Chapter 17: You Put me Through It

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We ran into the hospital. I was already in tears, I felt like trash. His mother, father, and Natalie were beside me. I wanted to stay with Bradley at all times.
"We need someone to companion the patient Bradley Will Simpson." The nurse said.
"I will." I stepped forward.
"Are you the sister or blood relative of the patient?"
"No, I'm his girlfriend."
"If you were his wife, I'd let you, but you're not. We have a policy of people out their circle. They must be a blood relative or apart of the family."
"I'll go." Brad's father said.
"Follow me." I fell beside Brad's mother and burst into tears.

After an hour of waiting, the doctor came to us.
"Are you guys the apart of the family of Bradley Will Simpson?" He asked.
"Yes, I'm his mother, this is his sister, and that's his girlfriend." His mother said.
"You are the girl that was with him during the incident?"
"Yes." I replied.
"The police is waiting for your share of the incident."
"But can I hear the news first?"
"Yes." He nodded. "Bradley is recovering. He almost died during the intervention. But since he's a strong, young guy, he made through it by a loose thread. He's delicate now."
We all hugged and smiled. "He can have non-blood relatives or friends tomorrow."
"Can I go now?" His mother asked. He nodded. Brad's mother walked forward. Just as I was walking out, I saw the guys, James, Tristan, and Connor.
"Tammy! How's Brad? I heard about the gunshot that hurt him." James said.
"He's delicate. But he survived intervention by a 'loose thread' as the doctor quotes." I replied. "I'm going to tell my declaration now at commissary."
"Want me to drive you?"
"If you can, I'll be grateful."
"Of course I can."

When we got into the car, James helped me in.
"Thanks James. Really. You're like a guardian angel to me."
"It's no problem."
"I'm serious. You've been the one that's helped me with Brad and what I've needed."
"You're welcome. You're intentions with Brad are good. You've showed him the love he needed and loaned for. What happened?"
"You know how I was in coma?"
"Yeah, Brad was unsteady. He couldn't work. I sent him home. He couldn't sing and stop shaking."
"Well, I got up yesterday. We went to my apartment, showered together, went to Brad's, made out a little, and went to see the stars like we do every night."
"That doesn't seem harmful."
"Here's the tragic part. Brad and I began to kiss and we heard gunshots outside. But we didn't pay attention. Brad's mother came out and yelled, 'Brad! Look out!' And Brad was too late. The bullet shot him. It caused him to faint."
"My God. That's got to hurt. But he endured."
"I'm happy he did. I don't know what I would do if Brad died tonight."
"Me too."

We got out to the commissary. I told my declaration and James and I left. He took me to the hospital and we sat there together. After two hours of waiting, I received a call from the commissary.
"Hello?" I said.
"Hello, is this Miss Tammy Scaletta?"
"That's correct."
"We caught the criminal."
"Who is he?"
"It's a she. Her name is Liberty Vargas. Her declaration is that she wanted to kill you for 'stealing' her ex boyfriend and she aimed for you but because it was night, she couldn't see well and the gun shot at Mister Bradley Simpson. She is now arrested. Do you know her?"
"Alright. She is now on her way to the feminine penitentiary in London."
"Thank you so much."
"No problem ma'am. All in a day's work."
I got up. "They caught the person who shot Brad!" I yelled.
"Who was it?" His mother asked.
"Liberty Vargas."
"Yes. She wanted to kill me but she shot Brad. They're taking her to the feminine penitentiary in London."
"Good. She'll be there in the name of justice."

When the dawn struck, I went in to see Bradley. He was so weak. So pale. So useless. But not for me. I kissed his head and his eyes opened.
"Hey Brad. I'm here. You're safe. I'll always be here for you too." I said.
"Thhhhank yyyouu." He said.
"For you, I'd risk my life." He gave a weak smile. "I love you." He blushed. I know how he felt when I was in coma and when the shard of glass was in my knee. He put me through it.

All I Want to be is Somebody To You (A Bradley Simpson fanfic) [Editing]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora