother? From which side?"


"Oh. I should've been aware of that."

"I was dumb nor to tell you. How many months?"


"Our wedding is in six months!"

"Then let's have it seven!"

"But Brad! I want to be married with you! By the way, how is Liberty?"

"She's fine. Demi and Ricardo are with her. She endured the intervention. She's in stable condition."

"That's good. Can we go?"

"Sure. Come with me."

"Help me up."

"Alright." He picked me up and struggled. He could carry me in the blink of an eye. Now he couldn't. He helped me to the lobby.


"What now, Tammy?"

"I want to see Liberty!"

"Ma'am, you cannot pass, the two are the only authorized. And because you fainted, you are not allowed to pass for sixteen hours." The desk attendant said.

"Told you." Brad said. I made a face.

All I Want to be is Somebody To You (A Bradley Simpson fanfic) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now