Chapter 7: Why's He Taking Me so Seriously? (Editing complete)

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My short stay at the hospital was absolutely monotonous, time-consuming, and incredulous. I had to get out the hospital in crutches because I had to get stitches on my leg for the wound the shard left. When they pulled he glass shard out of my knee, the excruciating pain made me scream at an unbelievably loud volume and the doctor had to give me tranquilizing medicine. I swear, even with the tranquilizing medicine, I still felt like throwing someone out of a window and screaming "Bloody Mary."

   As soon as I was authorized to leave, the boys all decided to help me get back to my hotel room and help me out by each taking a job. Bradley was responsible for my purse, James had to help me go up and down stairs, while Tristan and Connor were on door duties. I thought it was very sweet of them to help me around while I get back on my two feet again, which hopefully, will be soon. Wait until Mom hears this. . .

   After they helped me up to my hotel room, all the boys left one-by-one, except Bradley, who lingered in my room, pacing back in forth. I expected him to leave after I got changed, but when I went back to the living room, I saw Bradley sitting on the floor with his legs to his chest. He didn't look happy, but he didn't look sad. In fact, he looked bored and discouraged. At what, I may not know, however, this feeling in my chest tells me it is about me since he likes me and wants to be with me. He doesn't want you to be alone, Tammy. . .

   "Bradley? What are you still doing here?" I asked, looking concerned. I don't think my face could show how worried I was about Bradley.

   "I wanted to stay with you for a little." He replied, standing up, tilting his head just a little, but still keeping his eyes locked with mine. Why are his eyes so gorgeous? Like diamonds. . .

   "Why?" I whispered softly, hoping he'd say something romantic.

   "You know why." He stepped closer to me; we were now a few inches apart.

   "Goodness Bradley! I thought you understood." I rubbed my left hand over my face.

   "I do but," he stepped closer once more, closer more of the space separating us, "you're so beautiful, it made me stay." There's that cheesy romance you were looking for. . .

   "You can stay a little. I have to find a way to clean the coffee stain on the floor and last night's mess."

   "I can help!" Brad said cheerfully. Adorable. . .

   "Are you normally like this?"

   "Umm. . ." He pretended to think about it for a second and then giggled. "No."

   "I'd better believe it now."

    He laughed and gave me a toothy, yet devious and suspicious, grin. "Whatever you want to do."

   We started cleaning up the mess from last night. I was in the living room battling the tough coffee stain on the rug, while Bradley was in my bedroom, fixing the bed and organizing. But, the coffee stain was not coming out and it was frustrating me beyond no means. I think I got frustrated to the point where the twelve hour tranquilizing medicine couldn't calm me down anymore and its effect diminished to the point where nothing seemed to calm me down. Bradley saw this, and told me to calm down.

   "Ugh!" I groaned in response. "Wanna watch a movie instead? I'm done cleaning this. The hotel people can do it for all I care!"

   "Sure, but only if you calm down." He gave me a stern, fatherly glare that reminded me of my father. Oh Daddy. . .

   "Okay, I'll go get changed and put my phon--" At that moment, my phone cut me off. "Speaking of phone, mine is ringing." I looked at the name.

   Miran Lan

   "Bradley, please excuse me. I need to answer it." I walked to the patio and answered it. "Hey Miranda."

"What the hell did you do to my twin brother?!" Her voice bellowed, making my ears hurt. Goodness Miran. . . 

   "What?!" I frowned, already knowing Joey made up some bullshit excuse. 

   "You were cheating on him at a party!"

   "Okay, let me tell you what really happened since obviously he can't tell an actual story correctly since he is an unreliable narrator. Joey, your twin brother, was drunk to the bone and he had no intentions of stopping. He left me to dance with other girls. I basically stayed in the back. I was dancing, and you know I can't dance, and I fell on a guy and I helped him up. Joey came out of no where and punched him for no reason. I hadn't even spoken to this dude before. I said I knew the guy but honestly, I didn't. He didn't like it so I told him to fly. And he left. I stayed with the guy I fell on."

   "Tammy, what the hell?! My brother adores you. You guys have been together forever."

   "I know. But if you want me to be honest, I don't think I ever felt love for him. I'm sorry to say that but it's true."

   She was silent for a moment. "I guess it really has to be like that sometimes. So this guy you stayed with. . . ?"

   I smiled, as I hadn't even realized I had wanted her to ask me about Brad. "He's in a band! And he's really cute! His name is Bradley Simpson."

   "Like Brad Simpson, from the Vamps?!"

   "Yes. That's the one."

   She squealed with jealousy. "I hate you Tam."

   "But I love you Miran Lan."

   "What are you doing?"

   "About to watch a movie with Bradley."

   "No way! You should call him Brad, that's what he goes best as."

   "But I like the name 'Bradley'. He told me to call him Brad, but like I said, I like his name." 

   "Well that's really cool. Listen Joey is bawling and moaning. I'm sad too. I don't know why. It's probably that twin feeling we share."

   "Probably. Well, I've got to go. Bradley is waiting for me."

   "Alrighty. Bye!" With that said, we hung up.

   I walked back into the living and Bradley wasn't there. He wasn't in the bathroom or in the hotel room from what I saw. I guess he might've got fed up with waiting for me that he left. Huh... that's kind of disappointing. I was really looking forward to spending time with him. Maybe more. . . ?

   I walked to my bedroom to put my phone to charge finally and that's where Bradley was, the only place I hadn't checked. He was on the first bed--my bed to be exact--and he lay there with sorrow in his eyes. He looked sad. My heart ached seeing him like that and my frustration from earlier lessened. 

   "Bradley?" I said, approaching. 

   "Hello." He greeted,  sending me a weak smile. 

   "Are you alright?"

   "Yeah. You left me waiting."

   "Sorry, my best friend called me."

   "It's alright."


   "Sit with me. Or lay with me." I sat beside him. He put his arms around my neck and pulled me until I fell on his chest. I took a deep breath of his smell and I loved his smell. It was like vanilla and cinnamon and home. Bradley moved his head closer to my head until his lips met mine. I pushed away immediately. But you missed those lips Tammy. . .

   "Okay. What don't you get about giving me space? Give me time, Bradley! I just over a breakup. I have a hurting leg! Please Bradley!"

   "I'm sorry. I got held up in the moment. Maybe I am just an intrusion." He grabbed a piece of paper off the end table and wrote something. "Here's my number and our studio address. We'll be there tomorrow. Bye." He kissed me on the cheek and left the room. Within seconds, I heard the hotel room door open and then close shut, making my heart ache more than moments before.

   I think I just hurt him. Why am I such a bitch? 

All I Want to be is Somebody To You (A Bradley Simpson fanfic) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now