Chapter 4: Can't Even Talk Still Stuttering (editing complete)

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Bradley held my arm with delicacy and it made me feel so warm inside, not to mention make my heart race. He was an actual gentleman, unlike Joey. Despite this, I was quiet and even if I tried to speak, I'd stutter. This has never happened before, especially with a guy. I've always acted bravado with a guy and never backed away from them. Not even Tallia or Toni stuttered and they're only fourteen because they learned from me. But for some odd reason, I was nervous around Brad. 

   "Oi Tammy, how old are you?" Bradley asked, attempting to converse with me.

   "Me?" I asked, mentally slapping myself for saying that. Duh Tammy, you're the only Tammy he's with. 

   He nodded and laughed. "Is there another Tammy here?" Humor, nice. 

   I chuckled softly and felt quite embarrassed. "I just turned nineteen in July." I began to stutter again.

   "Wow, I just turned 19 in July too. What a coincidence." Brad's eyes landed on mine softly. They're so gorgeous. . . like a never-ending hole to the center of the earth where you'll burn to ash. . .

   "Um.... Yeah." I turned away.

   "Are you from England?" Here he goes again!

   "No," I looked at him, locking eyes with him again, "I'm from the U.S. I'm on summer break here."

   "Wow." He gave me another smile. "You know, you're very beautiful."

   I felt my cheeks light up with color once more. "No I am not."

   "Yeah you are." Bradley gently touched my cheek.

   "Well if you compli--compli--compliment me, I'll compliment you. You're very cute." At the last sentence, I didn't even stutter. What's happening to me?

   "You didn't stutter in that last sentence. Are you afraid of me, Tammy?"

   "Do you want the truth or a little lie?"

   "I'd prefer the truth, doll."

   I'll just pretend I didn't hear him call me "doll." "Sort of."

   "Why?" We stopped for a brief second and faced each other.

   "Because..." I sighed in defeat. Here goes Simpson. "I had a dream with you, and it's the same image I saw at the dance. With my boyfriend punching you. I mean, my ex. I mean... ugh. I don't know."

   Bradley, like the gentleman he is, didn't question my Joey dilemma. "Like a vision?"

   "Exactly!" I answered quickly and quite loudly.

   "Wow. That's pretty cool."

   I scuffed. "You're telling me, Bradley."

   The rest of the way was quiet and long. Bradley didn't ask me anything else or try anything else with me. He stayed in complete silence, which I honestly appreciated, yet, detested. I did like talking with him. It was different than talking with Joey. Joey was loud and liked to talk about himself, as he was prideful. I only listened. But with Bradley, it was as if we wanted to know everything we could about each other. 

   He walked me to my hotel room while he was at it and that is when we were the first people to witness the disaster that happened while I was with Bradley at the dance. Joey wasn't kidding. He really did leave. All his belongings were gone, except the evidence that he was here momentarily and in a cloud of fury. Some of my things were thrown and the drawer with our passports in it was open and on my bed. Lucky for me, my passport was still there. At least he wasn't petty. . .

   "What the hell happened here?" Bradley asked, turning to me.

   "My ex took his belongings and left. He wasn't kidding." I frowned, but then, my expression changed into a straight face. "Oh well. I guess we are--"

   He cut me off. "He's missing out on a beautiful woman like you." He nudged my side softly with a grin.

   I chuckled softly. "I guess so."

   "Hey, I've got an idea!" Bradley announced. 

   I looked at him. "What?"

   "I was thinking that I can help you out since you barely know Birmingham."

   "That sounds actually pretty tantalizing."

   "So, is it a deal?"

   "Yeah, I'd love that." I smiled, putting the drawer back where it belonged. 

   "Well, I guess we'd like to do that."

   I looked at him, question the we'd. "We?"

   "You know, me and the guys. We have a day off tomorrow."

   "Oh! Cool." We stayed silent for another minute or two, before I decided that I wanted to get some coffee. Offer him some, Tammy. "Oh how silly of me! Would you like a drink?"


   "Coffee or water?"

   "Coffee sounds divine, Tammy. Thank you."

   "Alright. It'll be ready soon."

   "Take your time, doll." Ughhhhh... when he calls me doll, it sounds so amazing!!! Why he is he doing this to me?

   I went to the kitchen, leaving Bradley alone in the living room on the sofa. I looked through the cabinets for the coffee I brought with me from Springfield from my house. As soon as I saw it, I began making it. Lucky for me, there was a coffeemaker in the hotel suite to use at my own expense. The coffee didn't take long to make, which made me feel satisfied with my work, hoping that Bradley would be too. You change men so quickly. . .

   When the coffee was done, I sat down right beside Bradley on the sofa, and handed him a mug of piping-hot coffee. It smelled delicious, however, his cologne did too and I just couldn't decide whose aroma was better: Bradley's or the coffee's.

  "So... you're single?" He asked, suddenly relinquishing the awkward silence between us. What are you trying to do, Bradley Simpson?

   "I guess so." I looked down, feeling upset now that Joey was gone.

   I'm not going to lie. I did like Joey. I never felt love for him though. I feel like we rushed things too fast and that's probably why it ended up like this. How long did we date? We dated probably two years, with four different "break ups", which don't compare to this one, the definite one, well, at least this "break up" felt definite in my head. It was pretty intense. 

   "Well, try this." With that said, he pressed his lips against mine, making me drop the mug of coffee I had made only moments ago, in which broke into a million pieces on the hotel room's black, grey, and white polkadot rug. I had to kiss back because it felt like a sin not to. His lips felt like heaven! Just like you thought. . .

   "Bradley..." I moaned. "What. Are. You. Doing. To. Me?" I moaned again in staccato. 

   "Hmmmmm..." He replied to my question, which wasn't a valid answer, but... it was enough for me because his lips said something else. You're driving me crazy. . . "I've been waiting to do this all night. . ."

   I continued kissing him and he embraced me tight, causing me to feel his bones and muscles, which were much more than Joey's muscles. Bradley obviously worked out. This boy is killing me. I didn't feel anything at one point, it was as if my train of thought had left its station, leaving my heart to make decisions for me, Nor did I feel him take me to my bedroom....

All I Want to be is Somebody To You (A Bradley Simpson fanfic) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now